diff --git a/cmake/dependencies/TrilinosPackageDependencies.xml b/cmake/dependencies/TrilinosPackageDependencies.xml
index d00b2b531bab..b74c14770dce 100644
--- a/cmake/dependencies/TrilinosPackageDependencies.xml
+++ b/cmake/dependencies/TrilinosPackageDependencies.xml
@@ -1427,20 +1427,6 @@
diff --git a/packages/stk/cmake/Dependencies.cmake b/packages/stk/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
index 31f4bba72d6d..47926cc1d0ae 100644
--- a/packages/stk/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
+++ b/packages/stk/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
- Classic stk_classic EX OPTIONAL
Util stk_util PT OPTIONAL
Simd stk_simd PT OPTIONAL
Topology stk_topology PT OPTIONAL
diff --git a/packages/trilinoscouplings/examples/scaling/example_Poisson_stk.cpp b/packages/trilinoscouplings/examples/scaling/example_Poisson_stk.cpp
index 3994336b86de..f3a9aaba4021 100644
--- a/packages/trilinoscouplings/examples/scaling/example_Poisson_stk.cpp
+++ b/packages/trilinoscouplings/examples/scaling/example_Poisson_stk.cpp
@@ -990,195 +990,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
rhsVector, femCoefficients,
TotalErrorResidual, TotalErrorExactSol);
-/**************************** CALCULATE ERROR *************************************/
- if (MyPID == 0) {Time.ResetStartTime();}
- double L2err = 0.0;
- double L2errTot = 0.0;
- double H1err = 0.0;
- double H1errTot = 0.0;
- double Linferr = 0.0;
- double LinferrTot = 0.0;
- // Import solution onto current processor
- // FIXME
- int numNodesGlobal = globalMapG.NumGlobalElements();
- Epetra_Map solnMap(numNodesGlobal, numNodesGlobal, 0, Comm);
- Epetra_Import solnImporter(solnMap, globalMapG);
- Epetra_Vector uCoeff(solnMap);
- uCoeff.Import(femCoefficients, solnImporter, Insert);
- // Define desired workset size
- desiredWorksetSize = numElems;
- int numWorksetsErr = numElems/desiredWorksetSize;
- // When numElems is not divisible by desiredWorksetSize, increase workset count by 1
- if(numWorksetsErr*desiredWorksetSize < numElems) numWorksetsErr += 1;
- // Get cubature points and weights for error calc (may be different from previous)
- Intrepid::DefaultCubatureFactory cubFactoryErr;
- int cubDegErr = 3;
- RCP > cellCubatureErr = cubFactoryErr.create(cellType, cubDegErr);
- int cubDimErr = cellCubatureErr->getDimension();
- int numCubPointsErr = cellCubatureErr->getNumPoints();
- IntrepidFieldContainer cubPointsErr(numCubPointsErr, cubDimErr);
- IntrepidFieldContainer cubWeightsErr(numCubPointsErr);
- cellCubatureErr->getCubature(cubPointsErr, cubWeightsErr);
- // Evaluate basis values and gradients at cubature points
- IntrepidFieldContainer uhGVals(numFieldsG, numCubPointsErr);
- IntrepidFieldContainer uhGrads(numFieldsG, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- HGradBasis->getValues(uhGVals, cubPointsErr, Intrepid::OPERATOR_VALUE);
- HGradBasis->getValues(uhGrads, cubPointsErr, Intrepid::OPERATOR_GRAD);
- // Loop over worksets
- for(int workset = 0; workset < numWorksetsErr; workset++){
- // compute cell numbers where the workset starts and ends
- int worksetSize = 0;
- int worksetBegin = (workset + 0)*desiredWorksetSize;
- int worksetEnd = (workset + 1)*desiredWorksetSize;
- // when numElems is not divisible by desiredWorksetSize, the last workset ends at numElems
- worksetEnd = (worksetEnd <= numElems) ? worksetEnd : numElems;
- // now we know the actual workset size and can allocate the array for the cell nodes
- worksetSize = worksetEnd - worksetBegin;
- IntrepidFieldContainer cellWorksetEr(worksetSize, numNodesPerElem, spaceDim);
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetApproxSolnCoef(worksetSize, numNodesPerElem);
- // loop over cells to fill arrays with coordinates and calculation solution coefficient
- int cellCounter = 0;
- for(int cell = worksetBegin; cell < worksetEnd; cell++){
- // Get element entity from id of cell
- stk_classic::mesh::Entity * worksetElem = bulkData.get_entity(elementRank,cell+1);
- // get nodes attached to this element
- const stk_classic::mesh::PairIterRelation worksetNodes = worksetElem->relations(nodeRank);
- // loop over nodes and get coordinates to fill workset array
- for (size_t i = 0; i < worksetNodes.size(); i++) {
- double * coord = stk_classic::mesh::field_data(*coords, *worksetNodes[i].entity());
- cellWorksetEr(cellCounter, i, 0) = coord[0];
- cellWorksetEr(cellCounter, i, 1) = coord[1];
- cellWorksetEr(cellCounter, i, 2) = coord[2];
- int rowIndex = worksetNodes[i].entity()->identifier() - 1;
- worksetApproxSolnCoef(cellCounter, i) = uCoeff.Values()[rowIndex];
- }
- cellCounter++;
- } // end cell loop
- // Containers for Jacobian
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetJacobianE(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim, spaceDim);
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetJacobInvE(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim, spaceDim);
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetJacobDetE(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetCubWeightsE(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- // Containers for basis values and gradients in physical space
- IntrepidFieldContainer uhGValsTrans(worksetSize,numFieldsG, numCubPointsErr);
- IntrepidFieldContainer uhGradsTrans(worksetSize, numFieldsG, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- // compute cell Jacobians, their inverses and their determinants
- IntrepidCTools::setJacobian(worksetJacobianE, cubPointsErr, cellWorksetEr, cellType);
- IntrepidCTools::setJacobianInv(worksetJacobInvE, worksetJacobianE );
- IntrepidCTools::setJacobianDet(worksetJacobDetE, worksetJacobianE );
- // map cubature points to physical frame
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetCubPoints(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, cubDimErr);
- IntrepidCTools::mapToPhysicalFrame(worksetCubPoints, cubPointsErr, cellWorksetEr, cellType);
- // evaluate exact solution and gradient at cubature points
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetExactSoln(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetExactSolnGrad(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- evaluateExactSolution(worksetExactSoln, worksetCubPoints);
- evaluateExactSolutionGrad(worksetExactSolnGrad, worksetCubPoints);
- // transform basis values to physical coordinates
- IntrepidFSTools::HGRADtransformVALUE(uhGValsTrans, uhGVals);
- IntrepidFSTools::HGRADtransformGRAD(uhGradsTrans, worksetJacobInvE, uhGrads);
- // compute weighted measure
- IntrepidFSTools::computeCellMeasure(worksetCubWeightsE, worksetJacobDetE, cubWeightsErr);
- // evaluate the approximate solution and gradient at cubature points
