So which avenues for legitimate and genuine forms of equitable justice remain for survivors and bereaved communities? How can people who are still suffering due to the effects of coordinated and ongoing surreptitious violence from state-sponsored agencies get any closure or remedy?
For identifying a viable and worthwhile answer to the above questions, this documentation firstly proves how the belligerently repeated dastardly violations committed against my life, dignity and relationships were unprovoked, and were entirely due to the faults, preconceived prejudices, and entrenched wickedness of discriminatory agencies operating in North America. It is proven that the only reason they were able to commit those conniving violations was due to the premeditated actions of well trained and funded agents tasked with racial profiling — for specifically targeting muslims, visible minorities, people with disabilities, already disenfranchised communities, and peoples of colour. It secondly demonstrates how every possible means to obtain legal remedies only led to suffering more egregious harms and injuries due to further acts of repression perpetrated by governing bodies and their associated institutional organisations.
Therefore, under the principles of retaliatory justice, I have gained the right to exact redemptive vengeance by all means necessary against such dastardly and fiendish enemies of humanity, in order to:
- Protect myself and other innocent people from suffering any further treacheries or harms at the hands of such vile, sadistic and unrepentant agents of misery, and
- Recuperate compensations, remedies as well as punitive damages that are long overdue.
At this juncture, I have been forced onto the path of obtaining recompense through justified retaliatory actions only because the alternative path towards remedy, restoration and restitution through amicable, discrete, and discreet means have been thoroughly constricted, hampered or blocked by the wilful actions of Canadian entities supported by The Five Eyes group and various other colluding agencies. However, at present, because I am not a soldier nor a statesperson or even any kind of a person with sufficient resources to exercise that right, I will have to transfer said rights for executing retaliatory actions, to a competent organisation or to a group of worthy organisations that can pursue the course of justice, on behalf of grieving persons like myself.
Having said that, I have come to prefer and prioritise more peaceful forms of internationally binding justice and equitable treatment — for mending, redeeming, recovering, restoring, or reconstructing that which can be recuperated or reconciled in a timely manner. I've already put in as much effort as physically and emotionally possible towards that option but to no avail. And for obtaining due justice in matters involving irrecoverable, permanent, or irreparable damages, I'll have to necessarily side with accessible means for delivering punitive justice with added measures for deterrence against the detestable transgressions of irresponsible and irredeemable forces. This is because we are not only responsible for our actions as individuals, we are also responsible for our actions as individual units.
There are no implicit, caged, or allegorical connotations in this text, about fair and just actions that I am willing and able to dedicate myself to, in the interest and pursuit of internationally binding worthwhile justice. And that is because the statements posited within this documentation are entirely and most certainly explicit, aren't they?
--- End of Section 5 ---