This repository contains scripts and parameters to reproduce the results of the manuscript: Bridging scales: A hybrid model to simulate vascular tumor growth and treatment response by Duswald, Lima, Oden, and Wohlmuth (2023) available here.
To ensure reproducibility, we need to consider four major factors.
- The BioDynaMo repository
- The application code in the angiogenesis repository
- The parameters for the application
- The postprocessing pipelines
In this repository, we specify the necessary code states of both repositories and the parameters for each experiment. We wrap the compilation, simulation runs, and postprocessing in convenient bash scripts to simplify reproducibility.
To reproduce an experiment, simply execute the
after following the instructions for setting
up your system below.
If you clone this repository, it might happen that the submodules are not cloned. E.g., if you
git clone
cd bdm-angiogenesis-reproducer
ls angiogenesis
will show an empty directory. You must make sure that the submodules are loaded, e.g., run
git submodule update --init --force --remote
We provide a docker container to manage all system dependencies. The docker infrastructure is based on Lukas Breitwieser's work and we would like to thank him for sharing it with us. Docker avoids problems with setting up your system for the code to compile and run.
Having docker installed is, obviously, a prerequisite.
(Start docker.service if necessary)
The scripts assume that your $USER
belongs to the docker
group. See here.
(no sudo calls).
docker/ bdm-reproducer-image-v1-docker-image-02a59fd5d670.tar.gz
rm bdm-reproducer-image-v1-docker-image-02a59fd5d670.tar.gz # free space
Reproducing the results may take some time. If you are familiar with screen
, it might be a good idea to launch a screen session before following
the instructions below.
To reproduce the findings, you first need to start the docker container and start an interactive session, i.e., execute the following two scripts:
After executing the second script, you are inside the docker container. Your
user name should say something along the lines of testuser@docker-container
and if you write echo $HOSTNAME
it should return docker-container
To reproduce everything (except the large-scale simulation), execute
Note that the last experiment (tumor spheroid) may take some time and also requires quite some RAM for rendering.
To run the large-scale simulation, execute
but expect a runtime of multiple days.
To reproduce a specific experiment, run
. util/
Leave the container with exit
All results are located in the experiments folder, e.g., they can be found in
. ParaView output is usually located
in experiments/<experiment-name>/results/ParaView/*
We (strongly) recommend using the Docker image. However, if for some reason you wish to run without docker, you will have to make sure that all dependencies are installed. Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 are recommended. MacOS might work, but we expect that as time progresses the shipped BioDynaMo version will no longer compile on macOS and needs to be updated. Please open an issue if you encounter any issues.
In the first step, you'll need to install the packages listed in 3.1 and 3.2.
Note that you must install the pip packages in the same environment as BioDynaMo
uses. Afterward, execute the commands of section 2.2 ignoring the
See pip-packages.txt
numpy matplotlib seaborn pandas
The system dependencies are identical to the ones of BioDynaMo.
They are detailed in the BioDynaMo repository
To install the dependencies, you may either follow the description above
or simply execute the script
./biodynamo/ all
Additionally, the module rsync
must be available on your system. The module
is used to extract and save the results after simulation/postprocessing.