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetApproxSoln(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetApproxSolnGrad(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- IntrepidFSTools::evaluate(worksetApproxSoln, worksetApproxSolnCoef, uhGValsTrans);
- IntrepidFSTools::evaluate(worksetApproxSolnGrad, worksetApproxSolnCoef, uhGradsTrans);
- // get difference between approximate and exact solutions
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetDeltaSoln(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetDeltaSolnGrad(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- IntrepidRSTools::subtract(worksetDeltaSoln, worksetApproxSoln, worksetExactSoln);
- IntrepidRSTools::subtract(worksetDeltaSolnGrad, worksetApproxSolnGrad, worksetExactSolnGrad);
- // take absolute values
- IntrepidRSTools::absval(worksetDeltaSoln);
- IntrepidRSTools::absval(worksetDeltaSolnGrad);
- // apply cubature weights to differences in values and grads for use in integration
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetDeltaSolnWeighted(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetDeltaSolnGradWeighted(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- IntrepidFSTools::scalarMultiplyDataData(worksetDeltaSolnWeighted,
- worksetCubWeightsE, worksetDeltaSoln);
- IntrepidFSTools::scalarMultiplyDataData(worksetDeltaSolnGradWeighted,
- worksetCubWeightsE, worksetDeltaSolnGrad);
- // integrate to get errors on each element
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetL2err(worksetSize);
- IntrepidFieldContainer worksetH1err(worksetSize);
- IntrepidFSTools::integrate(worksetL2err, worksetDeltaSoln,
- worksetDeltaSolnWeighted, Intrepid::COMP_BLAS);
- IntrepidFSTools::integrate(worksetH1err, worksetDeltaSolnGrad,
- worksetDeltaSolnGradWeighted, Intrepid::COMP_BLAS);
- // loop over cells to get errors for total workset
- cellCounter = 0;
- for(int cell = worksetBegin; cell < worksetEnd; cell++){
- // loop over cubature points
- for(int nPt = 0; nPt < numCubPointsErr; nPt++){
- Linferr = std::max(Linferr, worksetDeltaSoln(cellCounter,nPt));
- }
- L2err += worksetL2err(cellCounter);
- H1err += worksetH1err(cellCounter);
- cellCounter++;
- } // end cell loop
- } // end loop over worksets
- // sum over all processors
- Comm.SumAll(&L2err,&L2errTot,1);
- Comm.SumAll(&H1err,&H1errTot,1);
- Comm.MaxAll(&Linferr,&LinferrTot,1);
- if (MyPID == 0) {
- std::cout << "\n" << "L2 Error: " << sqrt(L2errTot) <<"\n";
- std::cout << "H1 Error: " << sqrt(H1errTot) <<"\n";
- std::cout << "LInf Error: " << LinferrTot <<"\n\n";
- }
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Calculate error "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " s \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
return 0;
diff --git a/packages/trilinoscouplings/examples/scaling/example_Poisson_stkclassic.cpp b/packages/trilinoscouplings/examples/scaling/example_Poisson_stkclassic.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6896ff41c2a4..000000000000
--- a/packages/trilinoscouplings/examples/scaling/example_Poisson_stkclassic.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1403 +0,0 @@
-// ************************************************************************
-// Intrepid Package
-// Copyright (2007) Sandia Corporation
-// Under terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
-// license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government.
-// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
-// USA
-// Questions? Contact Pavel Bochev (pbboche@sandia.gov),
-// Denis Ridzal (dridzal@sandia.gov),
-// Kara Peterson (kjpeter@sandia.gov).
-// ************************************************************************
-/** \file example_Poisson_stk.cpp
- \brief Example solution of a Poisson equation on a hexahedral or
- tetrahedral mesh using nodal (Hgrad) elements.
- This example requires a hexahedral or tetrahedral mesh in Exodus
- format with a nodeset containing boundary nodes. STK is used to
- read the mesh and populate a mesh database, Intrepid is used to
- build the stiffness matrix and right-hand side, and ML is used
- to solve the resulting linear system.
- \verbatim
- Poisson system:
- div A grad u = f in Omega
- u = g on Gamma
- where
- A is a symmetric, positive definite material tensor
- f is a given source term
- Corresponding discrete linear system for nodal coefficients(x):
- Kx = b
- K - HGrad stiffness matrix
- b - right hand side vector
- \endverbatim
- \author Created by P. Bochev, D. Ridzal, K. Peterson C. Siefert.
- \remark Usage:
- \code ./example_Poisson_stk \endcode
- \remark Example requires a hexahedral or tetrahedral mesh in Exodus format
-#define DUMP_DATA
-/* Includes */
-// Intrepid includes
-#include "Intrepid_FunctionSpaceTools.hpp"
-#include "Intrepid_CellTools.hpp"
-#include "Intrepid_ArrayTools.hpp"
-#include "Intrepid_Basis.hpp"
-#include "Intrepid_HGRAD_HEX_C1_FEM.hpp"
-#include "Intrepid_HGRAD_TET_C1_FEM.hpp"
-#include "Intrepid_RealSpaceTools.hpp"
-#include "Intrepid_DefaultCubatureFactory.hpp"
-#include "Intrepid_Utils.hpp"
-// Epetra includes
-#include "Epetra_Time.h"
-#include "Epetra_Map.h"
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI
-#include "Epetra_MpiComm.h"
-#include "Epetra_SerialComm.h"
-#include "Epetra_FECrsMatrix.h"
-#include "Epetra_FEVector.h"
-#include "Epetra_Import.h"
-// Teuchos includes
-#include "Teuchos_oblackholestream.hpp"
-#include "Teuchos_RCP.hpp"
-#include "Teuchos_BLAS.hpp"
-#include "Teuchos_GlobalMPISession.hpp"
-#include "Teuchos_XMLParameterListHelpers.hpp"
-// Shards includes
-#include "Shards_CellTopology.hpp"
-// EpetraExt includes
-#include "EpetraExt_RowMatrixOut.h"
-#include "EpetraExt_MultiVectorOut.h"
-// AztecOO includes
-#include "AztecOO.h"
-// ML includes
-#include "ml_MultiLevelPreconditioner.h"
-#include "ml_epetra_utils.h"
-#include "Sacado.hpp"
-// Sacado includes
-#include "Sacado_No_Kokkos.hpp"
-// STK includes
-#include "Ionit_Initializer.h"
-#include "stk_io/IossBridge.hpp"
-#include "stk_io/MeshReadWriteUtils.hpp"
-#include "stk_util/parallel/Parallel.hpp"
-#include "stk_mesh/base/FieldData.hpp"
-#include "stk_mesh/base/MetaData.hpp"
-#include "stk_mesh/base/BulkData.hpp"
-#include "stk_mesh/base/Comm.hpp"
-#include "stk_mesh/base/Selector.hpp"
-#include "stk_mesh/base/GetEntities.hpp"
-#include "stk_mesh/base/GetBuckets.hpp"
-#include "stk_mesh/fem/CreateAdjacentEntities.hpp"
-/* Typedefs */
-typedef Sacado::Fad::SFad Fad3; //# ind. vars fixed at 3
-typedef shards::CellTopology ShardsCellTopology;
-typedef Intrepid::FunctionSpaceTools IntrepidFSTools;
-typedef Intrepid::RealSpaceTools IntrepidRSTools;
-typedef Intrepid::CellTools IntrepidCTools;
-/** \brief User-defined exact solution.
