Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by API Extractor.
import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3';
// @public
export class AudioDevice {
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "NativeAudioDeviceInfo" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// @internal
constructor({ uuid, type, name }: NativeAudioDeviceInfo);
name: string;
select(): Promise<void>;
type: AudioDevice.Type;
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "Uuid" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// @internal
uuid: Uuid;
// @public
export namespace AudioDevice {
export enum Type {
// (undocumented)
Bluetooth = "bluetooth",
// (undocumented)
Earpiece = "earpiece",
// (undocumented)
Speaker = "speaker"
// @public
namespace AuthorizationErrors {
class AccessTokenExpired extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class AccessTokenGrantsInvalid extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class AccessTokenHeaderInvalid extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class AccessTokenInvalid extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class AccessTokenIssuerInvalid extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class AccessTokenNotYetValid extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class AccessTokenRejected extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class AccessTokenSignatureInvalid extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class AuthenticationFailed extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class AuthorizationError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class CallMessageEventTypeInvalidError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class CallMessageUnexpectedStateError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class ExpirationTimeExceedsMaxTimeAllowed extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class PayloadSizeExceededError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class RateExceededError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
export interface Call {
addListener(connectedEvent: Call.Event.Connected, listener: Call.Listener.Connected): this;
addListener(connectFailureEvent: Call.Event.ConnectFailure, listener: Call.Listener.ConnectFailure): this;
addListener(reconnectingEvent: Call.Event.Reconnecting, listener: Call.Listener.Reconnecting): this;
addListener(reconnectedEvent: Call.Event.Reconnected, listener: Call.Listener.Reconnected): this;
addListener(disconnectedEvent: Call.Event.Disconnected, listener: Call.Listener.Disconnected): this;
addListener(ringingEvent: Call.Event.Ringing, listener: Call.Listener.Ringing): this;
addListener(qualityWarningsChangedEvent: Call.Event.QualityWarningsChanged, listener: Call.Listener.QualityWarningsChanged): this;
addListener(messageReceivedEvent: Call.Event.MessageReceived, listener: Call.Listener.MessageReceived): this;
addListener(callEvent: Call.Event, listener: Call.Listener.Generic): this;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(connectedEvent: Call.Event.Connected): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(connectFailureEvent: Call.Event.ConnectFailure, error: TwilioError): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(reconnectingEvent: Call.Event.Reconnecting, error: TwilioError): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(reconnectedEvent: Call.Event.Reconnected): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(disconnectedEvent: Call.Event.Disconnected, error?: TwilioError): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(ringingEvent: Call.Event.Ringing): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(qualityWarningsChangedEvent: Call.Event.QualityWarningsChanged, currentQualityWarnings: Call.QualityWarning[], previousQualityWarnings: Call.QualityWarning[]): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(messageReceivedEvent: Call.Event.MessageReceived, incomingCallMessage: IncomingCallMessage): boolean;
on(connectedEvent: Call.Event.Connected, listener: Call.Listener.Connected): this;
on(connectFailureEvent: Call.Event.ConnectFailure, listener: Call.Listener.ConnectFailure): this;
on(reconnectingEvent: Call.Event.Reconnecting, listener: Call.Listener.Reconnecting): this;
on(reconnectedEvent: Call.Event.Reconnected, listener: Call.Listener.Reconnected): this;
on(disconnectedEvent: Call.Event.Disconnected, listener: Call.Listener.Disconnected): this;
on(ringingEvent: Call.Event.Ringing, listener: Call.Listener.Ringing): this;
on(qualityWarningsChangedEvent: Call.Event.QualityWarningsChanged, listener: Call.Listener.QualityWarningsChanged): this;
