One of our clients has a job-shop problem, so I played with some solutions that I could fit into my javascript project, which is a client-side-only, one-page thing.
The specific need involves N tasks, each of which requires some amount of M resource types. For playing-around purposes, I set M to 1, so it's just a constant budget. Each task has a different value, and a different cost. For now, I represented both cost and value as a constant, for the duration of the task. In general, the cost and value would not be constant, or coincident in time.
You can play with the thing if you want. Install is simple:
git clone
cd scheduler
npm install
firefox dist/sched.html
The display shows two schedules: an ROI-sorted greedy packer, and the same greedy packer applied to an annealed tasklist.
Let's look in detail.
First, the dataset: =
"cost_per_period": 1,
"duration": 5,
"value_per_period": 10,
"i": 0
This is the greedy packer:
var populateGreedy = function(sorted) {
var sched_current_schedule = sched.none();
_.each(sorted, function(s) {
var t = 0;
while (!sched.allowed(s, t, sched_current_schedule)) {
sched_current_schedule[s.i] = t;
return sched_current_schedule;
We use this function to decide if a task can be scheduled:
sched.allowed = function(project, starttime, theschedule) {
if (starttime < 0) {return false;}
var thecost = sched.cost(theschedule);
return _.every(_.range(starttime, project.duration + starttime), function(i) {
var c = (thecost[i] || 0);
if (c + project.cost_per_period <= sched.budget) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
First, we make the simple schedule, with ROI-sorted data, and render it:
var sorted = _.sortBy(sched.projects, function(x){return 0 - (x.value_per_period/x.cost_per_period);});
sched.current_schedule = populateGreedy(sorted);
var obj = sched.objective(sched.current_schedule);
sched.render(4, sched.current_schedule);
sched.renderseries(sched.cost, 'cost4', sched.current_schedule);
sched.renderseries(sched.value, 'val4', sched.current_schedule);'div#viz4').append('h3').text(srt.label + ' obj: ' + obj);
We plot the schedule as kinda like a Gantt chart, with bar widths showing duration, bar height showing cost, and bar shade showing value.
sched.render = function(addr, schedule) {
var width = 960;
var height = 450;
var bm = 30;
var tm = 30;
var lm = 50;
var rm = 30;
var innerheight = height - bm - tm;
var innerwidth = width - rm - lm;
var minOpacity = 0.2;
var tt = sched.totalTime(schedule);
var xscale = d3.scale.linear()
var xaxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xscale).orient('bottom');
var cumcost = 0;
var costs =, 'cost_per_period'),
function(cpp) {cumcost += cpp; return cumcost - cpp;});
var yscale = d3.scale.ordinal()
.domain(, function(p,i){return i;}))
.range(, function(cc) { return cc * innerheight / cumcost; }));
var yaxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yscale).orient('left');
var rd = _.compact(, function (p, i) {
if (_.isUndefined(schedule[i]) || schedule[i] < 0) {return null;}
return {
x: xscale(schedule[i]),
y: yscale(i),
width: xscale(schedule[i] + p.duration) - xscale(schedule[i]),
height: p.cost_per_period * innerheight / cumcost,
opacity: (1 - minOpacity) * p.value_per_period / sched.maxValue + minOpacity
var svg ='div#viz' + addr).selectAll('svg').data([rd]);
var gg = svg.selectAll('g.container').data(function(d){return [d];});
.attr('transform','translate(' + lm + ',' + tm + ')');
var xs = gg.selectAll('.x.axis').data(['hi']);
xs.attr('class','x axis').attr('transform','translate(0,'+innerheight+')');;
var ys = gg.selectAll('.y.axis').data(['hi']);
ys.attr('class','y axis');;
var rect = gg.selectAll('rect.proj').data(function(d){return d;});
.attr('x', function(d){return d.x;})
.attr('y', function(d){return d.y;})
.attr('width', function(d){return d.width;})
.attr('height', function(d){return d.height;})
.attr('opacity', function(d){return d.opacity;});
.attr('x', function(d){return d.x;})
.attr('y', function(d){return d.y;})
.attr('width', function(d){return d.width;})
.attr('height', function(d){return d.height;})
.attr('opacity', function(d){return d.opacity;});
We plot the total cost and total value over time:
sched.cost = function(theschedule) {
return _.reduce(sched.projects, function(memo, project, index) {
var start = theschedule[index];
if (start < 0) { return memo; }
var end = start + project.duration;
_.each(_.range(start, end), function(i) {
memo[i] = (memo[i] || 0) + project.cost_per_period;
return memo;
}, []);
sched.value = function(theschedule) {
return _.reduce(sched.projects, function(memo, project, index) {
var start = theschedule[index];
if (start < 0) { return memo; }
var end = start + project.duration;
_.each(_.range(start, end), function(i) {
memo[i] = (memo[i] || 0) + project.value_per_period;
return memo;
}, []);
This is the rendering code.
