diff --git a/secrets_env/providers/vault/auth/__init__.py b/secrets_env/providers/vault/auth/__init__.py
index 8c17d47b..117a9c0d 100644
--- a/secrets_env/providers/vault/auth/__init__.py
+++ b/secrets_env/providers/vault/auth/__init__.py
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
 from secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.base import Auth
 if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
-    from pydantic_core import Url
+    from pydantic import AnyUrl
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def create_auth(*, url: Url, method: str, **config) -> Auth:
+def create_auth(*, url: AnyUrl, method: str, **config) -> Auth:
     Factory function to create an instance of the authenticator class by the method name.
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ def create_auth(*, url: Url, method: str, **config) -> Auth:
         from secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.kubernetes import KubernetesAuth
         return KubernetesAuth.create(url, config)
     if method == "ldap":
-        from secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass import LDAPAuth
-        return LDAPAuth.create(url, config)
+        from secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass import LdapAuth
+        return LdapAuth.create(url, config)
     if method == "null":
         from secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.base import NoAuth
         return NoAuth.create(url, config)
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ def create_auth(*, url: Url, method: str, **config) -> Auth:
         from secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass import OktaAuth
         return OktaAuth.create(url, config)
     if method == "radius":
-        from secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass import RADIUSAuth
-        return RADIUSAuth.create(url, config)
+        from secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass import RadiusAuth
+        return RadiusAuth.create(url, config)
     if method == "token":
         from secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.token import TokenAuth
         return TokenAuth.create(url, config)
diff --git a/secrets_env/providers/vault/auth/userpass.py b/secrets_env/providers/vault/auth/userpass.py
index 1abd72e6..e96d8466 100644
--- a/secrets_env/providers/vault/auth/userpass.py
+++ b/secrets_env/providers/vault/auth/userpass.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
     from typing import Self
     import httpx
-    from pydantic_core import Url
+    from pydantic import AnyUrl
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ class UserPasswordAuth(Auth):
     """Request timeout."""
-    def create(cls, url: Url, config: dict) -> Self:
-        username = cls._get_username(config, url)
+    def create(cls, url: AnyUrl, config: dict) -> Self:
+        username = get_username(url, config)
         if not username:
             raise ValueError(f"Missing username for {cls.method} auth")
-        password = cls._get_password(url, username)
+        password = get_password(url, username)
         if not password:
             raise ValueError(f"Missing password for {cls.method} auth")
@@ -55,34 +55,6 @@ def create(cls, url: Url, config: dict) -> Self:
             password=cast(SecretStr, password),
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_username(cls, config: dict, url: Url) -> str | None:
-        if username := get_env_var("SECRETS_ENV_USERNAME"):
-            logger.debug("Found username from environment variable.")
-            return username
-        if username := config.get("username"):
-            return username
-        user_config = load_user_config(url)
-        if username := user_config.get("auth", {}).get("username"):
-            logger.debug("Found username in user config.")
-            return username
-        return prompt(f"Username for {cls.method} auth")
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_password(cls, url: Url, username: str) -> str | None:
-        if password := get_env_var("SECRETS_ENV_PASSWORD"):
-            logger.debug("Found password from environment variable.")
-            return password
-        if password := read_keyring(create_keyring_login_key(url, username)):
-            logger.debug("Found password in keyring")
-            return password
-        return prompt(f"Password for {username}", hide_input=True)
     def login(self, client: httpx.Client) -> str:
         username = urllib.parse.quote(self.username)
         resp = client.post(
@@ -106,7 +78,35 @@ def login(self, client: httpx.Client) -> str:
         return resp.json()["auth"]["client_token"]
-class LDAPAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
+def get_username(url: AnyUrl, config: dict) -> str | None:
+    if username := get_env_var("SECRETS_ENV_USERNAME"):
+        logger.debug("Found username from environment variable.")
+        return username
+    if username := config.get("username"):
+        return username
+    user_config = load_user_config(url)
+    if username := user_config.get("auth", {}).get("username"):
+        logger.debug("Found username in user config.")
+        return username
+    return prompt(f"Username for {url.host}")
+def get_password(url: AnyUrl, username: str) -> str | None:
+    if password := get_env_var("SECRETS_ENV_PASSWORD"):
+        logger.debug("Found password from environment variable.")