- \param x [in] x-coordinate of the evaluation point
- \param y [in] y-coordinate of the evaluation point
- \param z [in] z-coordinate of the evaluation point
- \return Value of the exact solution at (x,y,z)
- */
-const Scalar exactSolution(const Scalar& x, const Scalar& y, const Scalar& z);
-/** \brief User-defined material tensor.
- \param material [out] 3 x 3 material tensor evaluated at (x,y,z)
- \param x [in] x-coordinate of the evaluation point
- \param y [in] y-coordinate of the evaluation point
- \param z [in] z-coordinate of the evaluation point
- \warning Symmetric and positive definite tensor is required for every (x,y,z).
-void materialTensor(Scalar material[][3], const Scalar& x, const Scalar& y, const Scalar& z);
-/** \brief Computes gradient of the exact solution. Requires user-defined exact solution.
- \param gradExact [out] gradient of the exact solution evaluated at (x,y,z)
- \param x [in] x-coordinate of the evaluation point
- \param y [in] y-coordinate of the evaluation point
- \param z [in] z-coordinate of the evaluation point
- */
-void exactSolutionGrad(Scalar gradExact[3], const Scalar& x, const Scalar& y, const Scalar& z);
-/** \brief Computes source term: f = -div(A.grad u). Requires user-defined exact solution
- and material tensor.
- \param x [in] x-coordinate of the evaluation point
- \param y [in] y-coordinate of the evaluation point
- \param z [in] z-coordinate of the evaluation point
- \return Source term corresponding to the user-defined exact solution evaluated at (x,y,z)
- */
-const Scalar sourceTerm(Scalar& x, Scalar& y, Scalar& z);
-/** \brief Computation of the material tensor at array of points in physical space.
- \param worksetMaterialValues [out] Rank-2, 3 or 4 array with dimensions (C,P), (C,P,D) or (C,P,D,D)
- with the values of the material tensor
- \param evaluationPoints [in] Rank-3 (C,P,D) array with the evaluation points in physical frame
-void evaluateMaterialTensor(ArrayOut & worksetMaterialValues,
- const ArrayIn & evaluationPoints);
-/** \brief Computation of the source term at array of points in physical space.
- \param sourceTermValues [out] Rank-2 (C,P) array with the values of the source term
- \param evaluationPoints [in] Rank-3 (C,P,D) array with the evaluation points in physical frame
-void evaluateSourceTerm(ArrayOut & sourceTermValues,
- const ArrayIn & evaluationPoints);
-/** \brief Computation of the exact solution at array of points in physical space.
- \param exactSolutionValues [out] Rank-2 (C,P) array with the values of the exact solution
- \param evaluationPoints [in] Rank-3 (C,P,D) array with the evaluation points in physical frame
-void evaluateExactSolution(ArrayOut & exactSolutionValues,
- const ArrayIn & evaluationPoints);
-/** \brief Computation of the gradient of the exact solution at array of points in physical space.
- \param exactSolutionGradValues [out] Rank-3 (C,P,D) array with the values of the gradient of the exact solution
- \param evaluationPoints [in] Rank-3 (C,P,D) array with the evaluation points in physical frame
-void evaluateExactSolutionGrad(ArrayOut & exactSolutionGradValues,
- const ArrayIn & evaluationPoints);
-/**************** FUNCTION DECLARATION FOR ML PRECONDITIONER *********************/
-int TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(char ProblemType[],
- Teuchos::ParameterList & MLList,
- Epetra_CrsMatrix & A,
- const Epetra_MultiVector & xexact,
- Epetra_MultiVector & b,
- Epetra_MultiVector & uh,
- double & TotalErrorResidual,
- double & TotalErrorExactSol);
-/************* FUNCTION DECLARATIONS FOR SIMPLE BASIS FACTORY *********************/
-/** \brief Simple factory that chooses basis function based on cell topology.
- \param cellTopology [in] Shards cell topology
- \param order [in] basis function order, currently unused
- \param basis [out] pointer to Intrepid basis
- \return Intrepid basis
- */
-void getBasis(Teuchos::RCP > > &basis,
- const shards::CellTopology & cellTopology,
- int order);
-/******************************** MAIN ********************************************/
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int numProcs=1;
- int rank=0;
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI
- Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
- rank=mpiSession.getRank();
- numProcs=mpiSession.getNProc();
- Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
- Epetra_SerialComm Comm;
- int MyPID = Comm.MyPID();
- Epetra_Time Time(Comm);
- //Check number of arguments
- if ( (argc == 1) | (argc > 3)) {
- if (MyPID == 0) {
- std::cout <<"\n>>> ERROR: Invalid number of arguments.\n\n";
- std::cout <<"Usage:\n\n";
- std::cout <<" ./Poisson \n\n";
- std::cout <<" meshfile.exo - Exodus hexhedral or tetrahedral mesh \n";
- std::cout <<" file with nodeset defined for boundary. \n\n";
- std::cout <<" solver.xml (optional) - xml file with ML solver options\n\n";
- }
- exit(1);
- }
- if (MyPID == 0){
- std::cout \
- << "===============================================================================\n" \
- << "| |\n" \
- << "| Example: Solve Poisson Equation |\n" \
- << "| |\n" \
- << "| Questions? Contact Pavel Bochev (pbboche@sandia.gov), |\n" \
- << "| Denis Ridzal (dridzal@sandia.gov), |\n" \
- << "| Kara Peterson (kjpeter@sandia.gov). |\n" \
- << "| |\n" \
- << "| Intrepid's website: http://trilinos.sandia.gov/packages/intrepid |\n" \
- << "| STK's website: http://trilinos.sandia.gov/packages/stk |\n" \
- << "| ML's website: http://trilinos.sandia.gov/packages/ml |\n" \
- << "| Trilinos website: http://trilinos.sandia.gov |\n" \
- << "| |\n" \
- << "===============================================================================\n";
- }
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI
- if (numProcs > 1) {
- if (MyPID == 0) {
- std::cout <<"\n>>> ERROR: Example will only run on a single processor. \n\n";
- }
- exit(1);
- }
-/********************************** GET XML INPUTS ********************************/
- // get xml file from command line if provided, otherwise use default
- std::string xmlSolverInFileName;
- if(argc>=3) xmlSolverInFileName=std::string(argv[2]);
- // Read xml file into parameter list
- Teuchos::ParameterList inputSolverList;
- if(xmlSolverInFileName.length()) {
- if (MyPID == 0)
- std::cout << "\nReading parameter list from the XML file \""< nodes;
- stk_classic::mesh::get_entities(bulkData, nodeRank, nodes);
- int numNodes = nodes.size();
- // get elems
- std::vector elems;
- stk_classic::mesh::get_entities(bulkData, elementRank, elems);
- int numElems = elems.size();
- if (MyPID == 0) {
- std::cout << " Number of Elements: " << numElems << " \n";
- std::cout << " Number of Nodes: " << numNodes << " \n\n";
- }
- // get coordinates field
- stk_classic::mesh::Field *coords =
- femMetaData.get_field >("coordinates");
- // get buckets containing entities of node rank
- const std::vector & nodeBuckets = bulkData.buckets( nodeRank );
- std::vector bcNodes;
- // loop over all mesh parts
- const stk_classic::mesh::PartVector & all_parts = femMetaData.get_parts();
- for (stk_classic::mesh::PartVector::const_iterator i = all_parts.begin();
- i != all_parts.end(); ++i) {
- stk_classic::mesh::Part & part = **i ;
- // if part only contains nodes, then it is a node set
- // ! this assumes that the only node set defined is the set
- // ! of boundary nodes
- if (part.primary_entity_rank() == nodeRank) {
- stk_classic::mesh::Selector bcNodeSelector(part);
- stk_classic::mesh::get_selected_entities(bcNodeSelector, nodeBuckets, bcNodes);
- }
- } // end loop over mesh parts
- // if no boundary node set was found give a warning
- if (bcNodes.size() == 0) {
- if (MyPID == 0) {
- std::cout << "\n Warning! - No boundary node set found. \n";
- std::cout << " Boundary conditions will not be applied correctly. \n\n";
- }
- }
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Read mesh "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
-/********************************SET CELL TOPOLOGY ********************************/
- // Here the topology is defined from the mesh. Note that it is assumed
- // that there is a part labeled "block_1" and that the cell topology is
- // homogeneous over the entire mesh (i.e. there is not another block
- // containing elements with a different topology).