on(callMessageEvent: Call.Event.MessageReceived, listener: Call.Listener.MessageReceived): this;
on(callEvent: Call.Event, listener: Call.Listener.Generic): this;
// @public
export class Call extends EventEmitter {
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "NativeCallInfo" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// @internal
constructor({ uuid, customParameters, from, sid, state, to, isMuted, isOnHold, initialConnectedTimestamp, }: NativeCallInfo);
disconnect(): Promise<void>;
getCustomParameters(): CustomParameters;
getFrom(): string | undefined;
getInitialConnectedTimestamp(): Date | undefined;
getSid(): string | undefined;
getState(): Call.State;
getStats(): Promise<RTCStats.StatsReport>;
getTo(): string | undefined;
hold(hold: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
isMuted(): boolean | undefined;
isOnHold(): boolean | undefined;
mute(mute: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
postFeedback(score: Call.Score, issue: Call.Issue): Promise<void>;
sendDigits(digits: string): Promise<void>;
sendMessage(message: CallMessage): Promise<OutgoingCallMessage>;
// @public
export namespace Call {
export enum Event {
'Connected' = "connected",
'ConnectFailure' = "connectFailure",
'Disconnected' = "disconnected",
'MessageReceived' = "messageReceived",
'QualityWarningsChanged' = "qualityWarningsChanged",
'Reconnected' = "reconnected",
'Reconnecting' = "reconnecting",
'Ringing' = "ringing"
export enum Issue {
'AudioLatency' = "audio-latency",
'ChoppyAudio' = "choppy-audio",
'DroppedCall' = "dropped-call",
'Echo' = "echo",
'NoisyCall' = "noisy-call",
'NotReported' = "not-reported",
'OneWayAudio' = "one-way-audio"
export namespace Listener {
export type Connected = () => void;
export type ConnectFailure = (error: TwilioError) => void;
export type Disconnected = (error?: TwilioError) => void;
export type Generic = (...args: any[]) => void;
export type MessageReceived = (incomingCallMessage: IncomingCallMessage) => void;
export type QualityWarningsChanged = (currentQualityWarnings: Call.QualityWarning[], previousQualityWarnings: Call.QualityWarning[]) => void;
export type Reconnected = () => void;
export type Reconnecting = (error: TwilioError) => void;
export type Ringing = () => void;
export enum QualityWarning {
'ConstantAudioInputLevel' = "constant-audio-input-level",
'HighJitter' = "high-jitter",
'HighPacketLoss' = "high-packet-loss",
'HighRtt' = "high-rtt",
'LowMos' = "low-mos"
export enum Score {
'Five' = 5,
'Four' = 4,
'NotReported' = 0,
'One' = 1,
'Three' = 3,
'Two' = 2
export enum State {
'Connected' = "connected",
'Connecting' = "connecting",
'Disconnected' = "disconnected",
'Reconnecting' = "reconnecting",
'Ringing' = "ringing"
// @public
export interface CallInvite {
addListener(acceptedEvent: CallInvite.Event.Accepted, listener: CallInvite.Listener.Accepted): this;
addListener(rejectedEvent: CallInvite.Event.Rejected, listener: CallInvite.Listener.Rejected): this;
addListener(cancelledEvent: CallInvite.Event.Cancelled, listener: CallInvite.Listener.Cancelled): this;
addListener(notificationTappedEvent: CallInvite.Event.NotificationTapped, listener: CallInvite.Listener.NotificationTapped): this;
addListener(messageReceivedEvent: CallInvite.Event.MessageReceived, listener: CallInvite.Listener.MessageReceived): this;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(acceptedEvent: CallInvite.Event.Accepted, call: Call): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(rejectedEvent: CallInvite.Event.Rejected): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(cancelledEvent: CallInvite.Event.Cancelled, error?: TwilioError): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(notificationTappedEvent: CallInvite.Event.NotificationTapped): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(messageReceivedEvent: CallInvite.Event.MessageReceived, incomingCallMessage: IncomingCallMessage): boolean;
on(acceptedEvent: CallInvite.Event.Accepted, listener: CallInvite.Listener.Accepted): this;
on(rejectedEvent: CallInvite.Event.Rejected, listener: CallInvite.Listener.Rejected): this;
on(cancelledEvent: CallInvite.Event.Cancelled, listener: CallInvite.Listener.Cancelled): this;
on(notificationTappedEvent: CallInvite.Event.NotificationTapped, listener: CallInvite.Listener.NotificationTapped): this;
on(messageReceivedEvent: CallInvite.Event.MessageReceived, listener: CallInvite.Listener.MessageReceived): this;
// @public
export class CallInvite extends EventEmitter {
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "NativeCallInviteInfo" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// @internal
constructor({ uuid, callSid, customParameters, from, to }: NativeCallInviteInfo, state: CallInvite.State);
