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Number | File name | Description | Output |
1 | birth.R | estimated and projected number of births and the proportion of males (vs. females) by year, age, province, and projection scenario | master_birth.csv |
2 | initial_population.R | estimated and projected number of people, proportion of people relative to infants (aged less than 1 year), and proportion of males (vs. females) by year, age, province, and projection scenario | master_initial_pop_distribution_prop.csv |
3 | mortality.R | estimated life table by year, age, sex, and province | life_table.csv |
4 | calibrate_lifetable_immigration_emigration.R | Projected life table, net immigrants and emigrants, by year, sex, age | master_life_table.csv,master_emigration_table.csv, master_immigration_table.csv, master_immigration_table_modified.csv |
5 | asthma_occurrence.R | Crude asthma incidence and prevalence equations | asthma_incidence_model.rds, asthma_prevalence_model.rds |
6 | asthma_dx.R | Asthma reassessment by year, sex, age, province | master_asthma_assessment.csv |
7 | asthma_inc_prev_calibration.R, calibration_helper_function.R | Calibrate the effect of risk factors on asthma incidence and prevalence | master_asthma_occurrence_correction.csv |
8 | exacerbation_calibration.R | Calibrate the asthma hospitalization rate | master_calibrated_exac.csv |
9 | asthma_control.pdf | Analysis of asthma control based on the Economic Burden of Asthma data | asthma control model |
10 | utility.R | Generate the utility values for the general population by sex and age | eq5d_canada.csv |
A | asthma_mortality_adjustment.R | Investigate whether mortality adjustment is necessary for asthma patients | |
B | best_population_project.R | Determine the best population projection scenario |