- // get the part labeled block_1
- stk_classic::mesh::Part* const part = femMetaData.get_part("block_1");
- // get the topology of this part
- // (stk_classic::mesh::fem::CellTopology is shards::CellTopology)
- stk_classic::mesh::fem::CellTopology cellType = femMetaData.get_cell_topology( *part );
- // Get dimensions
- int numNodesPerElem = cellType.getNodeCount();
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Get cell topology "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
-/********************************* GET CUBATURE ***********************************/
- // Define cubature of the specified degree for the cellType
- Intrepid::DefaultCubatureFactory cubFactory;
- int cubDegree = 2;
- Teuchos::RCP > cellCubature = cubFactory.create(cellType, cubDegree);
- int cubDim = cellCubature -> getDimension();
- int numCubPoints = cellCubature -> getNumPoints();
- // Get numerical integration points and weights
- Intrepid::FieldContainer cubPoints (numCubPoints, cubDim);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer cubWeights(numCubPoints);
- cellCubature -> getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights);
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Getting cubature "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n" ; Time.ResetStartTime();}
-/*********************************** GET BASIS ************************************/
- // Select basis from the cell topology
- int order = 1;
- Teuchos::RCP > > HGradBasis;
- getBasis(HGradBasis, cellType, order);
- int numFieldsG = HGradBasis->getCardinality();
- Intrepid::FieldContainer basisValues(numFieldsG, numCubPoints);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer basisGrads(numFieldsG, numCubPoints, spaceDim);
- // Evaluate basis values and gradients at cubature points
- HGradBasis->getValues(basisValues, cubPoints, Intrepid::OPERATOR_VALUE);
- HGradBasis->getValues(basisGrads, cubPoints, Intrepid::OPERATOR_GRAD);
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Getting basis "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n" ; Time.ResetStartTime();}
-/********************* BUILD MAPS FOR GLOBAL SOLUTION *****************************/
- // For now assume local nodes = global nodes (and assume DOFs = nodes)
- // For parallel need a map like this:
- // Epetra_Map globalMapG(-1,ownedNodes,ownedGIDs,0,Comm);
- Epetra_Map globalMapG(numNodes, 0, Comm);
- Epetra_FECrsMatrix StiffMatrix(Copy, globalMapG, numFieldsG);
- Epetra_FEVector rhsVector(globalMapG);
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Build global maps "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
-#ifdef DUMP_DATA
- // Put coordinates in multivector for output
- Epetra_MultiVector nCoord(globalMapG,3);
- // Put element to node mapping in multivector for output
- Epetra_Map globalMapElem(numElems, 0, Comm);
- Epetra_MultiVector elem2node(globalMapElem,numNodesPerElem);
- // Loop over elements
- for (size_t j = 0; j < elems.size(); j++) {
- // get nodes attached to this element
- const stk_classic::mesh::PairIterRelation elem_nodes = elems[j]->relations(nodeRank);
- // loop over nodes and fill element to node map
- // local ids
- // element id : elems[j]->identifier()-1
- // node id: elem_nodes[i].entity()->identifier()-1
- for (size_t i = 0; i < elem_nodes.size(); i++) {
- elem2node[i][elems[j]->identifier()-1] = elem_nodes[i].entity()->identifier() - 1;
- double * coord = stk_classic::mesh::field_data(*coords, *elem_nodes[i].entity());
- nCoord[0][elem_nodes[i].entity()->identifier()-1] = coord[0];
- nCoord[1][elem_nodes[i].entity()->identifier()-1] = coord[1];
- nCoord[2][elem_nodes[i].entity()->identifier()-1] = coord[2];
- }
- } // end loop over elements
- // output multivectors
- EpetraExt::MultiVectorToMatrixMarketFile("elem2node.dat",elem2node,0,0,false);
- EpetraExt::MultiVectorToMatrixMarketFile("coords.dat",nCoord,0,0,false);
- if(MyPID==0) {Time.ResetStartTime();}
-/************************** DIRICHLET BC SETUP ************************************/
- // Vector for use in applying BCs
- Epetra_MultiVector v(globalMapG,true);
- v.PutScalar(0.0);
- int * bcNodeVec = new int [bcNodes.size()];
- // Loop over boundary nodes
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < bcNodes.size(); i++) {
- int bcNodeId = bcNodes[i]->identifier() - 1;
- bcNodeVec[i] = bcNodeId;
- // get coordinates for this node
- stk_classic::mesh::Entity * bcnode = bulkData.get_entity(nodeRank,bcNodes[i]->identifier());
- double * coord = stk_classic::mesh::field_data(*coords, *bcnode);
- // look up exact value of function on boundary
- double x = coord[0];
- double y = coord[1];
- double z = coord[2];
- v[0][bcNodeId]=exactSolution(x, y, z);
- } // end loop over boundary nodes
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Get Dirichlet boundary values "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n\n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
-/******************** DEFINE WORKSETS AND LOOP OVER THEM **************************/
- // Define desired workset size and count how many worksets there are on this processor's mesh block
- int desiredWorksetSize = numElems; // change to desired workset size!
- //int desiredWorksetSize = 100; // change to desired workset size!
