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3.0 Indefensibility of State-sponsored Violations

In The File, I have argued that I have gained the right to seek justice and satisfaction, via retaliation if necessary, against the unprovoked hostilities and animosity demonstrated by entities of Canadian origin. Retaliation for which specific acts of aggression, violence, and betrayals are also explained in The File.

But first, it can be guessed that any agency aiming to further defile my honour, or derail the justice owed to survivors like me — by causing us even more attrition, harm or injury — will most probably attempt to willingly and knowingly twist the materials put forth in this documentation.

It is likely that any persons who may wish to use the contents printed within this repository for framing any kind of a narrative against me, or against this exposition, might also be inclined to still:

  1. Ignore the undeniable evidence of how Health Canada has failed all persons within Canada for decades, by not providing appropriate directives to licensed healthcare professionals on how to prevent misuse and abuse of dangerous, narcotic prescription drugs like opioids, Olanzapine (Zyprexa), Zopiclone (Imovane), and Lorazepam (Ativan).

    Practitioners in Canadian healthcare facilities who have been trained, licensed, and authorised by professional colleges and accredited institutions have deliberately and systematically chosen to use high doses of a combination of such harmful drugs, to inflict bodily injuries and reproductive damage upon thousands of unassuming people seeking medical attention.

    1. The combination of these types of dangerous psychotropic and narcotic drugs, practically constitutes a roofie. It can be estimated that tens of thousands of people have been harmed or even pushed towards a fatality in Canada via nursing homes, elderly care centres, children's care and special needs centres, other community based healthcare providers, and hospitals — using a combination of such injurious drugs over the past decades.

    2. Old-school supremacists in institutions like the Allan Memorial Institute in Ontario, Canada, created horrifyingly unethical techniques of causing 'ego death' by bombarding a person's metabolic system with — a high dosage cocktail of narcotic or psychoactive drugs — to then override the person's freewill, beliefs, attitudes, and cultural identity — for behaviour modification. Such grotesque, underhanded, and sly biochemical techniques were developed in military sponsored labs, during and after the previous world wars. Such harmful techniques eventually became normalised as 'appropriate non-lethal methods' for information extraction, forced indoctrination, and subversive behaviour modification. These types of insidious biochemical torture techniques along with similarly engineered surgical and electromechanical ones, are currently recommended as 'state of the art healthcare treatments' via the help of institutions like:

      • National Institute of Health (NIH, USA),
      • National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH, USA),
      • National Health Services (NHS, UK),
      • American, Canadian, and World Psychiatry Associations, as well as
      • various departments, colleges and centres within American, Canadian, British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Italian, and even Swiss universities.
    3. The eventual induction and normalisation of inhumane cruelty, humiliation, torment and torture — as nationally mandated and commercially applied medical treatments — has only been possible because of those old-school Nazis, non-Nazi supremacists, and their lesser known but hardened followers. Coincidentally, a number of those Nazis, non-Nazi supremacists as well as their followers happened to be the founders, presidents, or influential leaders among the above-mentioned institutions. Those institutions and their entrenched, and simmering hatred of multicultural worldviews, along with their general disinterest in multiculturalism, have become the backbone of: "Western Idealism, Justifications for Colonialism, promotion of Predatory Capitalism, and the basis for evangelising the Westernisation of Global Human Ecology, via misogynistic missionaries and expeditionary military forces."

    Currently the vast majority of the world is forced to put up with paying exorbitant medical costs for the lowest quality healthcare. That has to obviously be changed for good.

    So what is to be done with those institutions, departments, centres, and colleges? They have to be updated and upgraded. If they act obtuse, demonstrate any hesitancy or even the slightest bit of resistance to comply, then sudo -f update and -f upgrade --all-of-them.

