Knowledge chooses where it must reside. This set of knowledge has chosen to reside within the current git repository, among several version-controlled hubs of codebase, and projects for systems engineering and computer programming.
This part is primarily in reference to violations committed by persons whose names are recorded in "Section 12 of The File." The specifics of when and how certain Canadian state-sponsored bad-actors, committed particular acts of discriminatory violations, is also detailed in The File. How their habitual pattern of abusing the authority and powers vested in their offices, impacts the public in Kitchener-Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada, is also explained therein.
Here, I'd like to provide some more details about the tools and techniques used by a number of agencies in North America for systematically orchestrating, and automating acts of socio-economic harms, that are being carried out on a large-scale, against targetted groups of minorities within Canada.
The persistent mechanisms for causing and inflicting continuous injuries, harms, and damages upon targeted innocent civilians, has been made so easy in Commonwealth Countries like Canada, that any public service worker who becomes trigger-happy with a computer peripheral, can simply click on a few check-boxes, to initialise state-sponsored instruments for directing forceful actions, in an unethical and clandestine manner.
Apart from the immediate injuries produced via rapid, and coordinated actions taken by uniformed enforcement officers, these types of mechanisms also inflict long-term and hidden damages upon chosen victims — by degrading or eliminating opportunities available to the targeted person, for gaining dignified work, housing, and financial support. Such losses to the victims occur when algorithmic search engines used by potential employers, and financial creditors for background checks notice the 'red flags' within the victim's digitally recorded profile. Those red flags, notes, and other problematic tags are injected into the victims' confidential records by trained employees of public and private sector entities, specifically to hinder the growth and fruitful prosperity of the segregated target. Tainting confidential and private records of a person, or of a group of persons in this manner, is a discriminatory offence, which deserves swift legal actions for preventing and deterring, such ongoing acts of treachery and perniciously orchestrated serial murders, by using strong punishments and disciplinary actions against institutions and agencies that cause such harms.
Pernicious activities conducted by a state's, or a company's hired agents, against entire communities, remain hidden within the black-boxed environments that are supervised and controlled by the state's accredited authorities. The black-boxed secrecy and hidden nature of such environments and algorithmic mechanisms, are supposed to exist for the best interests of consumers, and for public good. The overall process of collecting and using people's personal data for immigration, finance, business, healthcare, or security purposes is meant to be protected, by anonymising and aggregating the data, when it is used for driving institutional decision making processes, and for creating public policies. But such anonymity is obviously not available at various stages and points of contact with clients such as patients, who require individualised services by public and private service workers in the healthcare industry. During such instances, the staff or employee providing the required service or work, needs to have direct and unrestricted access for using and modifying the client's data sheets. This is how public service employees and contractors as well as private practitioners, enter into a fiduciary role with a responsibility and duty of care towards the individual whose confidential data they invariably handle with unfettered access. The misuse and abuse of such a role by members of an institute, agency, or a company, and even of a municipality or a state — is a severe breach of trust. Due to such responsibility and liability of employed and contracted professionals authorized by the state, it is clear that a debt of restitution is owed to the injured party from any breach of trust and confidentiality, by the entire organisational unit in charge of having hired the offending worker(s). The organization is to be held responsible even when the offending worker(s) somehow leave(s), or happen to be outside the regulatory control of the organization, because it is the individual organisational unit that gains people's confidence, and trust, through its outlook and marketing activities, which remains injured due to the breach of trust. Another reason for holding the organization responsible is that the offences occur within the purview of the organisational unit, during the supervision of the offending worker(s), and are often conduced by the organization's managerial members and leaders.
Here it needs to be mentioned that much worse violations of a person's basic human rights and civil liberties occur, when dastardly methods are deployed against a targeted person, to cause the person to lose trust in themselves, apart from suffering the consequences of their confidential and private data being abused. A person's trust in themselves can be harmed and damaged because of gaslighting done to the person, or through doubt seeded into the person's conscience about their identity, and beliefs, via professional psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. And the absolutely worst act of perpetrating a breach of trust, is the loathsome act of causing a person to abandon faith in their traditional conception of God or deity, so that the person's belief system can be shattered via torment, physical abuse, electrical shocks, and biochemical torture. Once a captive person's will power and spirit is completely crushed or erased by these types of violent and subversive actions, the hapless individual's perceptions and cultural beliefs are reshaped into a belief system that the state more readily approves of. It is important to note that such shameful actions of torment, torture, sabotage or subterfuge — committed by authorised agents of the state or a company, or a sectarian group, against profiled individuals — are tantamount to genocidal activities of cruelty and crimes against humanity.
