This unofficial system requires Whitehack, ©2013–2023 Christian Mehrstam.
Whitehack is an RPG trademark through established use, owned by Christian Mehrstam.
This third party product is unaffiliated.
The Whitehack name is used with permission.
Also note that the following are copyright of Whitehack's author, all rights reserved. This material is used with permission:
- Brave quirk descriptions
- Clever knack descriptions
- Strong combat option descriptions
- Reference documents within the Whitehack 4e Game Reference journal
- Roll tables
See the Whitehack website for more information, including links to purchase game books:
The glyphs used in this project's token images are based on the Adobe's SIL Licensed typeface, Source Code Pro. See in this repository, and the font's own git repository:
Most color selections for the alpha-numeric glyphs based on Ethan Schoonover's Solarized.