- int numWorksets = numElems/desiredWorksetSize;
- // When numElems is not divisible by desiredWorksetSize, increase workset count by 1
- if(numWorksets*desiredWorksetSize < numElems) numWorksets += 1;
- if (MyPID == 0) {
- std::cout << "\tDesired workset size: " << desiredWorksetSize <<"\n";
- std::cout << "\tNumber of worksets (per processor): " << numWorksets <<"\n\n";
- Time.ResetStartTime();
- }
- for(int workset = 0; workset < numWorksets; workset++){
- // compute cell numbers where the workset starts and ends
- int worksetSize = 0;
- int worksetBegin = (workset + 0)*desiredWorksetSize;
- int worksetEnd = (workset + 1)*desiredWorksetSize;
- // when numElems is not divisible by desiredWorksetSize, the last workset ends at numElems
- worksetEnd = (worksetEnd <= numElems) ? worksetEnd : numElems;
- // allocate the array for the cell nodes
- worksetSize = worksetEnd - worksetBegin;
- Intrepid::FieldContainer cellWorkset(worksetSize, numNodesPerElem, spaceDim);
- // copy coordinates into cell workset
- int cellCounter = 0;
- for(int cell = worksetBegin; cell < worksetEnd; cell++){
- // Get element entity from id of cell
- stk_classic::mesh::Entity * worksetElem = bulkData.get_entity(elementRank,cell+1);
- // get nodes attached to this element
- const stk_classic::mesh::PairIterRelation worksetNodes = worksetElem->relations(nodeRank);
- // loop over nodes and get coordinates to fill workset array
- for (size_t i = 0; i < worksetNodes.size(); i++) {
- double * coord = stk_classic::mesh::field_data(*coords, *worksetNodes[i].entity());
- cellWorkset(cellCounter, i, 0) = coord[0];
- cellWorkset(cellCounter, i, 1) = coord[1];
- cellWorkset(cellCounter, i, 2) = coord[2];
- }
- cellCounter++;
- } // end cell loop
- /**********************************************************************************/
- /* Allocate arrays */
- /**********************************************************************************/
- // Containers for Jacobians, integration measure & cubature points in workset cells
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetJacobian (worksetSize, numCubPoints, spaceDim, spaceDim);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetJacobInv (worksetSize, numCubPoints, spaceDim, spaceDim);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetJacobDet (worksetSize, numCubPoints);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetCubWeights(worksetSize, numCubPoints);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetCubPoints (worksetSize, numCubPoints, cubDim);
- // Containers for basis values transformed to workset cells and them multiplied by cubature weights
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetBasisValues (worksetSize, numFieldsG, numCubPoints);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetBasisValuesWeighted(worksetSize, numFieldsG, numCubPoints);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetBasisGrads (worksetSize, numFieldsG, numCubPoints, spaceDim);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetBasisGradsWeighted (worksetSize, numFieldsG, numCubPoints, spaceDim);
- // Containers for diffusive & advective fluxes & non-conservative adv. term and reactive terms
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetDiffusiveFlux(worksetSize, numFieldsG, numCubPoints, spaceDim);
- // Containers for material values and source term. Require user-defined functions
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetMaterialVals (worksetSize, numCubPoints, spaceDim, spaceDim);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetSourceTerm (worksetSize, numCubPoints);
- // Containers for workset contributions to the discretization matrix and the right hand side
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetStiffMatrix (worksetSize, numFieldsG, numFieldsG);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetRHS (worksetSize, numFieldsG);
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Allocate arrays "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
- /**********************************************************************************/
- /* Calculate Jacobians */
- /**********************************************************************************/
- IntrepidCTools::setJacobian(worksetJacobian, cubPoints, cellWorkset, cellType);
- IntrepidCTools::setJacobianInv(worksetJacobInv, worksetJacobian );
- IntrepidCTools::setJacobianDet(worksetJacobDet, worksetJacobian );
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Calculate Jacobians "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
- /**********************************************************************************/
- /* Cubature Points to Physical Frame and Compute Data */
- /**********************************************************************************/
- // map cubature points to physical frame
- IntrepidCTools::mapToPhysicalFrame (worksetCubPoints, cubPoints, cellWorkset, cellType);
- // get A at cubature points
- evaluateMaterialTensor (worksetMaterialVals, worksetCubPoints);
- // get source term at cubature points
- evaluateSourceTerm (worksetSourceTerm, worksetCubPoints);
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Map to physical frame and get source term "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
- /**********************************************************************************/
- /* Compute Stiffness Matrix */
- /**********************************************************************************/
- // Transform basis gradients to physical frame: DF^{-T}(grad u)
- IntrepidFSTools::HGRADtransformGRAD(worksetBasisGrads,
- worksetJacobInv, basisGrads);
- // Compute integration measure for workset cells: Det(DF)*w = J*w
- IntrepidFSTools::computeCellMeasure(worksetCubWeights,
- worksetJacobDet, cubWeights);
- // Multiply transformed (workset) gradients with weighted measure: DF^{-T}(grad u)*J*w
- IntrepidFSTools::multiplyMeasure(worksetBasisGradsWeighted,
- worksetCubWeights, worksetBasisGrads);
- // Compute material tensor applied to basis grads: A*(DF^{-T}(grad u)
- IntrepidFSTools::tensorMultiplyDataField(worksetDiffusiveFlux,
- worksetMaterialVals,
- worksetBasisGrads);
- // Integrate to compute contribution to global stiffness matrix: (DF^{-T}(grad u)*J*w)*(A*DF^{-T}(grad u))
- IntrepidFSTools::integrate(worksetStiffMatrix,
- worksetBasisGradsWeighted,
- worksetDiffusiveFlux, Intrepid::COMP_BLAS);
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Compute stiffness matrix "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
- /**********************************************************************************/
- /* Compute RHS */
- /**********************************************************************************/
- // Transform basis values to physical frame: clones basis values (u)
- IntrepidFSTools::HGRADtransformVALUE(worksetBasisValues,
- basisValues);
- // Multiply transformed (workset) values with weighted measure: (u)*J*w
- IntrepidFSTools::multiplyMeasure(worksetBasisValuesWeighted,
- worksetCubWeights, worksetBasisValues);
- // Integrate worksetSourceTerm against weighted basis function set: f.(u)*J*w
- IntrepidFSTools::integrate(worksetRHS,
- worksetSourceTerm,
- worksetBasisValuesWeighted, Intrepid::COMP_BLAS);
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Compute right-hand side "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
- /**********************************************************************************/
- /* Assemble into Global Matrix */
- /**********************************************************************************/
- //"WORKSET CELL" loop: local cell ordinal is relative to numElems
- for(int cell = worksetBegin; cell < worksetEnd; cell++){
- // Compute cell ordinal relative to the current workset
- int worksetCellOrdinal = cell - worksetBegin;
- // Get element entity from id of cell
- stk_classic::mesh::Entity * worksetElem = bulkData.get_entity(elementRank,cell+1);
- // get nodes attached to this element
- const stk_classic::mesh::PairIterRelation worksetNodes = worksetElem->relations(nodeRank);
- // "CELL EQUATION" loop for the workset cell: cellRow is relative to the cell DoF numbering
- for (int cellRow = 0; cellRow < numFieldsG; cellRow++){
- int globalRow = worksetNodes[cellRow].entity()->identifier() - 1;
- double sourceTermContribution = worksetRHS(worksetCellOrdinal, cellRow);
- rhsVector.SumIntoGlobalValues(1, &globalRow, &sourceTermContribution);
- // "CELL VARIABLE" loop for the workset cell: cellCol is relative to the cell DoF numbering
- for (int cellCol = 0; cellCol < numFieldsG; cellCol++){
- int globalCol = worksetNodes[cellCol].entity()->identifier() - 1;
- double operatorMatrixContribution = worksetStiffMatrix(worksetCellOrdinal, cellRow, cellCol);
- StiffMatrix.InsertGlobalValues(1, &globalRow, 1, &globalCol, &operatorMatrixContribution);
- }// end cell col loop
- }// end cell row loop
- }// end workset cell loop
- } // end workset loop
- StiffMatrix.GlobalAssemble();
- StiffMatrix.FillComplete();
- rhsVector.GlobalAssemble();
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Global assembly "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " sec \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
-/************************ ADJUST MATRIX AND RHS FOR BCs ***************************/
- // Apply stiffness matrix to v
- Epetra_MultiVector rhsDir(globalMapG,true);
- StiffMatrix.Apply(v,rhsDir);
- // Update right-hand side
- rhsVector.Update(-1.0,rhsDir,1.0);
- // Loop over boundary nodes and replace rhs values with boundary values
- for (size_t i = 0; i < bcNodes.size(); i++) {
- int bcNodeId = bcNodes[i]->identifier() - 1;
- rhsVector[0][bcNodeId]=v[0][bcNodeId];
- } // end loop over boundary nodes
- // Zero out rows and columns of stiffness matrix corresponding to Dirichlet edges
- // and add one to diagonal.