Once violations of the aforementioned nature do occur, the sets of tarnished private data enshrined within public and private institutions or companies, via the design of their fiduciary mechanisms and databases, remain completely inaccessible for inspection by individual consumers who are negatively impacted by having been violated. These victims and survivors are often forced to rely on sole government based, or privately owned entities that handle their confidential data due to a physical lack of alternative choices, which is part of a systemic design to rob consumers of better quality service providers.
So, when service providers and state-regulated agents mishandle or deliberately spike the personal data within vital records of a profiled person, or of a profiled group of persons, "a methodical and well-formed set of procedures" owned and directed via the institute's value networks, causes damages to the targetted individuals, by slowly and surreptitiously destroying the economic opportunities available to the victims, along with a desecration of their entitled rights to protection, and faithful service, as denizens or tax-paying consumers. Such large scale wrongs typically go unnoticed by higher authorities within the state who are in charge of creating checks and balances governing the types of computerised tools, methods, and procedures highlighted in this documentation. Worse, while the effects of the harm are evident to the victims, the inability to properly comprehend and explain how they have come to suffer — due to "the invisible hand of the market" that uses its black-boxed tools to cause subtle but significant provocations, and injuries — only frustrates and enervates the victims in a continuous manner. Then, at this point, the patronising facetiousness of ill-trained psychological healthcare workers, and ill-equipped social service workers who pathologise and stigmatise the victim's plight, comes into play, to only make matters much worse.
In all of this, the worst and most cruel issue is the abduction of children from targetted parents for forced cultural assimilation, along with the types of bodily harm and sexual exploitation that is inflicted on such poor children, within state-run healthcare facilities and 'residential schools' where they are held against their will.
However, the mechanisms for preventing or satisfactorily rectifying any of these types of wrongs don't even exist!
In many instances, even when irrefutable evidence of such harms and damages are brought forth, which showcase the causal and motivational factors involved within statutory crimes and with a series of professional misconduct being committed by state-sponsored agents, including evidence of their modes of operation and tools used, the usual tactics of denial and deflection of the evidence are deployed by obtuse legal defenders. These tactics are typically followed by added offences of illegitimately shaming, discrediting, stigmatising, or vilifying the victims. And more often than not, the hard pieces of evidence exposed by the likes of this documentary are rubbished and 'summarily' dismissed by corrupt adjudicators as being 'inadmissible' so that the evidence can be forgotten as hearsay. A more disheartening and egregious issue is the cultural practice within the legal industry, of vehemently blocking, belittling, sidelining, or simply rejecting available evidence to prevent discussions about state-sponsored crimes from even being brought to a public hearing. In this manner, indemnifying, shielding, and protecting wrongdoers by using socio-economic barriers, technical hurdles, and numerous booby traps embedded within judiciary systems against victims and survivors, has become the status quo.
Hence the inequity and the systematised injustice rages on, against ordinary people! It exists and propagates because of engineered designs of its human regulators, and not due to some accidental factors or external forces.
Indigenous and First Nations peoples along with marginalised groups in Canada,
have been truthfully and rightly crying out foul for more than a century,
but to no avail from a significant and substantial resolution,
to such long-standing issues and large-scale problems.
It is plainly evident and obvious, that such deleterious actions of authorised officers and contracted agents at every echelon of Canadian society, have devalued the quality and integrity of Canadian institutes because of the enormous magnitude and incorrigible nature of the deplorable abuses that are ongoing, and because of the severe betrayal of the trust reposed by susceptible people, in those 'self-governing and self-regulating' institutes.
The following image and link to its source is an example of the type of commercially available algorithms that are used for sifting through government databases and other confidential corporate records, pertaining to a private individual.
These types of algorithms pick up on flags and tags (like simplistic yes/no for a categorical label) within those confidential records, and databases. Such flags and labels noted within black-boxed databases are too often devoid of contextual information. When such records are poisoned and spiked by bad actors employed by the state or other corporations, the reports produced by the algorithms automatically and unfairly downgrade the socio-economic opportunities offered via public and private institutes, to the targeted persons or segregated communities. Such socio-economic opportunities are essential and necessary for a person to be able to earn a livelihood, obtain financial loans, have appropriate insurance premiums, and basically have access to a decent quality of life.
Once those essential necessities are degraded or robbed through illegitimate profiling, the wronged persons suffer silently due to these kinds of pernicious actions. These types of systematically orchestrated 'under the radar' or clandestine actions — cannot be easily identified by the public — as a hazard to civil liberties, and as a violation of basic human rights. These types of cunning violations cannot be halted or rectified, if they cannot even be noticed or identified, by conscientious leaders and systems administrators.
Router's CLEAR Investigation Software
--- End of Section 4 ---