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Brett Terpstra edited this page Oct 25, 2021 · 12 revisions

Hooks allow you to register commands and script to run when doing performs certain actions. You can register the following events:

  • post_config -- Runs after the configuration is read, including any local .doingrc file located at run time
  • post_read -- Runs after the contents of the doing file are parsed
  • post_write -- Runs after the contents of the doing file are changed. Does not run unless a modification is made

To register a hook, simply place a Ruby file in your plugins folder. This folder is located at ~/.config/doing/plugins by default, but you can specify another location in your config using the plugin_path key.

The ruby file should contain a call to register the hook. Pass a block to perform when the associated event is triggered.

The following runs a shell script called whenever a change is made to the doing file (post_write event):

# frozen_string_literal: true

Doing::Hooks.register :post_write do |filename|
  res = `/bin/bash ~/scripts/`.strip
  Doing.logger.debug('Hooks:', res)

That's all there is to it. As an example, I use the above shell script to update my iTerm status bar and my Touch Bar (BetterTouchTool widget) with my current task whenever the file changes. Any time I add or complete an entry, my status bars update.