- ML_Epetra::Apply_OAZToMatrix(bcNodeVec, bcNodes.size(), StiffMatrix);
- delete [] bcNodeVec;
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Adjust global matrix and rhs due to BCs " << Time.ElapsedTime()
- << " sec \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
-#ifdef DUMP_DATA
- // Dump matrices to disk
- EpetraExt::RowMatrixToMatlabFile("stiff_matrix.dat",StiffMatrix);
- EpetraExt::MultiVectorToMatrixMarketFile("rhs_vector.dat",rhsVector,0,0,false);
-/*********************************** SOLVE ****************************************/
- // Run the solver
- Teuchos::ParameterList MLList = inputSolverList;
- ML_Epetra::SetDefaults("SA", MLList, 0, 0, false);
- Epetra_FEVector exactNodalVals(globalMapG);
- Epetra_FEVector femCoefficients(globalMapG);
- double TotalErrorResidual = 0.0;
- double TotalErrorExactSol = 0.0;
- // Get exact solution at nodes
- for (unsigned inode = 0; inode < nodes.size(); inode++) {
- int nodeId = nodes[inode]->identifier() - 1;
- // get coordinates for this node
- stk_classic::mesh::Entity * currentNode = bulkData.get_entity(nodeRank,nodes[inode]->identifier());
- double * coord = stk_classic::mesh::field_data(*coords, *currentNode);
- // look up exact value of function
- double x = coord[0];
- double y = coord[1];
- double z = coord[2];
- exactNodalVals[0][nodeId]=exactSolution(x, y, z);
- } // end loop over nodes
- exactNodalVals.GlobalAssemble();
- char probType[10] = "laplace";
- TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(probType, MLList,
- StiffMatrix, exactNodalVals,
- rhsVector, femCoefficients,
- TotalErrorResidual, TotalErrorExactSol);
-/**************************** CALCULATE ERROR *************************************/
- if (MyPID == 0) {Time.ResetStartTime();}
- double L2err = 0.0;
- double L2errTot = 0.0;
- double H1err = 0.0;
- double H1errTot = 0.0;
- double Linferr = 0.0;
- double LinferrTot = 0.0;
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI
- // Import solution onto current processor
- // FIXME
- int numNodesGlobal = globalMapG.NumGlobalElements();
- Epetra_Map solnMap(numNodesGlobal, numNodesGlobal, 0, Comm);
- Epetra_Import solnImporter(solnMap, globalMapG);
- Epetra_Vector uCoeff(solnMap);
- uCoeff.Import(femCoefficients, solnImporter, Insert);
- // Define desired workset size
- desiredWorksetSize = numElems;
- int numWorksetsErr = numElems/desiredWorksetSize;
- // When numElems is not divisible by desiredWorksetSize, increase workset count by 1
- if(numWorksetsErr*desiredWorksetSize < numElems) numWorksetsErr += 1;
- // Get cubature points and weights for error calc (may be different from previous)
- Intrepid::DefaultCubatureFactory cubFactoryErr;
- int cubDegErr = 3;
- Teuchos::RCP > cellCubatureErr = cubFactoryErr.create(cellType, cubDegErr);
- int cubDimErr = cellCubatureErr->getDimension();
- int numCubPointsErr = cellCubatureErr->getNumPoints();
- Intrepid::FieldContainer cubPointsErr(numCubPointsErr, cubDimErr);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer cubWeightsErr(numCubPointsErr);
- cellCubatureErr->getCubature(cubPointsErr, cubWeightsErr);
- // Evaluate basis values and gradients at cubature points
- Intrepid::FieldContainer uhGVals(numFieldsG, numCubPointsErr);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer uhGrads(numFieldsG, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- HGradBasis->getValues(uhGVals, cubPointsErr, Intrepid::OPERATOR_VALUE);
- HGradBasis->getValues(uhGrads, cubPointsErr, Intrepid::OPERATOR_GRAD);
- // Loop over worksets
- for(int workset = 0; workset < numWorksetsErr; workset++){
- // compute cell numbers where the workset starts and ends
- int worksetSize = 0;
- int worksetBegin = (workset + 0)*desiredWorksetSize;
- int worksetEnd = (workset + 1)*desiredWorksetSize;
- // when numElems is not divisible by desiredWorksetSize, the last workset ends at numElems
- worksetEnd = (worksetEnd <= numElems) ? worksetEnd : numElems;
- // now we know the actual workset size and can allocate the array for the cell nodes
- worksetSize = worksetEnd - worksetBegin;
- Intrepid::FieldContainer cellWorksetEr(worksetSize, numNodesPerElem, spaceDim);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetApproxSolnCoef(worksetSize, numNodesPerElem);
- // loop over cells to fill arrays with coordinates and calculation solution coefficient
- int cellCounter = 0;
- for(int cell = worksetBegin; cell < worksetEnd; cell++){
- // Get element entity from id of cell
- stk_classic::mesh::Entity * worksetElem = bulkData.get_entity(elementRank,cell+1);
- // get nodes attached to this element
- const stk_classic::mesh::PairIterRelation worksetNodes = worksetElem->relations(nodeRank);
- // loop over nodes and get coordinates to fill workset array
- for (size_t i = 0; i < worksetNodes.size(); i++) {
- double * coord = stk_classic::mesh::field_data(*coords, *worksetNodes[i].entity());
- cellWorksetEr(cellCounter, i, 0) = coord[0];
- cellWorksetEr(cellCounter, i, 1) = coord[1];
- cellWorksetEr(cellCounter, i, 2) = coord[2];
- int rowIndex = worksetNodes[i].entity()->identifier() - 1;
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI
- worksetApproxSolnCoef(cellCounter, i) = uCoeff.Values()[rowIndex];
- worksetApproxSolnCoef(cellCounter, i) = femCoefficients.Values()[rowIndex];
- }
- cellCounter++;
- } // end cell loop
- // Containers for Jacobian
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetJacobianE(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim, spaceDim);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetJacobInvE(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim, spaceDim);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetJacobDetE(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetCubWeightsE(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- // Containers for basis values and gradients in physical space
- Intrepid::FieldContainer uhGValsTrans(worksetSize,numFieldsG, numCubPointsErr);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer uhGradsTrans(worksetSize, numFieldsG, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- // compute cell Jacobians, their inverses and their determinants
- IntrepidCTools::setJacobian(worksetJacobianE, cubPointsErr, cellWorksetEr, cellType);
- IntrepidCTools::setJacobianInv(worksetJacobInvE, worksetJacobianE );