+        return password
+    if password := read_keyring(create_keyring_login_key(url, username)):
+        logger.debug("Found password in keyring")
+        return password
+    return prompt(f"Password for {username}", hide_input=True)
+class LdapAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
     """Login with LDAP credentials."""
     method = "LDAP"
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class OktaAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
     _timeout: float | None = PrivateAttr(60.0)
-class RADIUSAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
+class RadiusAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
     """RADIUS authentication with PAP authentication scheme."""
     method = "RADIUS"
diff --git a/tests/providers/vault/auth/test_vault_auth.py b/tests/providers/vault/auth/test_auth.py
similarity index 97%
rename from tests/providers/vault/auth/test_vault_auth.py
rename to tests/providers/vault/auth/test_auth.py
index aaec9938..ffb6230c 100644
--- a/tests/providers/vault/auth/test_vault_auth.py
+++ b/tests/providers/vault/auth/test_auth.py
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ class TestCreateAuth:
-            ("ldap", "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.LDAPAuth.create"),
+            ("ldap", "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.LdapAuth.create"),
             ("null", "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.base.NoAuth.create"),
             ("oidc", "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.oidc.OpenIDConnectAuth.create"),
             ("okta", "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.OktaAuth.create"),
-            ("radius", "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.RADIUSAuth.create"),
+            ("radius", "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.RadiusAuth.create"),
             ("token", "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.token.TokenAuth.create"),
diff --git a/tests/providers/vault/auth/test_userpass.py b/tests/providers/vault/auth/test_userpass.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb9f65c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/providers/vault/auth/test_userpass.py
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+import re
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+import httpx
+import pytest
+import respx
+from pydantic import HttpUrl
+from secrets_env.exceptions import AuthenticationError
+from secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass import (
+    LdapAuth,
+    OktaAuth,
+    RadiusAuth,
+    UserPassAuth,
+    UserPasswordAuth,
+    get_password,
+    get_username,
+def login_success_response() -> httpx.Response:
+    return httpx.Response(
+        200,
+        json={
+            "lease_id": "",
+            "renewable": False,
+            "lease_duration": 0,
+            "data": None,
+            "warnings": None,
+            "auth": {
+                "client_token": "client-token",
+                "accessor": "accessor-token",
+                "policies": ["default"],
+                "metadata": {"username": "fred", "policies": "default"},
+                "lease_duration": 7200,
+                "renewable": True,
+            },
+        },
+    )
+class TestUserPasswordAuth:
+    def test_create_success(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
+        monkeypatch.setattr(
+            "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.get_username",
+            lambda _1, _2: "user",
+        )
+        monkeypatch.setattr(
+            "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.get_password",
+            lambda _1, _2: "P@ssw0rd",
+        )
+        obj = UserPasswordAuth.create(HttpUrl("https://example.com/"), {})
+        assert obj == UserPasswordAuth(username="user", password="P@ssw0rd")
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        ("username", "password", "err_message"),
+        [
+            ("user@example.com", "", "Missing password for MOCK auth"),
+            ("", "P@ssw0rd", "Missing username for MOCK auth"),
+            ("user@example.com", None, "Missing password for MOCK auth"),
+            (None, "P@ssw0rd", "Missing username for MOCK auth"),
+        ],
+    )
+    def test_load_fail(
+        self,
+        monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
+        username: str,
+        password: str,
+        err_message: str,
+    ):
+        class MockAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
+            method = "MOCK"
+        monkeypatch.setattr(
+            "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.get_username",
+            lambda _1, _2: username,
+        )
+        monkeypatch.setattr(
+            "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.get_password",
+            lambda _1, _2: password,
+        )
+        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(err_message)):
+            assert MockAuth.create(HttpUrl("https://example.com/"), {}) is None
+    def test_login_success(
+        self,
+        unittest_respx: respx.MockRouter,
+        unittest_client: httpx.Client,
+        login_success_response: httpx.Response,
+    ):
+        unittest_respx.post("/v1/auth/mock/login/user%40example.com").mock(
+            return_value=login_success_response
+        )
+        class MockAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
+            method = "MOCK"
+            vault_name = "mock"
+        auth_obj = MockAuth(username="user@example.com", password="password")
