- fix django version to 1.6.10 (sync with Telemeta 1.5)
Code refactoring:
- Create a new module timeside.plugins and move processors therein: timeside.plugins.decoder,analyzer, timeside.plugins.encoder, timeside.plugins.fx
- WARNING: to properly manage the namespace packages structure, the TimeSide main module is now timeside.core and code should now be initialized with import timeside.core
- timeside.plugins is now a namespace package enabling external plugins to be automatically plugged into TimeSide (see for example timeside-diadems). This now makes TimeSide a real plugin host, yeah!
- A dummy timeside plugin will soon be provided for easy development start.
Move all analyzers developped by the partners of the Diadems project to a new repository: timeside-diadems
Many fixes for a better processing by Travis-CI
Add a dox file to test the docker building continously on various distributions
- Bugfix release for #63 #64 #68
- Fix various minor bugs
- Fix docker sandbox
- Auto build docker image (https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/parisson/timeside/)
- WARNING! some processor ids have changed. Please see the full list below.
- NEW analyzers: IRIT Monopoly (see Processors)
- NEW graphers: IRIT Start/Session segmentation
- Add extensible buffering thanks to pytables (NEW dependency)
- Add typed parameters in processors and server thanks to traits (NEW dependency)
- Add a graph model to the pipe thanks to networkx (NEW dependency)
- Add test sample generators based on GStreamer
- Add a background image option for rendering analyzers
- Add on-the-fly filtering decorators
- Add a Docker development image and a Dockerfile
- Add a Vagrant development box
- Update the Debian package installation procedure
- Results are now stored in pipe.results as as dictionnary of AnalyzerResults
- Update various processors
- Prevent duplication of processor in the pipe (i.e. processors sharing the same class and parameters). This also fix #60.
- Update of Travis CI scripts https://travis-ci.org/Parisson/TimeSide/
- Bugfix release
- Fix analyzer instanciation as parent for some graphers
- Store analyzer's results in pipe.results by uuid instead of id (fix #24)
- All processor folders (decoder, analyzer, grapher, encoder) are now real plugin repositories : you can just drop processors in it and play!
- TimeSide can be installed without Aubio, Yaafe nor Vamp : it should be easier to install on old distributions for which those librairies are difficult or impossible to compile
- Encoder : add an Opus encoder
- Experimental : add a django web server with a REST API (see "Web server")
- AubioPitch: prevent NaN in result by converting them to zero
- Yaafe analyzer: simplify adaptation of process frames from TimeSide to Yaafe
- LimsiSad: add a default value for parameter sad_model
- Fix various NaN and Inf and PEP8 issues also many PyFlake warnings
- Full Travis integration with tests and test coverage through coveralls.io
- Thanks to all contributors!
- WARNING: some of the processor paths used in your app could have moved between 0.5.4 and 0.5.5. Check them with timeside.core.processors(). Note that it is now advised to use the timeside.core.get_processor() method to instantiate the processors with their respective id as argument.
- UPGRADING from the sources: please remove all .pyc files from your repository.
- Encoder : transcoded streams where broken. Now fixed with some smart thread controls.