accept(options?: CallInvite.AcceptOptions): Promise<Call>;
getCallSid(): string;
getCustomParameters(): CustomParameters;
getFrom(): string;
getState(): CallInvite.State;
getTo(): string;
// @alpha
isValid(): Promise<boolean>;
reject(): Promise<void>;
sendMessage(message: CallMessage): Promise<OutgoingCallMessage>;
updateCallerHandle(newHandle: string): Promise<void>;
// @public
export namespace CallInvite {
export interface AcceptOptions {
export enum Event {
Accepted = "accepted",
Cancelled = "cancelled",
MessageReceived = "messageReceived",
NotificationTapped = "notificationTapped",
Rejected = "rejected"
export namespace Listener {
export type Accepted = (call: Call) => void;
export type Cancelled = (error?: TwilioError) => void;
export type MessageReceived = (incomingCallMessage: IncomingCallMessage) => void;
export type NotificationTapped = () => void;
export type Rejected = () => void;
export enum State {
Accepted = "accepted",
Cancelled = "cancelled",
Pending = "pending",
Rejected = "rejected"
// @public
export namespace CallKit {
export type ConfigurationOptions = {
callKitIconTemplateImageData: string;
callKitIncludesCallsInRecents: boolean;
callKitMaximumCallGroups: number;
callKitMaximumCallsPerCallGroup: number;
callKitRingtoneSound: string;
callKitSupportedHandleTypes: HandleType[];
export enum HandleType {
EmailAddress = 2,
Generic = 0,
PhoneNumber = 1
// @public
export interface CallMessage {
content: any;
contentType?: string;
messageType: string;
// @public
namespace ClientErrors {
class AddressIncomplete extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class BadRequest extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class BusyHere extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class CallTransactionDoesNotExist extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class Conflict extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class Forbidden extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class NotFound extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class RequestTerminated extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class RequestTimeout extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class TemporarilyUnavailable extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class TooManyRequests extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class UpgradeRequired extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
export type CustomParameters = Record<string, string>;
// @public
namespace ForbiddenErrors {
class Forbidden extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
namespace GeneralErrors {
class CallCancelledError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class ConnectionError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class TransportError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
export class IncomingCallMessage extends EventEmitter {
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "NativeCallMessageInfo" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// @internal
constructor(callMessageInfo: NativeCallMessageInfo);
getContent(): any;
getContentType(): string;
getMessageType(): string;
getSid(): string | undefined;
// @public
class InvalidArgumentError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
// (undocumented)
description: string;
// (undocumented)
explanation: string;
// @public
class InvalidStateError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
// (undocumented)
description: string;
// (undocumented)
explanation: string;
// @public
namespace MalformedRequestErrors {
class MalformedRequestError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
namespace MediaErrors {
class ClientLocalDescFailed extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class ClientRemoteDescFailed extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class ConnectionError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class MediaDtlsTransportFailedError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class NoSupportedCodec extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class ServerLocalDescFailed extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class ServerRemoteDescFailed extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
export interface OutgoingCallMessage {
addListener(failureEvent: OutgoingCallMessage.Event.Failure, listener: OutgoingCallMessage.Listener.Failure): this;
addListener(sentEvent: OutgoingCallMessage.Event.Sent, listener: OutgoingCallMessage.Listener.Sent): this;