+        assert auth_obj.login(unittest_client) == "client-token"
+    def test_login_fail(
+        self, unittest_respx: respx.MockRouter, unittest_client: httpx.Client
+    ):
+        unittest_respx.post("/v1/auth/mock/login/user%40example.com").mock(
+            return_value=httpx.Response(400)
+        )
+        class MockAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
+            method = "MOCK"
+            vault_name = "mock"
+        auth_obj = MockAuth(username="user@example.com", password="password")
+        with pytest.raises(AuthenticationError):
+            assert auth_obj.login(unittest_client) is None
+class TestGetUsername:
+    def test_config(self):
+        assert (
+            get_username(HttpUrl("https://example.com/"), {"username": "foo"}) == "foo"
+        )
+    def test_env_var(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
+        monkeypatch.setenv("SECRETS_ENV_USERNAME", "foo")
+        assert get_username(HttpUrl("https://example.com/"), {}) == "foo"
+    def test_user_config(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
+        monkeypatch.setattr(
+            "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.load_user_config",
+            lambda _: {"auth": {"username": "foo"}},
+        )
+        assert get_username(HttpUrl("https://example.com/"), {}) == "foo"
+    def test_prompt(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
+        mock_prompt = Mock(return_value="foo")
+        monkeypatch.setattr(
+            "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.prompt", mock_prompt
+        )
+        assert get_username(HttpUrl("https://example.com/"), {}) == "foo"
+        mock_prompt.assert_any_call("Username for example.com")
+    def test__load_username(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
+        monkeypatch.setattr(
+            "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.load_user_config",
+            lambda _: {},
+        )
+        mock_prompt = Mock(return_value="foo")
+        monkeypatch.setattr(
+            "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.prompt", mock_prompt
+        )
+        assert get_username(HttpUrl("https://example.com/"), {}) == "foo"
+        mock_prompt.assert_called_once_with("Username for example.com")
+class TestGetPassword:
+    def test_env_var(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
+        monkeypatch.setenv("SECRETS_ENV_PASSWORD", "bar")
+        assert get_password(HttpUrl("https://example.com/"), "foo") == "bar"
+    def test_keyring(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
+        mock_read_keyring = Mock(return_value="bar")
+        monkeypatch.setattr(
+            "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.read_keyring", mock_read_keyring
+        )
+        assert get_password(HttpUrl("https://example.com/"), "foo") == "bar"
+        mock_read_keyring.assert_any_call(
+            '{"host": "example.com", "type": "login", "user": "foo"}'
+        )
+    def test_prompt(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
+        mock_prompt = Mock(return_value="bar")
+        monkeypatch.setattr(
+            "secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass.prompt", mock_prompt
+        )
+        assert get_password(HttpUrl("https://example.com/"), "foo") == "bar"
+        mock_prompt.assert_called_once_with("Password for foo", hide_input=True)
+    ("method_class", "login_path"),
+    [
+        (LdapAuth, "/v1/auth/ldap/login/user"),
+        (OktaAuth, "/v1/auth/okta/login/user"),
+        (RadiusAuth, "/v1/auth/radius/login/user"),
+        (UserPassAuth, "/v1/auth/userpass/login/user"),
+    ],
+def test_auth_methods(
+    monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
+    method_class: type[UserPasswordAuth],
+    unittest_respx: respx.MockRouter,
+    login_path: str,
+    login_success_response: httpx.Response,
+    unittest_client: httpx.Client,
+    # no exception is enough
+    assert isinstance(method_class.method, str)
+    # test creation
+    monkeypatch.setenv("SECRETS_ENV_USERNAME", "user")
+    monkeypatch.setenv("SECRETS_ENV_PASSWORD", "pass")
+    auth = method_class.create(HttpUrl("https://example.com/"), {})
+    assert auth
+    # test login
+    unittest_respx.post(login_path).mock(return_value=login_success_response)
+    assert auth.login(unittest_client) == "client-token"
diff --git a/tests/providers/vault/auth/test_vault_userpass.py b/tests/providers/vault/auth/test_vault_userpass.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0997d951..00000000
--- a/tests/providers/vault/auth/test_vault_userpass.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-import re
-from unittest.mock import patch
-import httpx
-import pytest
-import respx
-from pydantic_core import Url
-import secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass as t
-from secrets_env.exceptions import AuthenticationError
-from secrets_env.providers.vault.auth.userpass import UserPasswordAuth
-def login_success_response() -> httpx.Response:
-    return httpx.Response(
-        200,
-        json={
-            "lease_id": "",
-            "renewable": False,
-            "lease_duration": 0,
-            "data": None,
-            "warnings": None,
-            "auth": {
-                "client_token": "client-token",
-                "accessor": "accessor-token",
-                "policies": ["default"],
-                "metadata": {"username": "fred", "policies": "default"},
-                "lease_duration": 7200,
