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USB: Descriptor

hasu@tmk edited this page Sep 29, 2021 · 97 revisions

USB Descriptor in 'USB in a NutShell'

Descriptor Types

Descriptor Types Value

USB 2.0 9.4

Class Codes

Base Class Descriptor Usage Description
00h Device Use class information in the Interface Descriptors
01h Interface Audio
02h Both Communications and CDC Control
03h Interface HID (Human Interface Device)
05h Interface Physical
06h Interface Image
07h Interface Printer
08h Interface Mass Storage
09h Device Hub
0Ah Interface CDC-Data
0Bh Interface Smart Card
0Dh Interface Content Security
0Eh Interface Video
0Fh Interface Personal Healthcare
10h Interface Audio/Video Devices
11h Device Billboard Device Class
12h Interface USB Type-C Bridge Class
DCh Both Diagnostic Device
E0h Interface Wireless Controller
EFh Both Miscellaneous
FEh Interface Application Specific
FFh Both Vendor Specific

Device Descriptor

uint8_t  bLength;           // Length of this descriptor.
uint8_t  bDescriptorType;   // DEVICE descriptor type (USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE). 0x01
uint16_t bcdUSB;            // USB Spec Release Number (BCD).
uint8_t  bDeviceClass;      // Class code (assigned by the USB-IF). 0xFF-Vendor specific.
uint8_t  bDeviceSubClass;   // Subclass code (assigned by the USB-IF).
uint8_t  bDeviceProtocol;   // Protocol code (assigned by the USB-IF). 0xFF-Vendor specific.
uint8_t  bMaxPacketSize0;   // Maximum packet size for endpoint 0.
uint16_t idVendor;          // Vendor ID (assigned by the USB-IF).
uint16_t idProduct;         // Product ID (assigned by the manufacturer).
uint16_t bcdDevice;         // Device release number (BCD).
uint8_t  iManufacturer;     // Index of String Descriptor describing the manufacturer.
uint8_t  iProduct;          // Index of String Descriptor describing the product.
uint8_t  iSerialNumber;     // Index of String Descriptor with the device's serial number.
uint8_t  bNumConfigurations;// Number of possible configurations.

USB 2.0 Spec 9.6.5


Speed Value
Low Speed 8
Full Speed 8/16/32/64
High Speed 64


The bcdDevice value indicates the device-defined revision number. The USB driver stack uses bcdDevice, along with idVendor and idProduct, to generate hardware and compatible IDs for the device. You can view the those identifiers in Device Manager.

When the device is originally enumerated by the USB stack, the USBHUB driver extracts idVendor, idProduct, and bcdDevice from the device descriptor. These three fields are incorporated to generate a USB hardware ID. Note that the vendor, device, and revision numbers are always stored in hexadecimal format.

Should be incremented for Windows when descriptors are updated?

Configuration Descriptor

When the host requests the configuration descriptor, all related interface and endpoint descriptors are returned (refer to Section 9.4.3).

An endpoint is not shared among interfaces within a single configuration unless the endpoint is used by alternate settings of the same interface. Endpoints may be shared among interfaces that are part of different configurations without this restriction.

uint8_t  bLength;               // Length of this descriptor.
uint8_t  bDescriptorType;       // CONFIGURATION descriptor type 0x02
uint16_t wTotalLength;          // Total length of all descriptors for this configuration.
uint8_t  bNumInterfaces;        // Number of interfaces in this configuration.
uint8_t  bConfigurationValue;   // Value of this configuration (1 based).
uint8_t  iConfiguration;        // Index of String Descriptor describing the configuration.
uint8_t  bmAttributes;          // Configuration characteristics.
uint8_t  bMaxPower;             // Maximum power consumed by this configuration.