addListener(outgoingCallMessageEvent: OutgoingCallMessage.Event, listener: OutgoingCallMessage.Listener.Generic): this;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(failureEvent: OutgoingCallMessage.Event.Failure, error: TwilioError): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(sentEvent: OutgoingCallMessage.Event.Sent): boolean;
on(failureEvent: OutgoingCallMessage.Event.Failure, listener: OutgoingCallMessage.Listener.Failure): this;
on(sentEvent: OutgoingCallMessage.Event.Sent, listener: OutgoingCallMessage.Listener.Sent): this;
on(outgoingCallMessageEvent: OutgoingCallMessage.Event, listener: OutgoingCallMessage.Listener.Generic): this;
// @public
export class OutgoingCallMessage extends IncomingCallMessage {
constructor({ content, contentType, messageType, voiceEventSid, }: NativeCallMessageInfo);
// @public
export namespace OutgoingCallMessage {
export enum Event {
'Failure' = "failure",
'Sent' = "sent"
export namespace Listener {
export type Failure = (error: TwilioError) => void;
export type Generic = (...args: any[]) => void;
export type Sent = () => void;
// @public
namespace RegistrationErrors {
class RegistrationError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
// (undocumented)
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class UnsupportedCancelMessageError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
export namespace RTCStats {
// (undocumented)
export interface BaseTrackStats {
// (undocumented)
codec: string;
// (undocumented)
packetsLost: number;
// (undocumented)
ssrc: string;
// (undocumented)
timestamp: number;
// (undocumented)
trackId: string;
// (undocumented)
export enum IceCandidatePairState {
// (undocumented)
// (undocumented)
// (undocumented)
// (undocumented)
// (undocumented)
// (undocumented)
export interface IceCandidatePairStats {
// (undocumented)
activeCandidatePair: boolean;
// (undocumented)
availableIncomingBitrate: number;
// (undocumented)
availableOutgoingBitrate: number;
// (undocumented)
bytesReceived: number;
// (undocumented)
bytesSent: number;
// (undocumented)
consentRequestsReceived: number;
// (undocumented)
consentRequestsSent: number;
// (undocumented)
consentResponsesReceived: number;
// (undocumented)
consentResponsesSent: number;
// (undocumented)
currentRoundTripTime: number;
// (undocumented)
localCandidateId: string;
// (undocumented)
localCandidateIp: string;
// (undocumented)
nominated: boolean;
// (undocumented)
priority: number;
// (undocumented)
readable: boolean;
// (undocumented)
relayProtocol: string;
// (undocumented)
remoteCandidateId: string;
// (undocumented)
remoteCandidateIp: string;
// (undocumented)
requestsReceieved: number;
// (undocumented)
requestsSent: number;
// (undocumented)
responsesRecieved: number;
// (undocumented)
responsesSent: number;
// (undocumented)
retransmissionsReceived: number;
// (undocumented)
retransmissionsSent: number;
// (undocumented)
state: IceCandidatePairState;
// (undocumented)
totalRoundTripTime: number;
// (undocumented)
transportId: string;
// (undocumented)
writeable: boolean;
// (undocumented)
export interface IceCandidateStats {
// (undocumented)
candidateType: string;
// (undocumented)
deleted: boolean;
// (undocumented)
ip: string;
// (undocumented)
isRemote: boolean;
// (undocumented)
port: number;
// (undocumented)
priority: number;
// (undocumented)
protocol: string;
// (undocumented)
transportId: string;
// (undocumented)
url: string;
// (undocumented)
export interface LocalAudioTrackStats extends LocalTrackStats {
// (undocumented)
audioLevel: number;
// (undocumented)
jitter: number;
// (undocumented)
export interface LocalTrackStats extends BaseTrackStats {
// (undocumented)
bytesSent: number;
// (undocumented)
packetsSent: number;
// (undocumented)
roundTripTime: number;
// (undocumented)
export interface RemoteAudioTrackStats extends RemoteTrackStats {
// (undocumented)
audioLevel: number;
// (undocumented)
jitter: number;
// (undocumented)
mos: number;
// (undocumented)
export interface RemoteTrackStats extends BaseTrackStats {
// (undocumented)
bytesRecieved: number;
// (undocumented)
packetsReceived: number;
export interface StatsReport {
// (undocumented)
iceCandidatePairStats: IceCandidatePairStats[];
// (undocumented)
iceCandidateStats: IceCandidateStats[];
// (undocumented)
localAudioTrackStats: LocalAudioTrackStats[];
// (undocumented)
peerConnectionId: string;
// (undocumented)
remoteAudioTrackStats: RemoteAudioTrackStats[];
// @public
namespace ServerErrors {
class BadGateway extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class DNSResolutionError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class GatewayTimeout extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class InternalServerError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class ServiceUnavailable extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
