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Deploy a Multi Node OpenShift cluster via Jetlag from a non-standard lab, BYOL (Bring Your Own Lab), quickstart

Assuming that you receive a set of machines to install OCP, this guide walks you through getting a multi node cluster installed on this allocation. For the purposes of the guide, the machines used are Dell r660s and r760s running RHEL 9.2. In a BYOL (or with any non-homogeneous allocation containing machines of different models) due to the non-standard interface names and NIC PCI slots, you must craft Jetlag's inventory file by hand.

In other words, the create-inventory playbook is not used with BYOL. You must instead create your own inventory file manually, which means gathering information regarding the machines such as NIC names and MAC addresses. Therefore, thinking about simplifying this step, it is recommended to group machines of same/similar models wisely to be the cluster's control-plane and worker nodes.

The bastion machine needs 2 interfaces:

  • The interface connected to the network, i.e., with an IP assigned, a L3 network. This interface usually referred to as lab_network as it provides the connectivity into the bastion machine.
  • The control-plane interface, from which the cluster nodes are accessed (this is a L2 network, i.e., it does not have an IP assigned).

Sometimes the bastion machine may have firewall rules in place that prevent proper connectivity from the target cluster machines to the assisted-service API hosted on the bastion. Depending on the lab setup, you might need to add rules to allow this traffic, or if the bastion machine is already behind a firewall, the firewall could be disabled. One can, for instance, check for firewalld or iptables.

The cluster machines need a minimum of 1 online private interface:

  • The control-plane interface, from which other cluster nodes are accessed.

Since each node's NIC is on a L2 network, choose whichever L2 network is available as the control-plane network. See the network diagram below as an example:

MNO BYOL Cluster

Table of Contents

Bastion setup

  1. Select the bastion machine from the allocation. You should run Jetlag on the bastion machine, to ensure full connectivity and fastest access. By convention this is usually the first node of your allocation: for example, the first machine listed in your cloud platform's standard inventory display.

  2. You can copy your ssh public key to the designated bastion machine to make it easier to repeatedly log in from your laptop:

[user@<local> ~]$ ssh-copy-id root@<bastion>
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 2 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
Warning: Permanently added '<bastion>,x.x.x.x' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@<bastion>'s password:

Number of key(s) added: 2

# Now try logging into the machine, and confirm that only the expected key(s)
# were added to ~/.ssh/known_hosts
[user@<local> ~]$ ssh root@<bastion>
[root@<bastion> ~]#

Now log in to the bastion (with ssh root@<bastion> if you copied your public key above, or using the bastion root account password if not), because the remaining commands should be executed from the bastion.

  1. Install some additional tools to help after reboot
[root@<bastion> ~]# dnf install tmux git python3-pip sshpass -y
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
  1. Setup ssh keys for the bastion root account and copy to itself to permit local ansible interactions:
[root@<bastion> ~]# ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:uA61+n0w3Dht4/oIy1IKXrSgt9tfC/8zjICd7LJ550s root@<bastion>
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 3072]----+
[root@<bastion> ~]# ssh-copy-id root@localhost
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/root/.ssh/"
The authenticity of host 'localhost (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:fvvO3NLxT9FPcoOKQ9ldVdd4aQnwuGVPwa+V1+/c4T8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
root@localhost's password:

Number of key(s) added: 1

Now try logging into the machine and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added:
[root@<bastion> ~]# ssh root@localhost
[root@<bastion> ~]#
  1. Clone the jetlag GitHub repo
[root@<bastion> ~]# git clone
Cloning into 'jetlag'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4510, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4510/4510), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1531/1531), done.
remote: Total 4510 (delta 2450), reused 4384 (delta 2380), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (4510/4510), 831.98 KiB | 21.33 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2450/2450), done.

The git clone command will normally set the local head to the Jetlag repo's main branch. To set your local head to a different branch or tag (for example, a development branch), you can add -b <name> to the command.