  2. Ignore the fact that if any members of the Canadian parliament, or judiciaries, genuinely cared about issues that pose a health and safety risk, or a danger to the public, then those members of public offices would have sued the responsible entities by now — to clean up the hydrological and soil profiles in Ontario, that are being contaminated by toxic seepage from production and storage units of Agent Orange — in order to seek justice in favour of affected residents and foreign visitors.

    And likewise, while defending the position of their private and public sectors, they would have paid attention to the fact that tap water quality in places like Kitchener is terribly unhealthy. How unhealthy? As unhealthy as, or worse than the quality of water in Patancheru, Medak District, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. The effluents of affluent people tend to stagnate in places like Medak District and Kitchener-Waterloo Region.

  3. Ignore the fact that Canada simply cannot defend the miserably long wait times within its Emergency Rooms (ER). Nor can Canada defend the even worse, undue hardships patients in Canada have to suffer while waiting for months or years to see a required specialist.

    Compared to other countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), or even compared to any other country with modern healthcare systems — what does Canada actually have to show for itself, when it comes to the measure of ER wait times and delays in seeing a required medical specialist?

  4. Completely sidestep or deny the fact that many of the views and practices within the fields of psychology and psychiatry, that have remained in effect within North America and the UK, happen to be derived from bogus, unscientific, racist, and Euro-centric ideologies like phrenology, from a bygone era.

    Views and practices derived from phrenology also happen to be fundamentally against the principle of not causing any harm or distress to patients. More importantly, it is necessary to note that those medically dubious views and practices, have remained in existence in the UK, the US, and Canada because of deliberate state-controlled designs, and not due to some unforeseeable or humanly unmanageable circumstances. This fact is very well documented by the American Psychological Association (APA) in its recent apology to the public, and through its newer mandate to dismantle racism within the sciences of psychology and psychiatry.

  5. Assert that the use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) for psychiatric disorders or medical defects, is somehow legitimate, merely because of its widespread and long-standing usage in the US, the UK, Canada and in certain other countries.

    The DSM and its successive versions, are merely a catalogue or a menu for prescribing pharmaceutical interventions, for any arbitrary set of outwardly behaviours and outlook of a person that a doctor might find objectionable, or 'weird.' The DSM has never mentioned or used the word "physiology" in any of its iterations, even once, for explaining which biological or physiological factors, and mechanisms, can produce an ailment that then needs to be treated with psychotropic interventions. The disease model of psychology and psychiatry, or of any other type of ailment requires a description of the disease vector for defining the medical disorder, but the DSM simply omits that requirement. The DSM does not describe any aspect of the biological mechanisms that can lead to a particular ailment or pathology, nor does it mention any use of diagnostic medical tools for investigating the causal factors of any symptoms. The only thing the DSM provides is a long list of drugs that can be prescribed based on the medical opinion of the prescribing doctor, wherein the doctor need not justify or even properly document the basis of their formulated opinions.

    1. Such a cultural practice within the medical industry prevents psychiatric doctors from researching, and becoming knowledgeable about the pharmacodynamics of the drugs they tend to prescribe. It also prevents patients (consumers) from being able to concordantly consult with a pharmacologist. The beguiling forcefulness of such psychiatrists also prevents the patient from having any role within their treatment plan, and from getting a second medical opinion. Robbing a consumer of such fundamental rights to protection and choice, is outrageous!

    2. Such malpractices are most certainly detrimental to the patient's healthcare related costs and outcomes, but these types of endemic issues have already been culturally normalised through commercial and industrial forces prevalent in North America, UK, and Europe. It can also be noted that the field of psychiatry is not regulated as a field of internal medicine, that would require psychiatric doctors to be more strongly vetted for their knowledge and skills in anatomy, physiology, genetics, and pharmacology. For instance, how many psychiatric doctors or even general practitioners who have obtained their licensing prior to 2015, would be able to speak knowledgeably about the concept of pharmacogenetics? What is worse is that the medical opinion of many doctors is often misshaped and biassed by the cajoling and coaxing activities of sales representatives from pharmaceutical companies, who thrust the use of the DSM for increasing the sales of their company's brand named drugs. Do I need to list the large-scale litigations and scandals, surrounding illegitimate marketing and sales of drugs like Seroquel, via doctors who were mere proxies for promoting the drug manufacturer's false advertisements?