USB 2.0 Spec 9.6.3

Interface Descriptor

An interface descriptor is always returned as part of a configuration descriptor. Interface descriptors cannot be directly accessed with a GetDescriptor() or SetDescriptor() request.

uint8_t bLength;            // Size of this descriptor in bytes
uint8_t bDescriptorType;    // INTERFACE Descriptor Type 0x04
uint8_t bInterfaceNumber;   // Index of the interface in the current configuration
uint8_t bAlternateSetting;  // Value used to select this alternate setting for the interface
uint8_t bNumEndpoints;      // Number of endpoints used by this interface(excluding endpoint zero)   
uint8_t bInterfaceClass;    // Interface class code                         
uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass; // Interface subclass code                      
uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol; // Interface protocol code                      
uint8_t iInterface;         // Index of the string descriptor describing the interface

USB 2.0 Spec 9.6.5

Mass Storage Class 08h

HID Class 03h

The bDeviceClass and bDeviceSubClass fields in the Device Descriptor should not be used to identify a device as belonging to the HID class. Instead use the bInterfaceClass and bInterfaceSubClass fields in the Interface descriptor.(5.1)

A HID class device communicates with the HID class driver using either the Control (default) pipe or an Interrupt pipe. Bulk and Isochronous pipes are not used by HID class devices.(4.4)

Subclass Code Description
0 No Subclass
1 Boot Interface Subclass
2 - 255 Reserved

HID Spec 4.2

Protocol Code Description
0 None
1 Keyboard
2 Mouse
3 - 255 Reserved

HID Spec 4.3

Endpoint Descriptor

This descriptor contains the information required by the host to determine the bandwidth requirements of each endpoint. An endpoint descriptor is always returned as part of the configuration information returned by a GetDescriptor(Configuration) request.

uint8_t  bLength;           // Length of this descriptor.
uint8_t  bDescriptorType;   // ENDPOINT descriptor type 0x05
uint8_t  bEndpointAddress;  // Endpoint address. Bit 7 indicates direction (0=OUT, 1=IN).
uint8_t  bmAttributes;      // Endpoint transfer type.
uint16_t wMaxPacketSize;    // Maximum packet size.
uint8_t  bInterval;         // Interval for polling endpoint


The address of the endpoint on the USB device described by this descriptor. The address is encoded as follows:

Bit 3...0: The endpoint number
Bit 6...4: Reserved, reset to zero
Bit 7:     Direction, ignored forcontrol endpoints
           0 = OUT endpoint
           1 = IN endpoint


This field describes the endpoint’s attributes when it isconfigured using the bConfigurationValue.

Bits 1..0: Transfer Type
           00 = Control
           01 = Isochronous
           10 = Bulk
           11 = Interrupt

If not an isochronous endpoint, bits 5..2 are reserved and must be set to zero. If isochronous, they are defined as follows:

Bits 3..2: Synchronization Type
           00 = No Synchronization
           01 = Asynchronous
           10 = Adaptive
           11 = Synchronous
Bits 5..4: Usage Type
           00 = Data endpoint
           01 = Feedback endpoint
           10 = Implicit feedback Data endpoint
           11 = Reserved


For all endpoints, bits 10..0 specify the maximumpacket size (in bytes).

For high-speed isochronous and interrupt endpoints:

Bits 12..11 specify the number of additional transaction opportunities per microframe:
            00 = None (1 transaction per microframe)
            01 = 1 additional (2 per microframe)
            10 = 2 additional (3 per microframe)
            11 = Reserved

Bits 15..13 are reserved and must be set to zero.


For full-/low-speed interrupt endpoints, the value of this field may be from 1 to 255.

For full-/high-speed isochronous endpoints and high-speed interrupt endpoints, this value must be from 1 to 16 and is used as the exponent for a 2**(bInterval - 1). e.g., a bInterval of 4 means a period of 8 [2**(4-1)].

For high-speed bulk/control OUT endpoints, the bInterval must specify the maximum NAK rate of the endpoint. A value of 0 indicates the endpoint never NAKs. Other values indicate at most 1 NAK each bInterval number of microframes. This value must be in the range from 0 to 255.

