This bundle provides enables the @ratelimit annotation which allows you to limit the number of connections to actions. This is mostly useful in APIs. All information is currently only available to be stored in Redis, but adding other storage systems should be not difficult.
The bundle is prepared to work by default in corporation with the FOSOAuthServerBundle
. It contains a listener that adds the oauth token to the cache-key. However, you can create your own key generator to allow custom rate limiting based on the request. See Create a custom key generator below.
This bundle is partially inspired by a github gist from Ruud Kamphuis:
- Simple usage through annotations
- Customize rates per controller, action and even per HTTP method
- Multiple storage backends: redis, memcached etc
Installation takes just few easy steps:
If you're not yet familiar with Composer see Add the NoxlogicRateLimitBundle in your composer.json:
"require": {
"noxlogic/ratelimit-bundle": "@dev-master"
Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:
php composer.phar update noxlogic/ratelimit-bundle
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Noxlogic\RateLimitBundle\NoxlogicRateLimitBundle(),
If you want to use Redis as your storage engine, you will need to install SncRedisBundle
If you want to use Memcache, you need to install LswMemcacheBundle
Referer to their documentations for more details. You can change your storage engine with the storage_engine
configuration parameter. See Configuration reference.
If you wish to enable the bundle only in production environment (so you can test without worrying about limit in your development environments), you can use the enabled
configuration setting to enable/disable the bundle completely. It's enabled by default:
# config_dev.yml
enabled: false
This is the default bundle configuration:
enabled: true
# The storage engine where all the rates will be stored
storage_engine: ~ # One of "redis"; "memcache"
# The redis client to use for the redis storage engine
redis_client: default_client
# The HTTP status code to return when a client hits the rate limit
rate_response_code: 429
# The HTTP message to return when a client hits the rate limit
rate_response_message: 'You exceeded the rate limit'
# Should the ratelimit headers be automatically added to the response?
display_headers: true
# What are the different header names to add
limit: X-RateLimit-Limit
remaining: X-RateLimit-Remaining
reset: X-RateLimit-Reset
To enable rate limiting, you only need to add the annotation to the docblock of the specified action
use Noxlogic\RateLimitBundle\Annotation\RateLimit;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
* @Route(...)
* @RateLimit(limit=1000, period=3600)
public function someApiAction()
It's possible to rate-limit specific HTTP methods as well. This can be either a string or an array of methods. When no method argument is given, all other methods not defined are rated. This allows to add a default rate limit if needed.
use Noxlogic\RateLimitBundle\Annotation\RateLimit;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
* @Route(...)
* @RateLimit(methods={"PUT", "POST"}, limit=1000, period=3600)
* @RateLimit(methods={"GET"}, limit=1000, period=3600)
* @RateLimit(limit=5000, period=3600)
public function someApiAction()
It's also possible to add rate-limits to a controller class instead of a single action. This will act as a default rate limit for all actions, except the ones that actually defines a custom rate-limit.
use Noxlogic\RateLimitBundle\Annotation\RateLimit;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
* @Ratelimit(methods={"POST"}, limit=100, period=10); // 100 POST requests per 10 seconds
class DefaultController extends Controller
* @ratelimit(method="POST", limit=200, period=10); // 200 POST requests to indexAction allowed.
public function indexAction()
If you need to create a custom key generator, you need to register a listener to listen to the ratelimit.generate.key
class: MyBundle\Listener\RateLimitGenerateKeyListener
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: 'ratelimit.generate.key', method: 'onGenerateKey' }
namespace MyBundle\Listener;
use Noxlogic\RateLimitBundle\Events\GenerateKeyEvent;
class RateLimitGenerateKeyListener
public function onGenerateKey(GenerateKeyEvent $event)
$key = $this->generateKey();
// $event->setKey($key); // to overwrite key completely
Make sure to generate a key based on what is rate limited in your controllers.
If you want to run the tests use:
./vendor/phpunit/phpunit .