namespace SignalingErrors {
class ConnectionDisconnected extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
namespace SIPServerErrors {
class BusyEverywhere extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class Decline extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
class DoesNotExistAnywhere extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
class TwilioError extends Error {
constructor(message: string, code?: number);
// (undocumented)
causes: string[];
// (undocumented)
code: number | undefined;
// (undocumented)
description: string;
// (undocumented)
explanation: string;
// (undocumented)
solutions: string[];
declare namespace TwilioErrors {
export {
export { TwilioErrors }
// @public
namespace TwiMLErrors {
class InvalidApplicationSid extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
class UnsupportedPlatformError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
// (undocumented)
description: string;
// (undocumented)
explanation: string;
// @public
namespace UserMediaErrors {
class PermissionDeniedError extends TwilioError {
constructor(message: string);
causes: string[];
description: string;
explanation: string;
name: string;
solutions: string[];
// @public
export interface Voice {
addListener(audioDevicesUpdatedEvent: Voice.Event.AudioDevicesUpdated, listener: Voice.Listener.AudioDevicesUpdated): this;
addListener(callInviteEvent: Voice.Event.CallInvite, listener: Voice.Listener.CallInvite): this;
addListener(errorEvent: Voice.Event.Error, listener: Voice.Listener.Error): this;
addListener(registeredEvent: Voice.Event.Registered, listener: Voice.Listener.Registered): this;
addListener(unregisteredEvent: Voice.Event.Unregistered, listener: Voice.Listener.Unregistered): this;
addListener(voiceEvent: Voice.Event, listener: Voice.Listener.Generic): this;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(voiceEvent: Voice.Event.AudioDevicesUpdated, audioDevices: AudioDevice[], selectedDevice?: AudioDevice): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(voiceEvent: Voice.Event.CallInvite, callInvite: CallInvite): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(voiceEvent: Voice.Event.Error, error: TwilioError): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(voiceEvent: Voice.Event.Registered): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(voiceEvent: Voice.Event.Unregistered): boolean;
// @internal (undocumented)
emit(voiceEvent: Voice.Event, ...args: any[]): boolean;
on(audioDevicesUpdatedEvent: Voice.Event.AudioDevicesUpdated, listener: Voice.Listener.AudioDevicesUpdated): this;
on(callInviteEvent: Voice.Event.CallInvite, listener: Voice.Listener.CallInvite): this;
on(errorEvent: Voice.Event.Error, listener: Voice.Listener.Error): this;
on(registeredEvent: Voice.Event.Registered, listener: Voice.Listener.Registered): this;
on(unregisteredEvent: Voice.Event.Unregistered, listener: Voice.Listener.Unregistered): this;
on(voiceEvent: Voice.Event, listener: Voice.Listener.Generic): this;
// @public
export class Voice extends EventEmitter {
connect(token: string, { contactHandle, notificationDisplayName, params, }?: Voice.ConnectOptions): Promise<Call>;
getAudioDevices(): Promise<{
audioDevices: AudioDevice[];
selectedDevice?: AudioDevice;
getCallInvites(): Promise<ReadonlyMap<Uuid, CallInvite>>;
getCalls(): Promise<ReadonlyMap<Uuid, Call>>;
getDeviceToken(): Promise<string>;
getVersion(): Promise<string>;
handleFirebaseMessage(remoteMessage: Record<string, string>): Promise<boolean>;
initializePushRegistry(): Promise<void>;
register(token: string): Promise<void>;
setCallKitConfiguration(configuration: CallKit.ConfigurationOptions): Promise<void>;
setIncomingCallContactHandleTemplate(template?: string): Promise<void>;
showAvRoutePickerView(): Promise<void>;
unregister(token: string): Promise<void>;
// @public
export namespace Voice {
export type ConnectOptions = {
params?: Record<string, string>;
contactHandle?: string;
notificationDisplayName?: string;
export enum Event {
'AudioDevicesUpdated' = "audioDevicesUpdated",
'CallInvite' = "callInvite",
'Error' = "error",
'Registered' = "registered",
'Unregistered' = "unregistered"
export namespace Listener {
export type AudioDevicesUpdated = (audioDevices: AudioDevice[], selectedDevice?: AudioDevice) => void;
export type CallInvite = (callInvite: CallInvite) => void;
export type Error = (error: TwilioError) => void;
export type Generic = (...args: any[]) => void;
export type Registered = () => void;
export type Unregistered = () => void;