HID Descriptor

uint8_t  bLength;
uint8_t  bDescriptorType;       // HID descriptor type 0x21
uint16_t bcdHID;                // Major(8), Minor(4), Revision(4)
uint8_t  bCountryCode;
uint8_t  bNumDescriptors;       // Total number of HID report descriptors for the interface.
uint8_t  bDescriptorType2[0];   // Type of HID class descriptor
uint16_t wDescriptorLength[0];  // Length of HID class descriptor
    :               :
uint8_t  bDescriptorType2[n];   // There can be multiple HID class descriptors
uint16_t wDescriptorLength[n];

HID Spec 6.2.1


HID Class Descriptor Types

Value HID Class Descriptor Types
0x21 HID
0x22 Report
0x23 Physical descriptor
0x24-0x2F Reserved

HID Spec 7.1

Country Codes

Code (decimal) Country
00 Not Supported
01 Arabic
02 Belgian
03 Canadian-Bilingual
04 Canadian-French
05 Czech Republic
06 Danish
07 Finnish
08 French
09 German
10 Greek
11 Hebrew
12 Hungary
13 International (ISO)
14 Italian
15 Japan (Katakana)
16 Korean
17 Latin American
18 Netherlands/Dutch
19 Norwegian
20 Persian (Farsi)
21 Poland
22 Portuguese
23 Russia
24 Slovakia
25 Spanish
26 Swedish
27 Swiss/French
28 Swiss/German
29 Switzerland
30 Taiwan
31 Turkish-Q
32 UK
33 US
34 Yugoslavia
35 Turkish-F
36-255 Reserved

HID Report Descriptor

String Descriptor


uint8_t bLength             // Size of this descriptor in bytes
uint8_t bDescriptorType     // Constant STRING Descriptor Type 0x03
uint16_t wLANGID[0]         // Number LANGID code              
    :               :                                              
uint16_t wLANGID[n]         // Number LANGID code  


uint8_t bLength             // Size of this descriptor in bytes    
uint8_t bDescriptorType     // Constant STRING Descriptor Type 0x03         
uint16_t bString[x]         // UNICODE encoded string x = (bLength - 2) / 2

Language IDs

Identifire Language
0x0409 English (United States)
0x0411 Japanese

Device_Qualifier Descriptor

The device_qualifier descriptor describes information about a high-speed capable device that would change if the device were operating at the other speed.

uint8_t  bLength              // Number Size of descriptor
uint8_t  bDescriptorType      // Constant Device Qualifier Type
uint16_t bcdUSB               // BCD USB specification version number
uint8_t  bDeviceClass         // Class Class Code
uint8_t  bDeviceSubClass      // SubClass SubClass Code
uint8_t  bDeviceProtocol      // Protocol Protocol Code
uint8_t  bMaxPacketSize0      // Number Maximum packet size for other speed
uint8_t  bNumConfigurations   // Number Number of Other-speed Configurations
uint8_t  bReserved            // Zero Reserved for future use, must be zero

USB 2.0 Spec 9.6.2

Other_Speed_Configuration Descriptor

The other_speed_configuration descriptor describes a configuration of a high-speed capable device if it were operating at its other possible speed. The structure of the other_speed_configuration is identical to a configuration descriptor. The host accesses this descriptor using the GetDescriptor() request. The descriptor type in the GetDescriptor() request is set to ther_speed_configuration.

uint8_t  bLength;               // Length of this descriptor.
uint8_t  bDescriptorType;       // Other_speed_Configuration descriptor type 0x07
uint16_t wTotalLength;          // Total length of data returned
uint8_t  bNumInterfaces;        // Number of interfaces supported by this speedconfiguration
uint8_t  bConfigurationValue;   // Value to use to select configuration
uint8_t  iConfiguration;        // Index of String Descriptor
uint8_t  bmAttributes;          // Configuration characteristics.
uint8_t  bMaxPower;             // Maximum power consumed by this configuration.

USB 2.0 Spec 9.6.4

How to get descriptor

USB Descriptor Dumper

If you have TMK USB-USB converter or USB Host Shield with Arduino Leonardo try prebuilt firmware of USB Descriptor Dumper. You can get USB descriptors in HEX format including HID Report descriptor.

To check descriptor contente use parser tool.

Wireshark - USB Capture

This works on Linux, MacOS and Windows. You need to check GET_DESCRIPTOR responses from captured data.

On Windows

USB Tree Viewer

Use USB Tree Viewer.

You may have to run it as administrator to get HID Report descriptor.

Just select your USB device in tree view, the tool shows USB descriptor in right pane.

USB Tree Viewer shows Report Descriptor successfully with some devices but error like below with other devices. This seems to depend on device implementation.

Error reading descriptor : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (due to a obscure limitation of the Win32 USB API, see UsbTreeView.txt)


Other tools below may be also useful. Not confirmed.

