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dependent, indepnednt variables

n dependent: multi-objective

Top-down Bi-cluster

scott knott

unsupervised descritization

decision tre eelarning


For Symbols

use Entropy or Gini

For Numerics

use Standard Deviation


Natural Range

Expected Value




Supervised Ranking

Success metrics

For Symbol

Accuracy, precision, recall, false alarm, AUC, Popt, etc

For Numerics

RE, MRE, medMRE, MMRE, SA, etc

correlation. the ward test


Metrics space

d(x,y) >= 0
d(x,x) = 0
d(x,y) = d(y,x)
d(x,z) <= d(x,y) + d(y,z)

E.g. the discrete (symbolic) metric

d(x,y) = 0 if x==y else 1

E.g. Euclidean metric

d(x,y) = sqrt( sum( square( x[i] - y[i] )))

E.g. Minkowski metric (at n=1,2 this becomes Manhatten, Euclidean metric)

d(x,y) = sum(  ( x[i] - y[i] )^n )^(1/n)

Max distance across a hypercube

Normalized distance

Projections, cosine rule

  • note, now N dimensions are one.


Boolean domination

  • fine for low dimensions.
  • not so good for higher (graphic from abdel's paper)

Indicator domination (also called continuous domination).


For single values, easy!

small medium large difference

  • parametric: cohen
  • non-parametric: cliff's delta

But when comapring sets of numbers, must study set overlap (something studies extensively in statistics).


  • Given M rows divided into C classes, a new row is "closest" to the class that "likes" it most.

  • A row "x" is "likely" to belong to a class at probaility given by Bayes theorem

    new = now * past like(C|x) = P(x|C) * P(C)

(Those familar with Bayes theorem will note a missing term: P(x). If we only ever report that ratios of like in different classes then this term always cancels out. So we can ignore it.)

e.g. in the following, we have two classes yes and no where P(yes) = 9/14 and P(no) = 5/14.

 outlook  temperature  humidity   windy   play
 -------  -----------  --------   -----   ----
 rainy    cool        normal    TRUE    no
 rainy    mild        high      TRUE    no
 sunny    hot         high      FALSE   no
 sunny    hot         high      TRUE    no
 sunny    mild        high      FALSE   no
 overcast cool        normal    TRUE    yes
 overcast hot         high      FALSE   yes
 overcast hot         normal    FALSE   yes
 overcast mild        high      TRUE    yes
 rainy    cool        normal    FALSE   yes
 rainy    mild        high      FALSE   yes
 rainy    mild        normal    FALSE   yes
 sunny    cool        normal    FALSE   yes
 sunny    mild        normal    TRUE    yes%%

This data can be summarized as follows:

           Outlook            Temperature           Humidity
====================   =================   =================
          Yes    No            Yes   No            Yes    No
Sunny       2     3     Hot     2     2    High      3     4
Overcast    4     0     Mild    4     2    Normal    6     1
Rainy       3     2     Cool    3     1
          -----------         ---------            ----------
Sunny     2/9   3/5     Hot   2/9   2/5    High    3/9   4/5
Overcast  4/9   0/5     Mild  4/9   2/5    Normal  6/9   1/5
Rainy     3/9   2/5     Cool  3/9   1/5

            Windy        Play
=================    ========
      Yes     No     Yes   No
False 6      2       9     5
True  3      3
      ----------   ----------
False  6/9    2/5   9/14  5/14
True   3/9    3/5

So, what happens on a new day:

     Outlook       Temp.         Humidity    Windy         Play
     =======       =====        =========    =====         ====
x =  Sunny         Cool          High        True          ?%%

First find the likelihood of the two classes

like(yes|x) =  2/9 * 3/9 * 3/9 * 3/9 * 9/14 = 0.0053
like(no |x) = 3/5 * 1/5 * 4/5 * 3/5 * 5/14 = 0.0206

Note that we like "yes" much more than we like "no".