Traefik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease.
Starting with v28.x, this chart now bootstraps Traefik Proxy version 3 as a Kubernetes ingress controller,
using Custom Resources IngressRoute
It's possible to use this chart with Traefik Proxy v2 using v27.x This chart support policy is aligned with upstream support policy of Traefik Proxy.
See Migration guide from v2 to v3 and upgrading section of this chart on CRDs.
Starting with v34.x, to work around Helm caveats, it's possible to use an additional Chart dedicated to CRDs: traefik-crds.
The Traefik HelmChart is focused on Traefik deployment configuration.
To keep this HelmChart as generic as possible we tend to avoid integrating any third party solutions nor any specific use cases.
Accordingly, the encouraged approach to fulfill your needs:
- Override the default Traefik configuration values (yaml file or cli)
- Append your own configurations (
kubectl apply -f myconf.yaml
Examples of common usage are provided.
If needed, one may use extraObjects or extend this Helm Chart as a Subchart.
- Helm v3 > 3.9.0 installed:
helm version
- Traefik's chart repository:
helm repo add traefik
Due to changes in CRD version support, the following versions of the chart are usable and supported on the following Kubernetes versions:
Kubernetes v1.15 and below | Kubernetes v1.16-v1.21 | Kubernetes v1.22 and above | |
Chart v9.20.2 and below | [x] | [x] | |
Chart v10.0.0 and above | [x] | [x] | |
Chart v22.0.0 and above | [x] |
Due to changes in API Group of Traefik CRDs from
, this Chart install CRDs needed by
default Traefik Proxy version, following this table: | |
Chart v22.0.0 and below | [x] | |
Chart v23.0.0 and above | [x] | [x] |
Chart v28.0.0 and above | [x] |
helm install traefik traefik/traefik
helm install traefik oci://
You can customize the install with a values
file. There are some EXAMPLES provided.
Complete documentation on all available parameters is in the default file.
helm install -f myvalues.yaml traefik traefik/traefik
The CRD chart is an additional and optional Chart. When using it, the CRDs of regular Traefik Chart are not required. See here for more details
helm install traefik-crds traefik/traefik-crds
helm install traefik traefik/traefik --skip-crds
helm list # should display two charts installed
One can check what has changed in the Changelog.
New major version indicates that there is an incompatible breaking change.
Please read carefully release notes of this chart before upgrading.
When using Helm native management for CRDs, user MUST upgrade CRDs before calling helm upgrade command. CRDs are not updated by Helm. See HIP-0011 for details.
# Update repository
helm repo update
# See current Chart & Traefik version
helm search repo traefik/traefik
# Update CRDs (Traefik Proxy v3 CRDs)
kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -k
# Upgrade Traefik
helm upgrade traefik traefik/traefik
When upgrading from standard installation to the one with additional CRDs chart, you have to change ownership on CRDs before installing CRDs chart
kubectl get -o name | grep | xargs kubectl patch --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/metadata/labels", "value": {"":"Helm"}},{"op": "add", "path": "/metadata/annotations/", "value":"traefik-crds"},{"op": "add", "path": "/metadata/annotations/", "value":"default"}]'
# If you use gateway API, you might also want to change Gateway API ownership
kubectl get -o name | grep | xargs kubectl patch --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/metadata/labels", "value": {"":"Helm"}},{"op": "add", "path": "/metadata/annotations/", "value":"traefik-crds"},{"op": "add", "path": "/metadata/annotations/", "value":"default"}]'
helm install traefik-crds traefik/traefik-crds
# Update repository
helm repo update
# See current Chart & Traefik version
helm search repo traefik/traefik
# Update CRDs (Traefik Proxy v3 CRDs)
helm upgrade traefik-crds traefik/traefik
# Upgrade Traefik
helm upgrade traefik traefik/traefik
When upgrading on Traefik Proxy v2 version, one need to stay at Traefik Helm Chart v27.x. The command to upgrade to the latest Traefik Proxy v2 CRD is:
kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -k
It's detailed in release notes.
Since v18.x, this chart by default merges TCP and UDP ports into a single (LoadBalancer) Service
Load balancers with mixed protocols are available since v1.20 and in
beta as of Kubernetes v1.24.
Availability may depend on your Kubernetes provider.
To retain the old default behavior, set service.single
to false
in your values.
When using TCP and UDP with a single service, you may encounter this issue from Kubernetes.
On HTTP/3, if you want to avoid this issue, you can set
to an other value than 443
If you were previously using HTTP/3, you should update your values as follows:
- Replace the old value (
) ofports.websecure.http3
with a keyenabled: true
- Remove
Since v17.x, this chart provides unified labels following Kubernetes recommendation.
This version needs to change an immutable field, which is not supported by
Kubernetes and Helm, see this issue
for more details.
So you will have to delete your Service
, Deployment
or DaemonSet
order to be able to upgrade.
You may also upgrade by deploying another Traefik to a different namespace and removing after your first Traefik.
Alternatively, since version 20.3.0 of this chart, you may set instanceLabelOverride
to the previous value of that
This will override the new Release.Name-Release.Namespace
pattern to avoid any (longer) downtime.
If you want to contribute to this chart, please read the Contributing Guide.
Thanks to all the people who have already contributed!