Here are some convenient recording scripts written by loop
You can put them in Tribes2/GameData/base/scripts/autoexec/ to enable them
If you have support.vl2, they can go anywhere in the .../scripts/ folder
- auto-record allows you to automatically capture recordings of every game you play.
- auto-upload does nothing, but it may automatically upload your recordings to Demand for this script will make me write it faster.
- quiet-observer offers two convenient features: it silences 'DemoBot-Mia is now observing you.' and 'DemoBot-Mia is no longer observing you.' messages. It also prevents the observer timeout kick from kicking the robot every 20 minutes. (Classic 1.5.2 necessary. quiet-observer is irrelevant if you're already using ChocoTaco's Classic mod).
DemoBot powers a 24/7 Tribes 2 stream @ & their demos are automatically added to