Change your working directory to the repo's jetlag directory, which we'll assume for subsequent steps:

[root@<bastion> ~]# cd jetlag
[root@<bastion> jetlag]#
  1. Download your pull_secret.txt from into the root directory of your Jetlag repo on the bastion. You'll find the Pull Secret near the end of the long downloads page, in the section labeled "Tokens". You can either click the "Download" button, and then copy the downloaded file to ~/jetlag/pull_secret.txt on the bastion (notice that Jetlag expects an underscore (_) while the file will download with a hyphen (-)); or click on the "Copy" button, and then paste the clipboard into the terminal after typing cat >pull_secret.txt on the bastion to create the expected filename:
[root@<bastion> jetlag]# cat >pull_secret.txt
  "auths": {
    "": {
      "auth": "XXXXXXX",
      "email": "XXXXXXX"
    "": {
      "auth": "XXXXXXX",
      "email": "XXXXXXX"
    "": {
      "auth": "XXXXXXX",
      "email": "XXXXXXX"

If you are deploying nightly builds then you will need to add a ci token and an entry for If you plan on deploying an ACM downstream build be sure to include an entry for

  1. Execute the bootstrap script in the current shell, with source This will activate a local virtual Python environment configured with the Jetlag and Ansible dependencies.
[root@<bastion> jetlag]# source
Collecting pip
(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]#

You can re-enter that virtual environment when you log in to the bastion again with:

[root@<bastion> ~]# cd jetlag
[root@<bastion> jetlag]# source .ansible/bin/activate

Configure Ansible vars in all.yml

Copy the vars file and edit it to create the inventory with your BYOL lab info:

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# cp ansible/vars/all.sample.yml ansible/vars/all.yml
(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# vi ansible/vars/all.yml

Lab & cluster infrastructure vars

Change lab to lab: byol

Change lab_cloud to lab_cloud: na

Change cluster_type to cluster_type: mno

Set worker_node_count it must be correct, in this guide it is set to 2. However, if you desire to limit the number of worker nodes. Set it to 0, if you want a 3 node compact cluster.

Set ocp_build to one of 'dev' (early candidate builds) or 'ga' for Generally Available versions of OpenShift. Empty value results in playbook failing with error message. Example of dev builds would be 'candidate-4.17', 'candidate-4.16 or 'latest' (which would point to the early candidate build of the latest in development release) and examples of 'ga' builds would be explicit versions like '4.15.20' or '4.16.0' or you could also use things like latest-4.16 to point to the latest z-stream of 4.16. Checkout for a list of available builds for 'ga' releases and for a list of 'dev' releases.

Set ocp_version to the version of the openshift-installer binary, undefined or empty results in the playbook failing with error message. Values accepted depended on the build chosen ('ga' or 'dev'). For 'ga' builds some examples of what you can use are 'latest-4.13', 'latest-4.14' or explicit versions like 4.15.2 For 'dev' builds some examples of what you can use are 'candidate-4.16' or just 'latest'.

Only change networktype if you need to test something other than OVNKubernetes

Bastion node vars

Set smcipmitool_url to the location of the Supermicro SMCIPMITool binary. Since you must accept a EULA in order to download, it is suggested to download the file and place it onto a local http server, that is accessible to your laptop or deployment machine. You can then always reference that URL. Alternatively, you can download it to the ansible/ directory of your Jetlag repo clone and rename the file to smcipmitool.tar.gz. You can find the file here.

In case of BYOL, the lab itself determines the values of bastion_lab_interface and bastion_controlplane_interface.

  • bastion_lab_interface should be the L2 NIC interface
  • bastion_controlplane_interface should be the L3 network NIC interface

For Dell r660 from this guide, set those vars to the following:

bastion_lab_interface: eno8303
bastion_controlplane_interface: ens1f0

OCP node vars

The system type determines the value of controlplane_lab_interface.

  • controlplane_lab_interface should be the L2 NIC interface

For Dell r660 from this guide, set this var to the following:

controlplane_lab_interface: eno8303

Extra vars

No extra vars are needed for an ipv4 multi node cluster.

Note that the all.yml and the byol.local inventory file following this section, only reflect that of an ipv4 connected install.

Review vars all.yml

The ansible/vars/all.yml now resembles ...