    3. Therefore, it can be argued that such malfeasances endemic to medical education and medical insurance industries have been perpetrated for decades across many countries, only to protect the commercial and pecuniary interests of multinational drug companies. It is evident from issues surrounding fentanyl, z-drugs and the opioid crisis in North America that various drug manufacturing companies, along with their sales and supply networks, have established and lobbied for such regulatory loopholes to remain in effect, for easily pushing dangerous narcotic drugs onto hapless patients via healthcare practitioners. The harms and damages incurred by those illegally targeted consumers across the globe via false merchandising has been to the order of tens of billions of US dollars per year.

  6. Deflect evidences of systematic violations, and misguide attention away from the fact that various public services, especially security and policing agencies in Commonwealth Countries like Canada, have continued to use tools of cyber-warfare and physical intimidation, against innocent civilians.

    Those types of agencies have also continued to use deliberately fabricated statements with falsehoods made by authorised professionals to distort legal documents, in orchestrating illegitimate arrests. Such distorted and fabricated documents have continued to be used as pretexts for framing, harming, disenfranchising, and illegitimately prosecuting innocent civilians. These types of violations have been and are being committed via the aid of sophisticated software tools, state-sponsored spyware, and commercially available computerised technologies. Those harmful instruments are currently being used along with multi-pronged tactics and strategies of cyber-warfare, that are supplied via the approbations of justice departments, and through the capabilities of: various armed forces units and their allied networks.

    Within North America, politically motivated policing and para-military actions taken against civilians, especially policing actions involving racial profiling, have been distinctly rooted in discriminatory prejudices maintained by leaders of various public sector entities. Pernicious policing actions involving bullying and cyberterrorism, committed by entities of Canadian and American origin along with their international counterparts, poison the digital healthcare and police interaction records of methodically targeted individuals. These spiked medical and policing records are then used to covertly push the victims towards illegitimate detention, incapacitation, debilitation, extraordinary rendition, or even fatality by the aid of state-sponsored and state-regulated facilities. This is merely one example of how various protocols, instruments, policies, and procedures that are systematically encoded within public as well as private institutions, are being used for harming the public. This issue is particularly painful as it is endemic and rampant in countries like Canada, that advertise themselves to be humanitarian.

  7. Defend the legitimacy and efficacy of Canadian education, and immigrations systems, while disingenuously portraying congeniality, polite humility, and piety.

    Persons attempting to defend the 'fruitfulness,' or 'legitimacy,' of injurious and problematic systems installed within Canadian public services, ought to have a better approach towards redressing harms generated by those systems. But they will most probably try to defend the shortcomings, malfeasances, fallacies, contaminations, adulterations, and faults within those systems by using cunning and crass tactics, to draw attention away from problematic institutions. They will most probably even evade the responsibility to honestly acknowledge liabilities and culpability on their part, for having promoted those problems. Doing so will subsequently disintegrate all avenues towards reconciliation, because of the regretful approach taken by administrators of those systems. Those administrators and managing members, still haven't taken forthright and full responsibility towards apologising with an admission of guilt, and then paying for their proven liabilities and culpability, without evasions and equivocations.

    Now, there is a possibility that the discrimination based violations and infractions of Canadian university programs, can be viewed and discussed as a separable and separate issue within the chain of events that constitute the irregular conflict described in The File. However, any attempts at delaying justice, or denying culpability and liability of those university programs, in snaring and defrauding international students through false advertisements, will definitely prevent any concessions that could be provided to Canadian regulatory groups and authorities, during any type of a remedial or conciliatory process.

