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MueLu/HHG: exercise edge-based splitting for 2D example caseNine
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mayrmt committed Jan 17, 2018
1 parent b9dcd7d commit df72240
Showing 1 changed file with 202 additions and 129 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
% Compute matrix-vector product for caseNine.
% Exercise edge-based splitting with nullspace constraint
% This mimics a region-wise matrix-vector product for a two-dimensional problem.
% We consider an edge-based approach. We assume that each matrix entry a_ij
% (i != j) represents an 'edge' that connects the nodes i and j. It is known, to
% which regions i and j belong to, respsectiely.
% - If i and j belong to one and the same region, this is an interior edge.
% - If i and j belong to the same two regions, this is an interface edge.
% Diagonal entries a_ii are not considered to be edges, but require a differnet
% treatment.
% The splitting algorithm consists of two steps:
% 1. Process off-diagonals: Interior edges don't need to be changed. Interface
% edges are shared by 2 regions and, thus, need to be splitted (divided by 2).
% 2. Process diagonal entries: Diagonal entries need to be chosen to preserve
% nullspace properties for region matrices. We take the kth region matrix
% regAk and multiply it with its portion of the global nullspace vector, i.e.
% tmp = regAk * regNSPk. The result tmp now contains the correction for the
% diagonal entries, i.e. diag(regAk) = diag(regAk) - tmp.
% Region numbering:
Expand All @@ -15,159 +31,216 @@
% +--------+--------+


%% composite quantities
A = full(twoDimensionalLaplace(25));

% x = ones(size(A,1),1);
% x = [1:25]';
x = rand(25,1);

z = A * x;

%% Define region-wise quantities as extraction from global matrix
% GIDs of each region
indReg0 = [1 2 3 6 7 8 11 12 13];
indReg1 = [3 4 5 8 9 10 13 14 15];
indReg2 = [11 12 13 16 17 18 21 22 23];
indReg3 = [13 14 15 18 19 20 23 24 25];

% LIDs of interface nodes ordered according to regions
lid0 = [3 6 7 8 9];
lid1 = [1 4 7 8 9];
lid2 = [1 2 3 6 9];
lid3 = [1 2 3 4 7];

% LIDs of non-Dirichlet nodes
nonDBC0 = [5 6 8 9];
nonDBC1 = [4 5 7 8];
nonDBC2 = [2 3 5 6];
nonDBC3 = [1 2 4 5];

% mapping of nodes to regions
nodesToRegion(1,:) = [1 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(2,:) = [1 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(3,:) = [1 2 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(4,:) = [2 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(5,:) = [2 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(6,:) = [1 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(7,:) = [1 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(8,:) = [1 2 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(9,:) = [2 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(10,:) = [2 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(11,:) = [1 3 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(12,:) = [1 3 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(13,:) = [1 2 3 4];
nodesToRegion(14,:) = [2 4 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(15,:) = [2 4 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(16,:) = [3 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(17,:) = [3 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(18,:) = [3 4 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(19,:) = [4 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(20,:) = [4 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(21,:) = [3 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(22,:) = [3 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(23,:) = [3 4 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(24,:) = [4 -1 -1 -1];
nodesToRegion(25,:) = [4 -1 -1 -1];

% We first process the off-diagonals. For convenience of GID access, this is
% done in the composite matrix.
for r = 1:size(A,1) % loop over all rows
row = A(r,:); % grep a single row
[~, nnzInds, ~] = find(row); % identify nonzeros in this row
for c = nnzInds % loop over all nonzeros in this row
if r ~= c % skip the diagonal element
commonRegs = findCommonRegions(nodesToRegion(r,:), nodesToRegion(c,:));
numCommonRegs = length(commonRegs);

if numCommonRegs == 2
A(r,c) = A(r,c) / 2;
elseif numCommonRegs == 0 || numCommonRegs == 1
% ddo nothing
error('Search for common region assignments produced weird result.');

% extract region matrices
regA0 = A(indReg0, indReg0);
regA1 = A(indReg1, indReg1);
regA2 = A(indReg2, indReg2);
regA3 = A(indReg3, indReg3);