- Analyzer : update VAMP plugin example in sandbox
- Analyzer : new experimental plugin : Limsi Speech Activity Detection Systems (limsi_sad)
- Decoder : process any media in streaming mode giving its URL
- Install : fix some setup requirements
- Make Analyzer rendering more generic and easy to implement
- Analyzer : implement rendering capability for event and segment + add some more analyzer graphers
- Analyzer : refactoring the results rendering method. + Capability to use matplotlib in environnement with no display
- Decoder : Add a Live decoder to get data from the soundcard
- Decoder : add support for 96kHz sampling rate
- Encoder: live AudioSink encoder, encoder that plays the audio stream through the soundcard
- Grapher : add a generic Class to display Analyzers through their 'render' method. Add the new grapher file
- Grapher : add a generic Class to display Analyzers through their 'render' method. For now, it only support FrameValueResult analyzer
- Core : add a condition to catch signal only if a LiveDecoder source is used
- Various bugfixes
- Add a general launch script "timeside-launch" (see "Shell interface")
- Add some decorators to filter the inputs of processes (see analyzer.waveform for ex)
- Add a "stack" option to the FileDecoder to accumulate audio data allowing multipass processes
- Add beat confidence to aubio_temporal
- Add AAC encoder (gstreamer voaacenc plugin needed)
- Add UUIDs to the file URI and to all processors
- Add a Debian repository with all dependencies for i386 and amd64 architectures
- Fix buggy WebM encoder
- Fix buggy MP3 muxing
- Fix various minor bugs
- Add parent processor list to Processor
- Simplify and optimize the grapher system
- Add Grapher abstract generic class
- Add a UUID property to Processor
- Add a SpectrogramLinear grapher
- Add WaveformTransparent grapher
- Fix some assignment issues regarding immutable type in for Analyzer Result
- Simplify analyzer results implementation by introducing a Factory and multiple classes and subclasses to handle the 8 different kinds of results
- Add doctests and improve the unit tests
- Add a OnsetDetectionFunction analyzer
- Update documentation
- Various cleanups
- Various bugfixes
- Deep refactoring of the analyzer API to handle various new usecases, specifically audio feature extraction
- Add serializable global result container (NEW dependency to h5py, json, yaml)
- Add new audio feature extraction analyzers thanks to the Aubio library providing beat & BPM detection, pitch dectection and other cool stuff (NEW dependency on aubio)
- Add new audio feature extraction analyzers thanks to the Yaafe library (NEW dependency on yaafe)
- Add new IRIT speech detection analyzers (NEW dependency on scipy)
- EXPERIMENTAL : add new audio feature extraction thanks to the VAMP plugin library (NEW dependency on some vamp tools)
- Add new documentation : http://files.parisson.com/timeside/doc/
- New Debian repository for instant install
- Various bugfixes
- Comptatible with Python >=2.7
- WARNING : no longer compatible with Telemeta 1.4.5
- (re)fix Pillow support (#12)
- fix some python package rules
- add a Debian package directory (thanks to piem, in git repo only)
- Only setup bugfixes
- Last compatible version with Python 2.6
- Next version 0.5 will integrate serious new analyzer features (aubio, yaafe and more)
- finally fix decoder leaks and de-synchronizations (thanks to piem)
- this also fixes bad variable encoder file lengths
- fix OGG and FLAC encoders (closes: #8)
- fix multi-channels streaming (closes: #13)
- add support for Pillow (closes: #12)
- temporally desactivate AAC and WebM encoders (need to add some limits for them)
- WARNING : we now need to add overwrite=True to encoder kwargs instances in order to overwrite the destination file, i.e. e=Mp3Encoder(path, overwrite=True)
- many releases these days, but there are some patches which are really worth to be HOT released : we just need them in production..
- finally fix FFT window border leaks in the streaming spectrum process for really better spectrograms and smoother spectral centroid waveforms
- mv gstutils to timeside.gstutils
- cleanup various processes
- Ogg, Aac and Flac encoders not really working now (some frames missing) :( Will be fixed in next release.
- move UI static files from ui/ to static/timeside/ (for better django compatibility)
- upgrade js scripts from telemeta 1.4.4
- upgrade SoundManager2 to v297a-20120916
- finally fixed an old decoder bug to prevent memory leaks during hard process (thanks to piem)
- add blocksize property to the processor API
- add many unit tests (check tests/alltests.py)
- re-add UI files (sorry, was missing in the last packages)
- various bugfixes
- encoders not all much tested on big files, please test!
- piem is now preparing some aubio analyzers :P
- mostly a transitional developer and mantainer version, no new cool features
- but add "ts-waveforms" script for waveform batching
- fix some tests
- removed but download audio samples
- fix setup
- update README
- move mainloop to its own thread to avoid memory hogging on large files
- add condition values to prepare running gst mainloop in a thread
- add experimental WebM encoder
- duration analysis goes to decoder.duration property
- bugfixes