- IntrepidCTools::setJacobianDet(worksetJacobDetE, worksetJacobianE );
- // map cubature points to physical frame
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetCubPoints(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, cubDimErr);
- IntrepidCTools::mapToPhysicalFrame(worksetCubPoints, cubPointsErr, cellWorksetEr, cellType);
- // evaluate exact solution and gradient at cubature points
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetExactSoln(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetExactSolnGrad(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- evaluateExactSolution(worksetExactSoln, worksetCubPoints);
- evaluateExactSolutionGrad(worksetExactSolnGrad, worksetCubPoints);
- // transform basis values to physical coordinates
- IntrepidFSTools::HGRADtransformVALUE(uhGValsTrans, uhGVals);
- IntrepidFSTools::HGRADtransformGRAD(uhGradsTrans, worksetJacobInvE, uhGrads);
- // compute weighted measure
- IntrepidFSTools::computeCellMeasure(worksetCubWeightsE, worksetJacobDetE, cubWeightsErr);
- // evaluate the approximate solution and gradient at cubature points
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetApproxSoln(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetApproxSolnGrad(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- IntrepidFSTools::evaluate(worksetApproxSoln, worksetApproxSolnCoef, uhGValsTrans);
- IntrepidFSTools::evaluate(worksetApproxSolnGrad, worksetApproxSolnCoef, uhGradsTrans);
- // get difference between approximate and exact solutions
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetDeltaSoln(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetDeltaSolnGrad(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- IntrepidRSTools::subtract(worksetDeltaSoln, worksetApproxSoln, worksetExactSoln);
- IntrepidRSTools::subtract(worksetDeltaSolnGrad, worksetApproxSolnGrad, worksetExactSolnGrad);
- // take absolute values
- IntrepidRSTools::absval(worksetDeltaSoln);
- IntrepidRSTools::absval(worksetDeltaSolnGrad);
- // apply cubature weights to differences in values and grads for use in integration
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetDeltaSolnWeighted(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetDeltaSolnGradWeighted(worksetSize, numCubPointsErr, spaceDim);
- IntrepidFSTools::scalarMultiplyDataData(worksetDeltaSolnWeighted,
- worksetCubWeightsE, worksetDeltaSoln);
- IntrepidFSTools::scalarMultiplyDataData(worksetDeltaSolnGradWeighted,
- worksetCubWeightsE, worksetDeltaSolnGrad);
- // integrate to get errors on each element
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetL2err(worksetSize);
- Intrepid::FieldContainer worksetH1err(worksetSize);
- IntrepidFSTools::integrate(worksetL2err, worksetDeltaSoln,
- worksetDeltaSolnWeighted, Intrepid::COMP_BLAS);
- IntrepidFSTools::integrate(worksetH1err, worksetDeltaSolnGrad,
- worksetDeltaSolnGradWeighted, Intrepid::COMP_BLAS);
- // loop over cells to get errors for total workset
- cellCounter = 0;
- for(int cell = worksetBegin; cell < worksetEnd; cell++){
- // loop over cubature points
- for(int nPt = 0; nPt < numCubPointsErr; nPt++){
- Linferr = std::max(Linferr, worksetDeltaSoln(cellCounter,nPt));
- }
- L2err += worksetL2err(cellCounter);
- H1err += worksetH1err(cellCounter);
- cellCounter++;
- } // end cell loop
- } // end loop over worksets
-#ifdef HAVE_MPI
- // sum over all processors
- Comm.SumAll(&L2err,&L2errTot,1);
- Comm.SumAll(&H1err,&H1errTot,1);
- Comm.MaxAll(&Linferr,&LinferrTot,1);
- L2errTot = L2err;
- H1errTot = H1err;
- LinferrTot = Linferr;
- if (MyPID == 0) {
- std::cout << "\n" << "L2 Error: " << sqrt(L2errTot) <<"\n";
- std::cout << "H1 Error: " << sqrt(H1errTot) <<"\n";
- std::cout << "LInf Error: " << LinferrTot <<"\n\n";
- }
- if(MyPID==0) {std::cout << "Calculate error "
- << Time.ElapsedTime() << " s \n"; Time.ResetStartTime();}
- return 0;
-/********************************* END MAIN ***************************************/
-/************ USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS FOR EXACT SOLUTION ***************************/
-const Scalar exactSolution(const Scalar& x, const Scalar& y, const Scalar& z) {
- // Patch test - tet: function is in the FE space and should be recovered
- return 1. + x + y + z ;
- // Patch test - hex: tri-linear function is in the FE space and should be recovered
- // return 1. + x + y + z + x*y + x*z + y*z + x*y*z;
- // Analytic solution with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary data for [0 1]x[0 1]x[0 1]
- // return sin(M_PI*x)*sin(M_PI*y)*sin(M_PI*z)*exp(x+y+z);
- // Analytic solution with inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary data
- // return exp(x + y + z)/(1. + x*y + y*z + x*y*z);
-void materialTensor(Scalar material[][3], const Scalar& x, const Scalar& y, const Scalar& z) {
- material[0][0] = 1.;
- material[0][1] = 0.;
- material[0][2] = 0.;
- //
- material[1][0] = 0.;
- material[1][1] = 1.;
- material[1][2] = 0.;
- //
- material[2][0] = 0.;
- material[2][1] = 0.;
- material[2][2] = 1.;
-/************** AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS FROM EXACT SOLUTION ***************************/
-/************ Grad of Exact Solution ****************/
-void exactSolutionGrad(Scalar gradExact[3], const Scalar& x, const Scalar& y, const Scalar& z) {
- // To enable derivatives of the gradient (i.e., 2nd derivatives of the exact solution) need 2 levels of fad types
- Sacado::Fad::SFad fad_x = x;
- Sacado::Fad::SFad fad_y = y;
- Sacado::Fad::SFad fad_z = z;
- Sacado::Fad::SFad u;
- // Indicate the independent variables
- fad_x.diff(0,3);
- fad_y.diff(1,3);
- fad_z.diff(2,3);
- u = exactSolution(fad_x, fad_y, fad_z);
- gradExact[0] = u.dx(0);
- gradExact[1] = u.dx(1);
- gradExact[2] = u.dx(2);
-/************ Source Term (RHS) ****************/
-const Scalar sourceTerm(Scalar& x, Scalar& y, Scalar& z){
- Scalar u;
- Scalar grad_u[3];
- Scalar flux[3];
- Scalar material[3][3];
- Scalar f = 0.;
- // Indicate the independent variables
- x.diff(0,3);
- y.diff(1,3);
- z.diff(2,3);
- // Get exact solution and its gradient
- u = exactSolution(x, y, z);
- exactSolutionGrad(grad_u, x, y, z);
- // Get material tensor
- materialTensor(material, x, y, z);
- // Compute total flux = (A.grad u)
