All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Package type to "module"
- Refactored and linted code and old deps
- Updated docs and demo
- Updated deps
- "more" prop to enable highcharts-more
- The way mocks are handled in components factory.
- "modules" prop feature that is consumed by the highchart component (see docs)
- module option to consume setOptions. This can also be a prop.
- examples in nuxt.config to show how to get highcharts intellisense working (very helpful!)
- proper handling of the mapChart prop for highmap (so that different maps can be used)
- sunburst component
- Removed postinstall script
- Keywords to package.json
- Tests for 100% coverage
- Improved docs
- Docs and issue templates.
- Birth of nuxt-highcharts, based off highcharts-vue, built for Nuxt. Hello world!
- Working demos. NOTE: while the demo works and tests exist, there is still more work to do on the tests, and they need to be plugged in to the CI/CD system.