DST Address
: The address that the application actually wants to request, address contains IP/domain and portATYP + IP/Domain + PORT
: 1 byte- 0x01: IPv4
- 0x03: Domain
- 0x04: IPv6
: 4/n/16 bytes- If ATYP is 0x01, then this is IPv4, 4 bytes
- If ATYP is 0x03, then this is domain, n bytes, and the first byte is the domain length
- If ATYP is 0x04, then this is IPv6, 16 bytes
: 2 bytes- Big Endian 16-bit unsigned integer
: AES key, 32 bytesKEY
: HKDF_SHA256(Password, Nonce, Info)Password
: User-defined passwordNonce
: 12 bytesInfo
: [0x62, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x6b]. Note that this can be overwrite bybrook link --clientHKDFInfo
andbrook link --serverHKDFInfo
: Defined in RFC 5869 -
: Defined in FIPS 180-4 -
: Defined in U.S. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 197 -
: Defined in RFC 5246, 5869
Client Nonce + [AES_GCM(Fragment Length) + AES_GCM(Fragment)]...
The maximum length of
AES_GCM(Fragment Length) + AES_GCM(Fragment)
is 2048 bytes
Client Nonce
: 12 bytes, randomly generated- The nonce should be recalculated when it is not used for the first time, the calculation method: add
to the first 8 bytes according to the Little Endian 64-bit unsigned integer
- The nonce should be recalculated when it is not used for the first time, the calculation method: add
Fragment Length
: Big Endian 16-bit unsigned integerFragment
: Actual data being proxied- The first Fragment should be:
Unix Timestamp + DST Address
Unix Timestamp
: If it is not even, it should be increased by 1. Big Endian 32-bit unsigned integer
- The first Fragment should be:
Server Nonce + [AES_GCM(Fragment Length) + AES_GCM(Fragment)]...
The maximum length of
AES_GCM(Fragment Length) + AES_GCM(Fragment)
is 2048 bytes
- Server Nonce: 12 bytes, randomly generated
- The nonce should be recalculated when it is not used for the first time, the calculation method: add
to the first 8 bytes according to the Little Endian 64-bit unsigned integer
- The nonce should be recalculated when it is not used for the first time, the calculation method: add
Fragment Length
: Big Endian 16-bit unsigned integerFragment
: Actual data being proxied
Client Nonce + AES_GCM(Fragment)
The maximum length of
Client Nonce + AES_GCM(Fragment)
is 65507 bytes
Client Nonce
: 12 bytes, randomly generated each timeFragment
:Unix Timestamp + DST Address + Data
Unix Timestamp
: Big Endian 32-bit unsigned integerData
: Actual data being proxied
Server Nonce + AES_GCM(Fragment)
The maximum length of
Server Nonce + AES_GCM(Fragment)
is 65507 bytes
Server Nonce
: 12 bytes, randomly generated each timeFragment
:DST Address + Data
: Actual data being proxied
Client Nonce + [AES_GCM(Fragment Length) + AES_GCM(Fragment)]...
The maximum length of
AES_GCM(Fragment Length) + AES_GCM(Fragment)
is 65507 bytes, but the maximum length if the first one is 2048 bytes
Client Nonce
: 12 bytes, randomly generated- The nonce should be recalculated when it is not used for the first time, the calculation method: add
to the first 8 bytes according to the Little Endian 64-bit unsigned integer
- The nonce should be recalculated when it is not used for the first time, the calculation method: add
Fragment Length
: Big Endian 16-bit unsigned integerFragment
: Actual data being proxied- The first Fragment should be:
Unix Timestamp + DST Address
Unix Timestamp
: If it is not odd, it should be increased by 1. Big Endian 32-bit unsigned integer
- The first Fragment should be:
Server Nonce + [AES_GCM(Fragment Length) + AES_GCM(Fragment)]...
The maximum length of
AES_GCM(Fragment Length) + AES_GCM(Fragment)
is 65507 bytes
- Server Nonce: 12 bytes, randomly generated
- The nonce should be recalculated when it is not used for the first time, the calculation method: add
to the first 8 bytes according to the Little Endian 64-bit unsigned integer
- The nonce should be recalculated when it is not used for the first time, the calculation method: add
Fragment Length
: Big Endian 16-bit unsigned integerFragment
: Actual data being proxied