%% Fix diagonal values

% region 0
regA0 = eye(9);
regA0(5,:) = [-1 -1 -1 -1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1];
regA0(6,:) = [ 0 -1 -1 0 -1 8 0 -1 -1];
regA0(8,:) = [ 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 -1];
regA0(9,:) = [ 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 8];

% region 1
regA1 = eye(9);
regA1(4,:) = [-1 -1 0 8 -1 0 -1 -1 0];
regA1(5,:) = [-1 -1 -1 -1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1];
regA1(7,:) = [ 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 8 -1 0];
regA1(8,:) = [ 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 8 -1];

% region 2
regA2 = eye(9);
regA2(2,:) = [-1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0];
regA2(3,:) = [ 0 -1 8 0 -1 -1 0 0 0];
regA2(5,:) = [-1 -1 -1 -1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1];
regA2(6,:) = [ 0 -1 -1 0 -1 8 0 -1 -1];

% region 3
regA3 = eye(9);
regA3(1,:) = [ 8 -1 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0];
regA3(2,:) = [-1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0];
regA3(4,:) = [-1 -1 0 8 -1 0 -1 -1 0];
regA3(5,:) = [-1 -1 -1 -1 8 -1 -1 -1 -1];

%% Modify entries in interface matrices

% % local IDs of interface nodes per region
% int0 = [3 6 7 8 9];
% int1 = [1 4 7 8 9];
% int2 = [1 2 3 6 9];
% int3 = [1 2 3 4 7];

% for i = int0
% regA0(i,int0) = regA0(i,int0) / 2;
% end
% for i = int1
% regA1(i,int1) = regA1(i,int1) / 2;
% end
% for i = int2
% regA2(i,int2) = regA2(i,int2) / 2;
% end
% for i = int3
% regA3(i,int3) = regA3(i,int3) / 2;
% end
% % fix center node that has been duplicated three times
% regA0(9,9) = regA0(9,9) * 2 / 4;
% regA1(7,7) = regA1(7,7) * 2 / 4;
% regA2(3,3) = regA2(3,3) * 2 / 4;
% regA3(1,1) = regA3(1,1) * 2 / 4;

% local IDs of interface nodes per region and interface ID
int00 = [3 6 9];
int01 = [7 8 9];
int10 = [1 4 7];
int12 = [7 8 9];
int21 = [1 2 3];
int23 = [3 6 9];
int32 = [1 2 3];
int33 = [1 4 7];

for i = int00
regA0(i, int00) = regA0(i, int00) / 2;
% Modify diagonal entries to preserve nullspace. Since we want to preserve the
% nullspace in the region layout, this is done region by region.
regX0 = ones(9,1); % nullspace vector
tmp = regA0 * regX0; % compute action of matrix on nullspace vector
for i = nonDBC0 % only process non-DBC nodes
regA0(i,i) = regA0(i,i) - tmp(i); % correct diagonal entry
for i = int01
regA0(i, int01) = regA0(i, int01) / 2;

regX1 = ones(9,1);
tmp = regA1 * regX1;
for i = nonDBC1
regA1(i,i) = regA1(i,i) - tmp(i);
for i = int10
regA1(i, int10) = regA1(i, int10) / 2;

regX2 = ones(9,1);
tmp = regA2 * regX2;
for i = nonDBC2
regA2(i,i) = regA2(i,i) - tmp(i);
for i = int12
regA1(i, int12) = regA1(i, int12) / 2;

regX3 = ones(9,1);
tmp = regA3 * regX3;
for i = nonDBC3
regA3(i,i) = regA3(i,i) - tmp(i);
for i = int21
regA2(i, int21) = regA2(i, int21) / 2;

for i = lid0
if regA0(i,i) == 1
regA0(i,i) = 0.5;
for i = int23
regA2(i, int23) = regA2(i, int23) / 2;
for i = lid1
if regA1(i,i) == 1
regA1(i,i) = 0.5;
for i = int32
regA3(i, int32) = regA3(i, int32) / 2;
for i = lid2
if regA2(i,i) == 1
regA2(i,i) = 0.5;
for i = int33
regA3(i, int33) = regA3(i, int33) / 2;
for i = lid3
if regA3(i,i) == 1
regA3(i,i) = 0.5;

