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8.0 Politically Motivated Crimes Being Committed by Nexus of Canadian Entities

Any sufficiently educated and experienced scholar from the defense, legislative, or legal sectors of society reading this documentation might rightly observe that, even non-state actors can challenge the authenticity and authority of publicly funded or state-run institutions, on grounds of economic frugality. Keeping this observation in mind, we may ask ourselves:

"Has it been frugal or prudent, 
for any of Canada's provincial and federal ministries, departments, or institutions, 
to indulge in negligence, and in decades of willful belligerence rooted in bigotry, 
which has continued to exacerbate the plight of refugees, immigrants, ethnic minorities, and indigenous groups of people?"

It isn't imprudent of me or anyone else to ask the above question. And it is certainly not grandiose of me or anyone else, to be aware and responsive to such basic questions concerning the realities of living in Canada, or in any other part of the world. Would it even take the experiences of a ten year old, to notice basic truths within the juxtaposition of a few strips of plastic money, as illustrated in Exhibit - C?

| Copyright (C), Sameer A. Khan, 2023. All Rights Reserved. |

But, perhaps, ten year old individuals in Canada, wouldn't go around making dozens of those unique, 'defaced' strips of plastic, to then use them on a daily basis as non-fungible-tokens in local shops and mercantile establishments. Or would they?

Maybe they would instead support their friends and family, by cheering them on, or even joining them in a peaceful rally out on the streets with posters and placards, because they have the youth and energy to do so. However, I'm more mindful of how and where I spend my energies; now I'm too old to walk around under the midday sun, to hold placards up against rubber bullets and batons, alongside other honky-tonk women, mad dogs, and Englishmen.

So it has been easier for me to make my stand against violence and repression, and give voice to the silently oppressed by using whatever meager resources, GIFs, and gifts I have.

When my basic human rights and life were being violated by Dr. Alexandra Paventi-Douglas and social worker Scott Grant of CMHA, they repeatedly told me in strong terms, that they did not approve of the content in my posts on Twitter and on GitHub, and that such content were 'a clear indicator of mental illness.'

The most egregious and insidious violations of my confidence, committed by members of CMHA were due to their prying and gas-lighting behaviors. I had never given my social-media address to them, the only way they could have even found out about my online activities and posts, was through the assistance of Canadian policing and intelligence agencies. Upon going through my online posts, those agents and agencies found fiendish ways to use the content of my online art-work and writings, against me, via government-sponsored instruments of repressive violence and torture.

So, it wasn't too surprising for me to be put down for sharing a peaceful form of protest via my creative outputs, or to be tortured, denigrated, maligned, and to even be put through incarceration with near fatal punitive injuries thrust upon me by authority figures working for state-sponsored institutions. Such Canadian civic authorities have continued to commit insidious crimes against peoples of color, from their ivory towers perched upon 'high moral grounds' and 'professional indemnity.' Too many of them are murderous hypocrites, who only superficially portray themselves as humanitarian legalists with sensitivity, empathy, and compassion towards the struggles of people like Uighurs, Rohinghayas, Syrians, Iranians, Ethiopians, Nigerians, Armenians, or Ukrainians.

As such, do officials from countries like Canada have any legitimate right to dole out moral and ethical criticism concerning human rights violations occurring in other regions of the world? Should they ever again be allowed to place any type of sanctions upon other countries, while they stealthily commit the very same atrocities in Canadian territories, like authoritarian regimes, and also in practically every war torn region of the world?

These are important and serious questions, especially due to ongoing politically motivated abuses of psychiatry and other medical practices in countries like Canada. Such crimes and offenses have been carried out continuously for more than a century, on a daily basis, with the aim of repressing and forcibly assimilating First Nations peoples, dissidents, ethnic minorities, peoples of color, newcomers, and even foreign nationals who are permanent or temporary-residents in Canada.

As such, are the underhanded state-sponsored bad-faith actors, as well as their handlers and supervisors in higher seats of authority within the Americas, and in western Europe, playing fair within the same reality and society that the rest of us on planet earth are currently living in?

Or are they in a state of delirium, confusion, and delusion where their sense of local and global ground truths has become irreparably warped, and has slipped away completely?

However, not all parliamentarians, or persons in seats of power have been corrupted because of greed, duplicity, and hypocrisy. It is just that even among parliamentarians and community leaders, those who speak up about such issues tend to get castigated in public, humiliated, sidelined from better paid or influential positions within their organizations, defamed, and then simply thrown to the curb for not being 'a team player,' and for not being 'down to earth.'

This is why, as long as one can get internet connectivity at the curb-side, one can still do as much as individually possible to press a few keystrokes, or pluck a few guitar strings, or beat a few drums, like any other person busking at a street corner, to then send out a few notes, rhymes and rhythms that inspire, and mobilize ordinary people who are treated as a nobody.

