To call for SDK RPC methods, the SDK is exported to "jar" file and can be imported from other Kotlin projects.
There is already exported "jar" file of the Casper Kotlin SDK at this address
A sample project can be found at this address
You can go directly to the sample, but if you wish to export the SDK to "jar" file and do step by step how to use the jar file, please read through the manual.
To export the SDK hit "File->Project Structure ..."
Click the "Artifacts" row. Then give the jar a name. Choose the folder for the "jar" to store in the "Output directory" section. In this example the out put "jar" file will be in the "out/artifacts/CasperKotlinSDK_jar" folder under the SDK folder. You can change the folder to any folder you like. Remember that folder so that you can find the exported "jar" file later. You can adjust some information in this windows, as shown in the below image.
Change the information to what you like or just do quite the same like the image. Click "Apply" and "OK"
Click "Build->Build Artifacts..."
Then click the "Build" row.
You can see the "jar" file is exported succcessfully
Open "Terminal", go to the folder of the "CasperKotlinSDK.jar" file and type this command
zip -d CasperKotlinSDK.jar 'META-INF/.SF' 'META-INF/.RSA' 'META-INF/*SF'
You will see some result generated like this
This is to make sure that some encryption work being made in the "CasperKotlinSDK.jar" file is removed so that the SDK can be access without any restriction.
With this "CasperKotlinSDK.jar" file, you can import to other project to call for Casper RPC methods.
Create a new project in IntelliJ IDEA. Make sure that "Kotlin" and "Maven" is selected, as the image below. Then click "Create" button.
Wait for a while for the project structure to fully loaded. Then right click on "kotlin" folder, choose "New-> Kotlin Class/File"
Give the file a name, for example "Main"
Replace the content of the file to this
fun main(args:Array<String>) {
println("Hello Casper Kotlin SDK")
Right click anywhere in the "Main.kt" file and choose "Run MainKt"
There will be line of "Hello Casper Kotlin SDK" printed out. The next step is to import the "CasperKotlinSDK.jar" file.
The first step is to import "net.jemzart" library for Json handle.
Open "pom.xml" file and paste the following content to the section
Click "File-> Invalidate Caches ..."
<img width="1440" alt="Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 16 48 25" src="">
Check all the check boxes and click "Invalidate and Restart"
Go to file "Main.kt" and type import net.jemzart, if you can see the hint appears, then you are import the net.jemzart successfully.
Click File->Project Structure ...
Click "Libraries" and add the "CasperKotlinSDK.jar" as in the image below
Click the "+" button and browse to the CasperKotlinSDK.jar" file
Click "Open", you will then see the "CasperKotlinSDK.jar" file being imported. Click "Apply" then "OK"
<img width="1440" alt="Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 17 34 55" src="">
Again click "File->Invalidate caches ..."
Check all the check boxes and click "Invalidate and Restart"
Wait for a while for the project to load again.
Open the file "Main.kt" again, you can now import Casper Kotlin SDK classes, as shown in the image below.