%% Build global, but regional matrices

%% Build global, but regional matrices and vectors
% assemble regA from regional submatrices
regZS = zeros(9,9);

regA = [regA0 regZS regZS regZS;
regZS regA1 regZS regZS;
regZS regZS regA2 regZS;
regZS regZS regZS regA3];
regX = ones(size(regA,1),1);

%% composite quantities
A = full(twoDimensionalLaplace(25));

x = ones(size(A,1),1);

%% Perform matrix-vector multiplication
z = A*x;
% extract regional vectors from composite vector and assemle vector in region
% layout
regX0 = x(indReg0);
regX1 = x(indReg1);
regX2 = x(indReg2);
regX3 = x(indReg3);
regX = [regX0; regX1; regX2; regX3];

%% Perform matrix-vector multiplication in region layout
regZ = regA * regX;

%% Transform result back to composite regime
%% Transform result back to composite regime and compare to composite result

regZ0 = regZ(1:9);
regZ1 = regZ(10:18);
regZ2 = regZ(19:27);
regZ3 = regZ(28:36);

compZ = zeros(size(z));

compZ(1) = regZ0(1);
compZ(2) = regZ0(2);
compZ(3) = regZ0(3) + regZ1(1);
compZ(4) = regZ1(2);
compZ(5) = regZ1(3);
compZ(6) = regZ0(4);
compZ(7) = regZ0(5);
compZ(8) = regZ0(6) + regZ1(4);
compZ(9) = regZ1(5);
compZ(10) = regZ1(6);
compZ(11) = regZ0(7) + regZ2(1);
compZ(12) = regZ0(8) + regZ2(2);
compZ(13) = regZ0(9) + regZ1(7) + regZ2(3) + regZ3(1);
compZ(14) = regZ1(8) + regZ3(2);
compZ(15) = regZ1(9) + regZ3(3);
compZ(16) = regZ2(4);
compZ(17) = regZ2(5);
compZ(18) = regZ2(6) + regZ3(4);
compZ(19) = regZ3(5);
compZ(20) = regZ3(6);
compZ(21) = regZ2(7);
compZ(22) = regZ2(8);
compZ(23) = regZ2(9) + regZ3(7);
compZ(24) = regZ3(8);
compZ(25) = regZ3(9);

str = sprintf('GID\tz\tcomZ');
scaledCompZ = zeros(size(z));

scaledCompZ(1) = regZ0(1);
scaledCompZ(2) = regZ0(2);
scaledCompZ(3) = regZ0(3) + regZ1(1);
scaledCompZ(4) = regZ1(2);
scaledCompZ(5) = regZ1(3);
scaledCompZ(6) = regZ0(4);
scaledCompZ(7) = regZ0(5);
scaledCompZ(8) = regZ0(6) + regZ1(4);
scaledCompZ(9) = regZ1(5);
scaledCompZ(10) = regZ1(6);
scaledCompZ(11) = regZ0(7) + regZ2(1);
scaledCompZ(12) = regZ0(8) + regZ2(2);
scaledCompZ(13) = regZ0(9) + regZ1(7) + regZ2(3) + regZ3(1);
scaledCompZ(14) = regZ1(8) + regZ3(2);
scaledCompZ(15) = regZ1(9) + regZ3(3);
scaledCompZ(16) = regZ2(4);
scaledCompZ(17) = regZ2(5);
scaledCompZ(18) = regZ2(6) + regZ3(4);
scaledCompZ(19) = regZ3(5);
scaledCompZ(20) = regZ3(6);
scaledCompZ(21) = regZ2(7);
scaledCompZ(22) = regZ2(8);
scaledCompZ(23) = regZ2(9) + regZ3(7);
scaledCompZ(24) = regZ3(8);
scaledCompZ(25) = regZ3(9);

str = sprintf('GID\tz\tscaledCompZ');
disp([[1:25]' z compZ]);
disp([[1:25]' z scaledCompZ]);

str = sprintf('norm of difference: %f', norm(z-compZ));
str = sprintf('norm of difference: %f', norm(z-scaledCompZ));

%% Utils: find shared regions of two nodes
function [ commonRegs ] = findCommonRegions(regsA, regsB)

commonRegs = [];

for a = regsA
for b = regsB
if (a == b)
commonRegs = [commonRegs a];

commonRegs = commonRegs(find(commonRegs > 0));
commonRegs = unique(commonRegs);


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