Now, does one need to have sovereignty, grand accolades, or positions of high influence and power, in order to e-mail a few letters, or forward a few pamphlets?

Or does one need to possess genius level intelligence and acumen, along with maverick leadership skills, to merely put out a few podcasts and songs? Just think about it, what does one need to have, in order to churn out a bunch of "what-if scenarios" from the comfort of their armchair? Most probably just the armchair, yes?

Within all such avenues of life, one does not need to be a 'jedi' grand master, or a grand vizier, or a grand anything for that matter, to march along, with the labors of an ordinary life.

One just needs to be free, free as in neither a surf nor a slave.

But perhaps, as a word to the wiser, and to those more optimistically cautious among us, shouldn't one be more soft spoken and appealing in their outlook and speech, as opposed to seemingly jagged, arrogant, or abrasive? Many government officials and persons in seats of power are notorious for being secretively vindictive against anybody who "ruffles their feathers." So, wouldn't it be safer to hide and be silent, and accept that they will always be able to get away with their xenophobic acts of hatred and deceit?

Yes, being polite, or completely avoiding to discuss the mortal sins of corrupt officials and racist agencies does help people who care about things like a pension, and hiding within a crowd also helps those who want to ape someone they aren't. However, I am not one of those people seeking glory, riches, or fame. And that is why, I have no reasons to apologize for how I happen to be comfortable in my own skin, especially not to those who cunningly cast people like me into harm's way, and certainly not to those who knowingly sullied our reputation or imperiled our lives, by misusing and abusing their authority.

More importantly, as a serious question to all those North American agents and public-service professionals who have colluded to harm persons like me, "Did my 'arrogance' ever injure you in such ways to cause your child to be murdered or killed due to a home invasion by policing agents? Did my 'caustic tone' or artistic-expressions cause your honor to be completely tarnished by indelibly spiking your medical and social security records? Or did your life's work get despoiled through malicious state-sponsored cyber-attacks, just because my Tweets and blog articles appeared 'too egotistical, cryptic, and politically charged?'"

Or, genuinely, did my multi-cultural mannerisms cause hurtful and harmful effects to your bodily functions and to your reproductive system; with further sadistic and demeaning threats ghoulishly cast upon you to be lobotomized, so that you could then be stashed away in an asylum, where you wouldn't even be able to beg for relief through euthanasia?

8.1 So What Is To Be Done Next

Living within the poverty stricken doldrums of Kitchener-Waterloo Region during Covid-era, turned out to be an eye-opener for me.

It helped me apologize to those friends and family who had to put up with my antics, or had become worried due to my distressful situation that gave them many sleepless nights for many months or possibly years. It also made me more acutely aware about my own nature and responsibility in all of this, about how the situation surrounding these chain of events hasn't subsided yet, because of my inability to get-along-to-go-along with treasonous and traitorous people, as well as my inability to go-along-to-get-along with unscrupulous and cowardly people.

Mindfully putting aside the niceties and facades that are typically used for maintaining social appearances just for being able to fit-in, or for being able to purchase the latest vapor-ware from an upstart company, miraculously saves a great deal of bandwidth and energy. These savings can then naturally be invested in a cause that one would care to live for, rather than to die for.

So, which cause might motivate me to fight off military goons, and treacherous wetworks-teams hiding in the closets of Canadian hospitals and clinics?

Well, even though all the people I have ever come in contact with, weren't members of any type of militia, mercenary outfits, or vigilante groups — a number of them were sadly too eager and willing, to commit genocides and serial mass murders, via designs of autonomous machines used in automated warfare.

The gist of the other large volume of documentation detailing the names, affiliations, and methods of operation of those genocidal individuals and groups, which is currently doing the rounds among offices of international agencies, is basically this:

  • A group of individuals, companies, secret service agencies, military officers, and contractors, willfully and deliberately contributed to removing safeguards within the control systems of drones. Those safeguards were meant to prevent deaths of civilians and friendly soldiers during the recent Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

  • Those groups of people, subsequently programmed their drones to automatically select, and fire at targets indiscriminately, each time operating within manually designated geographical zones that spanned areas upwards of 40 kilometers in diameter.

So now, imagine if some other military were to do the very same thing against your country, how much of your nation do you suppose would survive if such indiscriminate and automated missile strikes or bombardments were carried out incessantly, on a daily basis for months, and then on a weekly basis for years, with no end in sight?

One does not need to have Orwellian inklings, or an "overactive imagination", to understand what is in store for humanity due to issues like climate change and global refugee crises boiling over. Coincidentally, those issues are getting worse, because too many groups of people with government based authorities vested upon them, to mitigate crises and prevent catastrophes, have remained simply too oblivious, ill-informed, or completely unprepared.

