- I have left ValueDescriptor in the model because, from previous working group meetings, we will still need some mechanism to define min/max, defaults, etc.
  It has been expressed that these constraints should be used at the time that the reading is created but not necessarily as a runtime check for every reading
  we ingest. Therefore I believe there is still a need for a model, as discussions stand today, to support the definition and evaluation of a value descriptor
  just not as a pointer from a reading as we do today. Perhaps this becomes part of the DeviceProfile. Needs discussion in the working groups.

  I have created an inheritance relationship with BaseReadings providing the common properties between the following two types:
  * SimpleReading -- A reading for a simple datatype
  * BinaryReading -- A reading for a binary datatype

  The new Reading types do not have a pointer to a value descriptor. We could add the constraint properties (min/max) if we need 
  to ensure a value is in a supported range independent of the device service (or 3rd party application) generating the readings, but this would only
  be applicable to SimpleReadings.

- Value descriptor
  I left this type in the schema for now until we have a firm decision to remove it and possibly fold it into the DeviceProfile.
  I have left "FloatEncoding" and "MediaType" off the descriptor. "FloatEncoding" can simply be specified at the time a reading is created (such as "base64").
  MediaType can be done the same way b/c I don't see the MediaType property in the ValueDescriptor today as a constraint. If it were, we should support and
  array so that multiples can be specified (multiple image, sound, video formats for example)

- PUT /api/v1/event REMOVED
  There should be no need EVER to update an event wholesale. We do support "MarkPushed" but that's it.

- GET /v1/event/{id}:
  Eliminated as duplicate with /v1/event/id/{id}. Kept the latter for consistency with endpoints in core-metadata (see device, device service)

- GET /v1/event/device/{deviceId}/{limit}:
  Eliminated due to new pagination mechanism 

- DELETE /v1/event/removeold/age/{age}:
  Replaced with /v2/event/age/{age}. Only DELETE supported since no GET existed previously.

- POST, PUT /v1/reading:
  The ability to add/update an individual reading independent from an event is being removed.

- GET /v1/reading/name/{name}/device/{device}/{limit}:
- GET /v1/reading/name/{name}/{limit}:
  Removed since value descriptor name is no longer on the reading anymore since type data has been moved there.