sched.renderseries = function(fn, addr, schedule) {
var width = 960;
var height = 150;
var bm = 30;
var tm = 30;
var lm = 50;
var rm = 30;
var innerheight = height - bm - tm;
var innerwidth = width - rm - lm;
var c = fn(schedule);
_.each(_.range(c.length), function(i) {
if (_.isUndefined(c[i])) {c[i] = 0;}
var tt = sched.totalTime(schedule);
var xscale = d3.scale.linear()
var xaxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xscale).orient('bottom');
var yscale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, _.max(c)])
.range([innerheight, 0]);
var yaxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yscale).orient('left');
var rd =, function (ci, i) {
return {
x: xscale(i),
y: yscale(c[i]),
width: xscale(1) - xscale(0),
height: yscale(0) - yscale(c[i])
var svg ='div#' + addr).selectAll('svg').data([rd]);
var gg = svg.selectAll('g.container').data(function(d){return [d];});
.attr('transform','translate(' + lm + ',' + tm + ')');
var xs = gg.selectAll('.x.axis').data(['hi']);
xs.attr('class','x axis').attr('transform','translate(0,'+innerheight+')');;
var ys = gg.selectAll('.y.axis').data(['hi']);
ys.attr('class','y axis');;
var rect = gg.selectAll('rect.proj').data(function(d){return d;});
.attr('x', function(d){return d.x;})
.attr('y', function(d){return d.y;})
.attr('width', function(d){return d.width;})
.attr('height', function(d){return d.height;});
.attr('x', function(d){return d.x;})
.attr('y', function(d){return d.y;})
.attr('width', function(d){return d.width;})
.attr('height', function(d){return d.height;});
Next, we run the greedy packer inside a simulated-annealing loop, and do the same renderings.
This is the objective function. It just discounts the value.
sched.objective = function(theschedule) {
return _.reduce(sched.projects, function(memo, project, index) {
var start = theschedule[index];
if (start < 0) { return memo; }
var end = start + project.duration;
return _.reduce(_.range(start, end), function(memo2, i) {
var d = Math.pow((1 -, i);
return memo2 + project.value_per_period * d;
}, memo);
}, 0);
This is the annealer.
var newlist = _.sortBy(sched.projects, function(x){return 0 - (x.value_per_period/x.cost_per_period);});
var popsched = populateGreedy(newlist);
var popobj = sched.objective(popsched);
var temp = 0.5;
// attainable objectives:
// 0 iterations => 638
// 500 iterations => 641
// 5000 iterations => 647
// 20000 iterations => 649
_.each(_.range(500), function(i) {
// in each iteration, swap two items
var s1 = _.random(newlist.length - 1);
var s2 = _.random(newlist.length - 1);
// make a copy of the schedule
var maybe = newlist.slice();
var t = maybe[s1];
maybe[s1] = maybe[s2];
maybe[s2] = t;
var mp = populateGreedy(maybe);
var mo = sched.objective(mp);
if (mo > popobj) {
popobj = mo;
newlist = maybe;
popsched = mp;
console.log('iter ' + i + ' t ' + temp + ' new better ' + popobj);
} else if (Math.abs(mo - popobj) < 0.0001) {
// no change
} else if (Math.exp((mo - popobj) / temp) > Math.random()) {
popobj = mo;
newlist = maybe;
popsched = mp;
console.log('iter ' + i + ' t ' + temp + ' allow worse ' + popobj);
} else {
//console.log('no change');
temp *= 0.9995;
That's it! I thought it was interesting that the ROI packed thing worked as well as it did; I was also surprised that the annealer performed as poorly as it did.
The realistic case is quite a bit different, so I'll be looking at that next.