This library provides a pure Python reader for the EnSight Gold data format,
a common format for results of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations.
It also comes with a few CLI tools, notably ensight_transform
allows you to perform in-place scaling/translation/etc. of the geometry in your case.
The library designed for efficient, selective, memory-mapped access to data from EnSight Gold case --
something that would be useful when importing the data into other systems. If you're looking for a more "batteries included" solution, look at
from the VTK library (see docs for comparison).
- Python 3.9+
- NumPy 1.21+
pip install ensight-reader
import ensightreader
import numpy as np
case = ensightreader.read_case("")
geofile = case.get_geometry_model()
part_names = geofile.get_part_names() # ["internalMesh", ...]
part = geofile.get_part_by_name(part_names[0])
N = part.number_of_nodes
with as fp_geo:
node_coordinates = part.read_coordinates(fp_geo) # np.ndarray((N, 3), dtype=np.float32)
variable = case.get_variable("UMean")
with variable.mmap_writable() as mm_var:
data = variable.read_node_data(mm_var, part.part_id)
data[:] = np.sqrt(data) # transform variable data in-place
# increment X coordinate
ensight_transform --translate 1 0 0
# scale by 1000 (eg. m -> mm conversion)
ensight_transform --scale 1e3 1e3 1e3
# rotation matrix
ensight_transform --matrix \
0 -1 0 0 \
1 0 0 0 \
0 0 1 0 \
0 0 0 1 \
# transform only "internalMesh" part
ensight_transform --translate 1 0 0 --only-parts internalMesh
To learn more, please see the documentation.