The file named "protected_file-updated_special_report-2022_11_11-1.pdf.pgp" provides details on the liabilities and culpability of various Canadian entities, that have continued to deliberately harm newcomers, especially international students studying in Canada.
The report is a protected file because it reveals details of named individuals who have been harmed in tragic ways by certain public and private groups in Canada.
The actions of someone cracking the encryption of such downloadable files, perhaps, could be worrisome for Canadian officials, American security agencies, or a Crown Prosecution Team. But, anyone with those kinds of cybernetics skills and capabilities to crack strong encryption, would most probably also have a much greater set of powers, than merely breaking into padlocked files. So, the information those kinds of state-sponsored, or private, code-makers and code-breakers could glean from the protected files placed in this repository, would most probably enable them to gain an advantage in defending certain groups they tend to trust implicitly, and gravitate towards; or gain an advantage in aggressing, formidably, against certain groups they tend to distrust implicitly, and repel away from.
The alternate way to gain access into the protected files, would be to formally ask for the key, via proper channels. You see, when Persons of Interest gain a perception, they end up doing something interesting. When Persons of Consequence acquire a perception, they produce actions of consequence. And, when Persons of Fortitude embody a percept, such persons, do rather formidable things. But, its all a matter of individual perception of the physical universe we live in, isn't it?
This is why, I believe it is fair to allow those individuals or groups to compete using their best efforts, within a level playing field, where all possible entities can at least download the protected files from this repository. How they open and utilise those files to gain information, to form a perception about certain matters, is up to their morale, morals, and sense and sensibilities.
This is merely my way of creating distance and moving further away from each of those entities, in an equidistant manner, in order to stay 'neutral.' Alas, I used to be more friendly with particular ones from North America, which had advertised themselves to be reliable and trustworthy, until they betrayed me and defiled my home. It eventually became evident to me, that those dishonourable and untrustworthy entities have had continuous involvement in destroying the lives of visible minorities, out of hatred, and out of their ignorance and discriminatory prejudices. So I am not friends with them any more. I am not their enemy either, and am as such — neutral — unless they would choose to brand me as an enemy.
You might wonder, isn't all of the seemingly disparaging text in this repository, against various entities, defamatory? And written in a tone that sounds more angsty, than merely being non-cordial? I'd answer, no, to the first, and admittedly yes, to the second one of those questions. Defamation would be a valid topic of discussion, if the evidence of their uncalled for hostilities, and continuously increasing levels of aggression against me, my diaspora, and other deliberately targeted groups of people weren't real and veridical. How those hostile entities and their supporters choose to act here onwards, is up to them.
I abide by the principal aim of doing no harm to innocent and blameless persons.
Predatory and parasitic fiends on the other hand, who have blighted the earth to cater to their insatiable greed, can simply burn due to the smokeless embers of fire, that they knowingly and cunningly proliferated across the world, as weapons of mass destruction.
To swim with sharks one has to be like a shark, or a shark eater. My friends only prefer to be like water.
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