- for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
- // Add diffusive flux
- for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
- flux[i] += material[i][j]*grad_u[j];
- }
- }
- // Compute source term (right hand side): f = -div(A.grad u)
- f = -(flux[0].dx(0) + flux[1].dx(1) + flux[2].dx(2));
- return f;
-/*************************** EVALUATION METHODS ***********************************/
-/************ Material Tensor ****************/
-void evaluateMaterialTensor(ArrayOut & matTensorValues,
- const ArrayIn & evaluationPoints){
- int numWorksetCells = evaluationPoints.dimension(0);
- int numPoints = evaluationPoints.dimension(1);
- int spaceDim = evaluationPoints.dimension(2);
- double material[3][3];
- for(int cell = 0; cell < numWorksetCells; cell++){
- for(int pt = 0; pt < numPoints; pt++){
- double x = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 0);
- double y = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 1);
- double z = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 2);
- materialTensor(material, x, y, z);
- for(int row = 0; row < spaceDim; row++){
- for(int col = 0; col < spaceDim; col++){
- matTensorValues(cell, pt, row, col) = material[row][col];
- }
- }
- }
- }
-/************ Source Term (RHS) ****************/
-void evaluateSourceTerm(ArrayOut & sourceTermValues,
- const ArrayIn & evaluationPoints){
- int numWorksetCells = evaluationPoints.dimension(0);
- int numPoints = evaluationPoints.dimension(1);
- for(int cell = 0; cell < numWorksetCells; cell++){
- for(int pt = 0; pt < numPoints; pt++){
- Sacado::Fad::SFad x = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 0);
- Sacado::Fad::SFad y = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 1);
- Sacado::Fad::SFad z = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 2);
- sourceTermValues(cell, pt) = sourceTerm >(x, y, z).val();
- }
- }
-/************ Exact Solution ****************/
-void evaluateExactSolution(ArrayOut & exactSolutionValues,
- const ArrayIn & evaluationPoints){
- int numWorksetCells = evaluationPoints.dimension(0);
- int numPoints = evaluationPoints.dimension(1);
- for(int cell = 0; cell < numWorksetCells; cell++){
- for(int pt = 0; pt < numPoints; pt++){
- double x = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 0);
- double y = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 1);
- double z = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 2);
- exactSolutionValues(cell, pt) = exactSolution(x, y, z);
- }
- }
-/************ Grad of Exact Solution ****************/
-void evaluateExactSolutionGrad(ArrayOut & exactSolutionGradValues,
- const ArrayIn & evaluationPoints){
- int numWorksetCells = evaluationPoints.dimension(0);
- int numPoints = evaluationPoints.dimension(1);
- int spaceDim = evaluationPoints.dimension(2);
- double gradient[3];
- for(int cell = 0; cell < numWorksetCells; cell++){
- for(int pt = 0; pt < numPoints; pt++){
- double x = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 0);
- double y = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 1);
- double z = evaluationPoints(cell, pt, 2);
- exactSolutionGrad(gradient, x, y, z);
- for(int row = 0; row < spaceDim; row++){
- exactSolutionGradValues(cell, pt, row) = gradient[row];
- }
- }
- }
-/******************************* TEST ML ******************************************/
-// Test ML
-int TestMultiLevelPreconditioner(char ProblemType[],
- Teuchos::ParameterList & MLList,
- Epetra_CrsMatrix & A,
- const Epetra_MultiVector & xexact,
- Epetra_MultiVector & b,
- Epetra_MultiVector & uh,
- double & TotalErrorResidual,
- double & TotalErrorExactSol)
- Epetra_MultiVector x(xexact);
- x.PutScalar(0.0);
- Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&A,&x,&b);
- Epetra_MultiVector* lhs = Problem.GetLHS();
- Epetra_MultiVector* rhs = Problem.GetRHS();
- Epetra_Time Time(A.Comm());
- // =================== //
- // call ML and AztecOO //
- // =================== //
- AztecOO solver(Problem);
- ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner *MLPrec = new ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner(A, MLList, true);
- // tell AztecOO to use this preconditioner, then solve
- solver.SetPrecOperator(MLPrec);
- solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver, AZ_cg);
- solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, 1);
- solver.Iterate(200, 1e-10);
- delete MLPrec;
- uh = *lhs;
- // ==================================================== //
- // compute difference between exact solution and ML one //
- // ==================================================== //
- double d = 0.0, d_tot = 0.0;
- for( int i=0 ; iMap().NumMyElements() ; ++i )
- d += ((*lhs)[0][i] - xexact[0][i]) * ((*lhs)[0][i] - xexact[0][i]);
- A.Comm().SumAll(&d,&d_tot,1);
- // ================== //
- // compute ||Ax - b|| //
- // ================== //
- double Norm;
- Epetra_Vector Ax(rhs->Map());
- A.Multiply(false, *lhs, Ax);
- Ax.Update(1.0, *rhs, -1.0);
- Ax.Norm2(&Norm);
- std::string msg = ProblemType;
- if (A.Comm().MyPID() == 0) {
- std::cout << msg << std::endl << "......Using " << A.Comm().NumProc() << " processes" << std::endl;
- std::cout << msg << "......||A x - b||_2 = " << Norm << std::endl;
- std::cout << msg << "......||x_exact - x||_2 = " << sqrt(d_tot) << std::endl;
- std::cout << msg << "......Total Time = " << Time.ElapsedTime() << std::endl << std::endl;
- }
- TotalErrorExactSol += sqrt(d_tot);
- TotalErrorResidual += Norm;
- return( solver.NumIters() );
-/**************************** SIMPLE BASIS FACTORY ********************************/
-void getBasis(Teuchos::RCP > > &basis,
- const shards::CellTopology & cellTopology,
- int order) {
- // select basis based on cell topology only for now, and assume first order basis
- switch (cellTopology.getKey()) {
- case shards::Tetrahedron<4>::key:
- basis = Teuchos::rcp(new Intrepid::Basis_HGRAD_TET_C1_FEM > );
- break;
- case shards::Hexahedron<8>::key:
- basis = Teuchos::rcp(new Intrepid::Basis_HGRAD_HEX_C1_FEM > );
- break;
- default:
- TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( ( (cellTopology.getKey() != shards::Tetrahedron<4>::key) &&
- (cellTopology.getKey() != shards::Hexahedron<8>::key) ),
- std::invalid_argument,
- "Unknown cell topology for basis selction. Please use Hexahedron_8 or Tetrahedron_4.");
- }