Much worse is the fact that, a sufficiently large group of government officials and public figures have directly contributed to causing those refugee crises, by actively promoting and propagating the rhetoric of "globalized just retaliations against Islamists and Islamic terror groups", using fallacious presentations given to parliaments and the public, of their respective countries. They have encouraged hate and Islamophobia among communities of their countries, and have encouraged sectarian violence while diminishing the plight of victims and survivors of that type of violence. Those officials and public figures have continued to spread xenophobic ideologies, while driving their countries into ever increasing public debt, and by personally profiteering from companies like: Halliburton US, Lockheed Martin US (Skunk Works), Rockwell US, Northrop Grumman US, General Dynamics Systems US, Raytheon US and Canada, FLIR Canada, and BAE Systems UK.

In particular, those officials and public figures conducted their clandestine affairs of embezzling public funds, by siphoning tax-payer monies as bailouts and tax-breaks given to a few large corporations whose significant shareholdings they had already captured, prior to public announcements about those government bailout programs. And then with the use of shell companies in off-shore tax-havens they were able to cover their "down-side", as well as hide their dodgy, windfall earnings. (Similar to these people listed in the Panama Papers)

But that is no secret! That is just the reality of how the world economy and logistic supply chains work in the age of unaccounted for, and unaccountable, "quantitative-easing."

However, the aliases some of those individuals used in operating those off-shore shell corporations and bank accounts were clandestine, until they weren't on 18th April, 2020. (Soon after that I was illegitimately arrested, framed as a psychopathic terrorist, and tortured via politically motivated abuse of medical sciences by a nexus of public-service agents in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.)

Please view this data trove when you can, and if you are interested, for obtaining the names and aliases of various and several public company CEOs, and CFOs -

Much more significantly, one does not need to have gut wrenching experiences from having to watch Battle Damage Assessment videos — showing young women and children being turned into mist from automated missile strikes or drone-guided attacks launched from herculean aerial gunships — to understand the horrors that recent wars have brought upon every nation on this earth.

So, have I been sufficiently aware about the nature and degree of challenges in living for a cause that can lessen the burden of perhaps just a few of those displaced survivors? Not at every moment.

Often I have almost halted completely out of pain from injuries and wounds inflicted on me, or from dismay in recognizing the global-scale situation all of humanity on this planet is currently encumbered with.

For how long can one keep hiding from, or turning a blind eye to such genocidal atrocities being committed against humanity by the so-called vanguards of human rights and democracy?

Which remaining qibla can one turn towards, in peace as well as in struggle, when every livable space on this earth has already been encroached upon, by surreptitious evil-doers closing in from each direction?

8.2 We Can Firstly, Recapitulate

The following series of opportunistic methods were used in committing blatant misdeeds and heinous violations by coordinated members of CMHA, WRPS, GRHC, intelligence agencies, and offices of The Justice of Peace in Ontario.

  1. Spiked medical records with willful fabrications and fraudulent statements

  2. Illegitimate police records with fabricated statistical and demographic data

  3. Fabricated justifications provided to a make-shift judicial authority, for detaining persons in a substitute jail within a government-supported medical facility

  4. Exploiting loopholes within the judicial system that circumvent the need to provide strong evidence to a magistrate or a judge, for a proper arrest warrant

  5. Use of coordination and communication tools for orchestrating a malicious plan

  6. Use of shared databases and software with misleading subjective data and fabricated pretexts that were falsely represented as being legitimate, objective, and truthful

  7. Normalized official policies among public institutions that forcefully deprive visible minorities of basic human rights to religious necessities, and of civil liberties to accessing cultural support; especially minority groups that are non-Christian are still being subjected to such state-sponsored violence in Canada (Physical evidence of violations summarized in points 1 through 7, are disclosed here)

  8. Duress via the tools, policies, architectural design and layout of the detention facility

  9. Threats to further deprive persons of their rights and privileges for speaking up while being subject to molestation and harm in the name of 'medical treatment'

  10. Coerced or forced administration of narcotic or toxic drugs that paradoxically cause the psychiatric or behavioral symptoms, that they are 'meant to treat'

  11. Causing sexual and reproductive harm via heavy or sustained doses of toxic drugs

  12. Forced administration of contraindicated drugs with the specific likelihood of causing seizures, stroke, blood pressure increase, arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, nerve damage, or other long term complications including death, due to thrombosis

  13. Cyber-attacks with cyber-warfare tools via the aid of secret services to tamper with material evidence of genocides

  14. Using public-service units to dehumanize, discredit, suppress, and conduct surreptitiously violent acts of terror against: ethnic minorities; peoples of color; and witnesses of other crimes, violations, and offenses committed by state-sponsored groups

By no means were such violations minor mistakes, misunderstandings, or slip ups. Worst of all, I wasn't the first, nor have I been the last person to be subjected to murderous and devastating harms by Canadian state-sponsored agents and agencies.

--- End of Section 8 ---