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To download a large publicly available dataset for Files 1 and 2 (<350MB), please go to, click on the 'Download options', and Download the entire dataset.

Number File name Description Output
1 birth.R estimated and projected number of births and the proportion of males (vs. females) by year, age, province, and projection scenario master_birth.csv
2 initial_population.R estimated and projected number of people, proportion of people relative to infants (aged less than 1 year), and proportion of males (vs. females) by year, age, province, and projection scenario master_initial_pop_distribution_prop.csv
3 mortality.R estimated life table by year, age, sex, and province life_table.csv
4 calibrate_lifetable_immigration_emigration.R Projected life table, net immigrants and emigrants, by year, sex, age master_life_table.csv,master_emigration_table.csv, master_immigration_table.csv, master_immigration_table_modified.csv
5 asthma_occurrence.R Crude asthma incidence and prevalence equations asthma_incidence_model.rds, asthma_prevalence_model.rds
6 asthma_dx.R Asthma reassessment by year, sex, age, province master_asthma_assessment.csv
7 asthma_inc_prev_calibration.R, calibration_helper_function.R Calibrate the effect of risk factors on asthma incidence and prevalence master_asthma_occurrence_correction.csv
8 exacerbation_calibration.R Calibrate the asthma hospitalization rate master_calibrated_exac.csv
9 asthma_control.pdf Analysis of asthma control based on the Economic Burden of Asthma data asthma control model
10 utility.R Generate the utility values for the general population by sex and age eq5d_canada.csv
A asthma_mortality_adjustment.R Investigate whether mortality adjustment is necessary for asthma patients
B best_population_project.R Determine the best population projection scenario