This folder contains two demo-projects (
folders) for angular-library-seed. These demo projects may help you to test whether your library supports AOT/JIT/UMD builds or not.
folder contains Angular project that is built using @angular/compiler and Webpack. This demo project utilizes ESM (pure ES2015) sources of your library to do two kind of compilations:
folder contains Angular project that is being built and assembled in browser by SystemJS. This demo project utilizes UMD bundle of your library.
Demo-projects are created as an alternative to npm link
command. You may simply delete this demo
folder if you prefer to use yarn link instead to check how your library is being built.
# Assuming the you are already in angular-library-seed/demo folder
# Install all dependencies
yarn install
# Start watching library dist folder and do JIT project build in watch mode.
yarn start
# Or you may simply build AOT/JIT/UMD versions all at once by running the following command
yarn build
└─ demo * Folder for demo applications (MAY BE DELETED if not required)
├─ esm * AOT/JIT demo project
| └─ dist * This folder will contain project ESM builds
| | ├─ aot * This folder contains project build made via AOT compilation
| | | └─ index.html * <-- RUN THIS FILE TO CHECK AOT BUILD
| | |
| | └─ jit * This folder contains project build made via JIT compilation
| | └─ index.html * <-- RUN THIS FILE TO CHECK JIT BUILD
| |
| ├─ lib * Temporary folder with a copy of your library built sources
| ├─ src
| | ├─ app * Demo application sources. Adopt them with your library.
| | ├─ index.ejs * Main application template.
| | ├─ main-aot.ts * AOT main entry.
| | ├─ main-jit.ts * JIT main entry.
| | └─ polyfills.browser.ts * Browser polyfills.
| |
| ├─ tsconfig-aot.json * TypeScript configuration for AOT build.
| ├─ tsconfig.json * TypeScript configuration for JIT build.
| ├─ webpack-aot.config.js * Webpack configuration for AOT build.
| └─ webpack.config.js * Webpack configuration for JIT build.
├─ umd * UMD demo project
| ├─ app * Demo application sources. Adopt them with your library.
| ├─ lib * Temporary folder with a copy of your library built sources
| ├─ index.html * <-- RUN THIS FILE TO CHECK UMD BUILD
| ├─ main.ts * Main application entry file.
| └─ systemjs.config.js * SystemJS configuration.
├─ .gitignore * List of files that are ignored while publishing to git repository
├─ gulpfile.js * Gulp helper scripts for building demos
├─ package.json * NPM dependencies and helper scripts for building demos
└─ yarn.lock * Yarn dependency versions lock for demo applications
Install latest Node and NPM following the instructions. Make sure you have Node version ≥ 7.0 and NPM ≥ 4.
brew install node
for Mac.
Install Yarn by following the instructions.
brew install yarn
for Mac.
- Switch to
folder in your console. yarn install
to install required dependencies.
This step may be optional at first since you might just want to build demo projects with TickTock library example.
Once you're ready to develop your own library you should do the following.
- Adjust source codes of
files for AOT/JIT builds. - Adjust source codes of
files for UMD builds.
yarn build
for building AOT, JIT and UMD demo versions all at once.
You may also build projects separately:
yarn build:jit
- for building JIT version of demo project.yarn build:aot
- for building AOT version of demo project.yarn build:umd
- for building UMD version of demo project.
To see your library in action launch the following files in your browser:
file for JIT buildangular-library-seed/demo/esm/dist/aot/index.html
file for AOT buildangular-library-seed/demo/umd/index.html
file for UMD build
yarn start
for building JIT version of demo project and start watching for library changes.
This command may be used simultaneously in combination with angular-library-seed's yarn build:watch
. As a result once you change library source code it will be automatically re-compiled and in turn your JIT demo-project will be automatically re-built and you will be able to see that changes in your browser instantly.
See Development Workflow section of angular-library-seed's README for more details.
yarn clean:tmp
command will clean up all temporary files likedist
etc.yarn clean:all
command will clean up all temporary files along withnode_modules