Copy the following code to do the sample work of "chain_get_state_root_hash" RPC call to the "Main.kt" file so that the content of the "Main.kt" file is like this:
import com.casper.sdk.BlockIdentifier
import com.casper.sdk.BlockIdentifierType
import com.casper.sdk.ConstValues
import com.casper.sdk.getdeploy.Deploy
import com.casper.sdk.getdeploy.ExecutableDeployItem.ExecutableDeployItem
import com.casper.sdk.getdeploy.ExecutableDeployItem.ExecutableDeployItem_ModuleBytes
import com.casper.sdk.getdeploy.ExecutableDeployItem.NamedArg
import com.casper.sdk.getdeploy.GetDeployParams
import com.casper.sdk.getdeploy.GetDeployRPC
import com.casper.sdk.getstateroothash.GetStateRootHashRPC
fun main(args:Array<String>) {
println("Hello Casper Kotlin SDK")
fun getDeployTest() {
//Get deploy base on deploy at this address
val getDeployRPC = GetDeployRPC()
val getDeployParams = GetDeployParams()
getDeployRPC.methodURL = ConstValues.TESTNET_URL
getDeployParams.deploy_hash = "9ff98d8027795a002e41a709d5b5846e49c2e9f9c8bfbe74e4c857adc26d5571"
val postParameter = getDeployParams.generatePostParameterStr()
try {
val getDeployResult = getDeployRPC.getDeployFromJsonStr(postParameter)
val deploy: Deploy = getDeployResult.deploy
println("Deploy hash is: " + deploy.hash)
if(deploy.payment.itsType == ExecutableDeployItem.MODULE_BYTES) {
println("Deploy payment is of type ModuleBytes")
if(deploy.session.itsType == ExecutableDeployItem.MODULE_BYTES) {
println("Deploy session is of type ModuleBytes")
val payment: ExecutableDeployItem_ModuleBytes =
deploy.payment.itsValue[0] as ExecutableDeployItem_ModuleBytes
//payment first arg
val paymentNA: NamedArg = payment.args.listNamedArg[0]
println("Payment first args name:" + paymentNA.itsName)
println("Payment first args cl type:" + paymentNA.clValue.itsCLType.itsTypeStr)
println("Payment first args clvalue bytes:" +paymentNA.clValue.itsBytes )
println("Payment first args clvalue parse:" + paymentNA.clValue.itsParse.itsValueInStr)
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
fun getStateRootHash() {
val getStateRootHashTest = GetStateRootHashRPC()
//Call 1: Get state root hash with non parameter
val bi = BlockIdentifier()
bi.blockType = BlockIdentifierType.NONE
val str: String = bi.toJsonStr(ConstValues.RPC_GET_STATE_ROOT_HASH)
try {
val stateRootHash1 = getStateRootHashTest.getStateRootHash(str)
println("stateRootHash1" + stateRootHash1)
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {}
//Call 2: Get state root hash with BlockIdentifier of type Block Hash with correct Block Hash
bi.blockType = BlockIdentifierType.HASH
bi.blockHash = "fe35810a3dcfbf853b9d3ac2445fe1fa4aaab047d881d95d9009dc257d396e7e"
val str2: String = bi.toJsonStr(ConstValues.RPC_GET_STATE_ROOT_HASH)
try {
val stateRootHash2 = getStateRootHashTest.getStateRootHash(str2)
println("stateRootHash2" + stateRootHash2)
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException){}
//Call3: Get state root hash with BlockIdentifier of type Block Height with correct Block Height
bi.blockType = BlockIdentifierType.HEIGHT
bi.blockHeight = 673033u
val str3: String = bi.toJsonStr(ConstValues.RPC_GET_STATE_ROOT_HASH)
try {
val stateRootHash3 = getStateRootHashTest.getStateRootHash(str3)
println("stateRootHash3:" + stateRootHash3)
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException){}
//Call 4: Get state root hash with BlockIdentifier of type Block Hash with incorrect Block Hash.
// Expected result: latest state root hash
bi.blockType = BlockIdentifierType.HASH
bi.blockHash = "aaa_fe35810a3dcfbf853b9d3ac2445fe1fa4aaab047d881d95d9009dc257d396e7e"
val str4: String = bi.toJsonStr(ConstValues.RPC_GET_STATE_ROOT_HASH)
try {
val stateRootHash4 = getStateRootHashTest.getStateRootHash(str4)
println("stateRootHash4:" + stateRootHash4)
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException){}
//Call5: Get state root hash with BlockIdentifier of type Block Height with incorrect Block Height, expected result: Error
bi.blockType = BlockIdentifierType.HEIGHT
bi.blockHeight = 667303389999u
try {
val str5: String = bi.toJsonStr(ConstValues.RPC_GET_STATE_ROOT_HASH)
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
println("Error Get State Root Hash, invalid parameter")
You will see the state root hash being retrieved and printed out in the log region. Some of the deploy information is printed out also.
The deploy information can aslo be seen at this address
Full source code for the sample project can be found at this address