-                "renewable": True,
-            },
-        },
-    )
-class TestUserPasswordAuth:
-    def test_create_success(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
-        monkeypatch.setattr(UserPasswordAuth, "_get_username", lambda _1, _2: "user")
-        monkeypatch.setattr(
-            UserPasswordAuth, "_get_password", lambda _1, _2: "P@ssw0rd"
-        )
-        obj = UserPasswordAuth.create(Url("https://example.com/"), {})
-        assert obj == UserPasswordAuth(username="user", password="P@ssw0rd")
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        ("username", "password", "err_message"),
-        [
-            ("user@example.com", "", "Missing password for MOCK auth"),
-            ("", "P@ssw0rd", "Missing username for MOCK auth"),
-            ("user@example.com", None, "Missing password for MOCK auth"),
-            (None, "P@ssw0rd", "Missing username for MOCK auth"),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_load_fail(
-        self,
-        monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
-        username: str,
-        password: str,
-        err_message: str,
-    ):
-        class MockAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
-            method = "MOCK"
-        monkeypatch.setattr(MockAuth, "_get_username", lambda _1, _2: username)
-        monkeypatch.setattr(MockAuth, "_get_password", lambda _1, _2: password)
-        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(err_message)):
-            assert MockAuth.create(Url("https://example.com/"), {}) is None
-    def test__load_username(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
-        class MockAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
-            method = "MOCK"
-        url = Url("https://example.com/")
-        # config
-        assert MockAuth._get_username({"username": "foo"}, url) == "foo"
-        # env var
-        with monkeypatch.context() as m:
-            m.setenv("SECRETS_ENV_USERNAME", "foo")
-            assert MockAuth._get_username({}, url) == "foo"
-        # user config
-        with patch.object(
-            t, "load_user_config", return_value={"auth": {"username": "foo"}}
-        ):
-            assert MockAuth._get_username({}, url) == "foo"
-        # prompt
-        with (
-            patch.object(t, "load_user_config", return_value={}),
-            patch.object(t, "prompt", return_value="foo") as p,
-        ):
-            assert MockAuth._get_username({}, url) == "foo"
-            p.assert_any_call("Username for MOCK auth")
-    def test__load_password(self, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
-        # env var
-        with monkeypatch.context() as m:
-            m.setenv("SECRETS_ENV_PASSWORD", "bar")
-            out = UserPasswordAuth._get_password(Url("https://example.com/"), "foo")
-            assert out == "bar"
-        # prompt
-        with patch.object(t, "prompt", return_value="bar") as p:
-            out = UserPasswordAuth._get_password(Url("https://example.com/"), "foo")
-            assert out == "bar"
-            p.assert_any_call("Password for foo", hide_input=True)
-        # keyring
-        with patch.object(t, "read_keyring", return_value="bar") as r:
-            out = UserPasswordAuth._get_password(Url("https://example.com/"), "foo")
-            assert out == "bar"
-            r.assert_any_call('{"host": "example.com", "type": "login", "user": "foo"}')
-    def test_login_success(
-        self,
-        unittest_respx: respx.MockRouter,
-        unittest_client: httpx.Client,
-        login_success_response: httpx.Response,
-    ):
-        unittest_respx.post("/v1/auth/mock/login/user%40example.com").mock(
-            return_value=login_success_response
-        )
-        class MockAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
-            method = "MOCK"
-            vault_name = "mock"
-        auth_obj = MockAuth(username="user@example.com", password="password")
-        assert auth_obj.login(unittest_client) == "client-token"
-    def test_login_fail(
-        self, unittest_respx: respx.MockRouter, unittest_client: httpx.Client
-    ):
-        unittest_respx.post("/v1/auth/mock/login/user%40example.com").mock(
-            return_value=httpx.Response(400)
-        )
-        class MockAuth(UserPasswordAuth):
-            method = "MOCK"
-            vault_name = "mock"
-        auth_obj = MockAuth(username="user@example.com", password="password")
-        with pytest.raises(AuthenticationError):
-            assert auth_obj.login(unittest_client) is None
-    ("method_class", "login_path"),
-    [
-        (t.LDAPAuth, "/v1/auth/ldap/login/user"),
-        (t.OktaAuth, "/v1/auth/okta/login/user"),
-        (t.RADIUSAuth, "/v1/auth/radius/login/user"),
-        (t.UserPassAuth, "/v1/auth/userpass/login/user"),
-    ],
-def test_auth_methods(
-    monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
-    method_class: type[UserPasswordAuth],
-    unittest_respx: respx.MockRouter,
-    login_path: str,
-    login_success_response: httpx.Response,
-    unittest_client: httpx.Client,
-    # no exception is enough
-    assert isinstance(method_class.method, str)
-    # test creation
-    monkeypatch.setenv("SECRETS_ENV_USERNAME", "user")
-    monkeypatch.setenv("SECRETS_ENV_PASSWORD", "pass")
-    auth = method_class.create(Url("https://example.com/"), {})
-    assert auth
-    # test login
-    unittest_respx.post(login_path).mock(return_value=login_success_response)
-    assert auth.login(unittest_client) == "client-token"