Canada is likely to invoke their Standard Operating Procedure in approaching such matters, which would involve their notion of reciprocity, and mirroring of: intentions, deeds, and promised actions — with respect to international parties and local entities that are connected to these documented issues. However, before Canada can do so, it will need to formally and properly explain: which form of reciprocity was it attempting to convey through its overt and covert hostilities conducted against newcomers, minorities, differently abled people, and peoples of colour? Especially, at a time when such victimised people had innocently, and wholeheartedly invested their trust in Canada and in its institutions, without any reservations.

The main issue here is that many of those Standard Operating Procedures, and interests of successive Canadian governments, along with ones of their registered agencies, have remained grievously damaging and hurtful to the rest of humankind by design, since their very inception in the colonial era.

The insidiousness and unprovoked nature of each of the ongoing wrongful acts committed by entities in Canada against vulnerable individuals, especially against handicapped, homeless or orphaned youths, is undeniable in light of the available evidence. The first-hand knowledge I gained from being harmed via abusive state-sponsored mechanisms, and the knowledge gained from personally interacting with other victims has been sufficiently and appropriately documented in The File.

However, how can blowing the whistle on such heinous violations, transgressions, and offences ever make a positive difference for survivors seeking equitable justice? All of this can be mocked, belittled, and then brushed aside by labelling it as 'TLDR,' 'egotistical,' 'delusional,' unhinged,' 'irrational,' 'arrogant,' 'grandiose,' 'unrealistic,' 'misleading,' 'indiscreet,' 'indecorous,' 'too cynical and emotionally charged,' 'merely rhetorical,' 'a naive attempt at social reform,' 'suspicious, incredulous and doubtable,' 'somehow malicious, or potentially defamatory in itself,' 'not lucid,' 'mostly incomprehensible gobbledigook,' 'made up and far fetched,' or at best: 'only nominal.'

Obtaining any legitimate, substantial, worthwhile, and equitable forms of justice is a particularly difficult challenge when people's attention can be easily misdirected away from the culpability of coordinated state-sponsored bad actors — by teams of lawyers, arbiters, and jurists who repeatedly come to the defence of the perpetrators of such wretched organised crimes. Those lawyers and members of municipal, provincial and federal governments are willingly party to, and similarly culpable for the violations committed by their hired agents. Such culpable persons have collectively and cunningly perpetrated verifiably provable acts of large-scale harms against, and serial murders of visible minorities as well as First Nations peoples in North America. More often than not, such violations and offences are perpetrated on behalf of organisational leaders through a cascade of proxy based actions, for carrying out dirty deeds. By using clandestine and proxy actions, organisational members in leadership roles can feign ignorance, or claim the benefit of 'plausible deniability' during any enquiry, investigations, or international trials. Such violations have been, and are still being committed by malicious agencies, within and outside Canadian borders, through the use of institutionalised privileges and authority garnered by professionally licensed agents — using the wilful support of private and government based organisations, operating in and from North America. Furthermore, the protections, resources and statutory law based mechanisms provided to those agents, for indemnity and impunity, are willingly and deliberately approved by provincial as well as federal systems of the Canadian government.

So, does Canada need to be given, or does it deserve to be provided the grace of discreet and confidential forms of justice, via the 'invisible hands' of international norms and treaties, which can be administered privately within sequestered chambers that are inaccessible to the public's eye? And that too, for a chance to rectify and atone for its hate crimes, against its own public and the international community? Canada has already had that chance for decades and it has continued to thoroughly abuse that privilege repeatedly on a daily basis. How can Canada be expected to possibly rectify any of its wrongdoings, without the public's awareness, and without properly gaining the forgiveness from the survivors of its widespread crimes?

So, here and now, you can bear witness to the all too visible hands of netizens who provide crowd-sourced, permanently kept, candid and open, online records and repositories of publicly accessible documentation. Such documentation are indeed necessary for performing the most important duty of obtaining long overdue justice, and satisfactory recompense.

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