On Linux


You can use lsusb -v to get descriptor. To designate your device give vendor and product ID to -d option.

lsusb -v -d feed:cafe

You will see output like below.

Bus 001 Device 035: ID feed:caaa  
Device Descriptor:
  bLength                18
  bDescriptorType         1
  bcdUSB               1.10
  bDeviceClass            0 (Defined at Interface level)
  bDeviceSubClass         0 
  bDeviceProtocol         0 
  bMaxPacketSize0         8
  idVendor           0xfeed 
  idProduct          0xcaaa 
  bcdDevice            1.04
  iManufacturer           1 t.m.k.
  iProduct                2 HHKB mod
  iSerial                 0 
  bNumConfigurations      1
  Configuration Descriptor:
    bLength                 9
    bDescriptorType         2
    wTotalLength          109
    bNumInterfaces          4
    bConfigurationValue     1
    iConfiguration          0 
    bmAttributes         0xa0
      (Bus Powered)
      Remote Wakeup
    MaxPower              100mA
    Interface Descriptor:
      bLength                 9
      bDescriptorType         4
      bInterfaceNumber        0
      bAlternateSetting       0
      bNumEndpoints           1
      bInterfaceClass         3 Human Interface Device
      bInterfaceSubClass      1 Boot Interface Subclass
      bInterfaceProtocol      1 Keyboard

Also check this to get HID Report Descriptor.

On MacOS

Good method to get USB descriptor on MacOS is not known yet.

These commands may give useuful info, perhaps?

system_profiler SPUSBDataType

ioreg -p IOUSB -w0 -l

Both commands don't seem to give useful informaions so much unfortuantely. Use Windows or Linux for the purpose if possible.

Descriptor Example

HHKB Professional PD-KB300

HHKB Professional 2 PD-KB400

HHKB Professional JP PD-KB420

HHKB Professional Classic PD-KB401

Realforce RGB AEAX01

Soarer's Converter

Apple Magic Keyboard model A1644

Wacom Intuos S Pen(056a:0374)

Cherry GmbH G83 (RS 6000) Keyboard - G80-3600LYCEU

NuType F1

Rosewill RK-9200BR

EzKEY Corp. USB to PS2 Adaptor v1.09

These two adapters are identical electrically.

  • Arvel AU02-PS

Ducky DK2108

Arduino Uno

CDC interface:

Arduino Leonardo

Bootloader CDC interface:

Adafruit Feather

UF2 Bootloader:

Arduino Sketch:

Varmilo MA109C - EC Switch Keyboard

Varmilo VA87

Nintendo SWITCH Pro Controller

Connectpro UD-12+ KVM - with pluging Hexgears Nova B2 TKL keyboard and a Logitech USB receiver

RealForce R2

Apple Magic Keyboard model A1644

Adafruit nRF52 Arduino hid_keyboard example

Griffin PowerMate

Ducky One 2 Mini

This keyboad doesn't have Boot Keyboard support.

Followings were extracted by USB Device Tree Viewer. No HID Report Descriptor. 1.0.9:


Logitech MX518 Legendary

Logitech MX510

Wacom Intuos S CTL-4100

Dygma Raise Keyboard

IK Multimedia iRig Keys

Apple Keyboard A1243

The keyobard has a USB hub.

Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)

0ea0:2168 Transcend JetFlash 2.0

14cd:1212 Super Top microSD card reader (SY-T18)

14cd:121c Super Top microSD card reader

056d:4026 EIZO EV2451

FTDI FT232 variants - 0403:6001

Vendor specific:

Prolific PL2303 - 067b:2303

Vendor specific:

Atmel AVRISP mkII - 03eb:2104

Vendor specific:

Nordic nRF52840 DK - 239a:0029 239a:8029

CDC interface association:

Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express - 239a:0029

CDC interface association:

Matrix Vita Keyboard - 4d58:6500 Truly Ergonomic CLEAVE - 258a:0016

DREVO.Inc BladeMaster TE - 87K 1A2C:B51F

This has two boot keyboard intefaces.

HORI Taiko Controller - 0f0d:00f0

APEM HF11S10U - 068e:0105 Joystick

Griffin Technology iMate, ADB Adapter - 077d:0405

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