# Sample vars file
# Lab & cluster infrastructure vars
# Which lab to be deployed into (Ex byol)
lab: byol
# Which cloud in the lab environment (Ex cloud42)
lab_cloud: na

# Either mno or sno
cluster_type: mno

# Applies to mno clusters

# Enter whether the build should use 'dev' (early candidate builds) or 'ga' for Generally Available versions of OpenShift
# Empty value results in playbook failing with error message. Example of dev builds would be 'candidate-4.17', 'candidate-4.16'
# or 'latest' (which would point to the early candidate build of the latest in development release) and examples of 'ga' builds would
# be explicit versions like '4.15.20' or '4.16.0' or you could also use things like latest-4.16 to point to the latest z-stream of 4.16.
# Checkout for a list of available builds for 'ga' releases and
# for a list of 'dev' releases.
ocp_build: "ga"

# The version of the openshift-installer binary, undefined or empty results in the playbook failing with error message.
# Values accepted depended on the build chosen ('ga' or 'dev').
# For 'ga' builds some examples of what you can use are 'latest-4.13', 'latest-4.14' or explicit versions like 4.15.2
# For 'dev' builds some examples of what you can use are 'candidate-4.16' or just 'latest'
ocp_version: "latest-4.16"

# Either "OVNKubernetes" or "OpenShiftSDN" (Only for MNO cluster type)
networktype: OVNKubernetes

# Lab Network type, applies to sno and mno cluster_type only
# Set this variable if you want to host your SNO cluster on lab public routable
# VLAN network, set this ONLY if you have public routable VLAN enabled in your
# scalelab cloud
# For mno clusters, enable this variable to autoconfigure controlplane_network_interface_idx,
# base_dns_name, cluster_name, controlplane_network, network_prefix, gateway to the values
# required in the public VLAN
public_vlan: false

# Enables FIPs security standard
enable_fips: false

ssh_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh_public_key_file: ~/.ssh/
# Place your pull_secret.txt in the base directory of the cloned Jetlag repo, Example:
# [root@<bastion> jetlag]# ls pull_secret.txt
pull_secret: "{{ lookup('file', '../pull_secret.txt') }}"

# Bastion node vars
bastion_cluster_config_dir: /root/{{ cluster_type }}


bastion_lab_interface: eno8303
bastion_controlplane_interface: ens1f0

# Sets up Gogs a self-hosted git service on the bastion
setup_bastion_gogs: false

# Set to enable and sync container images into a container image registry on the bastion
setup_bastion_registry: false

# Use in conjunction with ipv6 based clusters
use_bastion_registry: false

# OCP node vars
# Network configuration for all mno cluster nodes
controlplane_lab_interface: eno8303

# Network configuration for public VLAN based sno cluster_type deployment
jumbo_mtu: false

# Extra vars
# Append override vars below

Create your custom inventory byol.yml

Choose wisely which server for which role: bastion, masters and workers. Make sure to group machines by, e.g., number of cores, NIC types (and names), etc.

  • Record the names and MACs of their L3 network NIC to be used for the inventory.
  • Choose the control-plane NICs, the L2 NIC interface.
  • Record the interface names and MACs of the chosen control-plane interfaces.
  • The correct DNS needs to be changed in ansible/vars/lab.yml. Otherwise some tasks, e.g., pulling images from when Jetlag has already touched /etc/resolv.conf, will fail.
  • Make sure you have root access to the BMC, i.e., iDRAC for Dell. In the example below, the bmc_user and bmc_password are set to root and password.

Now, create the /ansible/inventory/byol.local inventory file and edit it with the info from above manually from your BYOL lab:

# Create inventory playbook will generate this for you much easier

<IP or FQDN> ansible_ssh_user=root bmc_address=<IP or FQDN>


control-plane-0 bmc_address=<IP or FQDN> mac_address=<L3 NIC> lab_mac=<L2 NIC> ip= vendor=Dell install_disk=/dev/disk/by-path/...
control-plane-1 bmc_address=<IP or FQDN> mac_address=<L3 NIC> lab_mac=<L2 NIC> ip= vendor=Dell install_disk=/dev/disk/by-path/...
control-plane-2 bmc_address=<IP or FQDN> mac_address=<L3 NIC> lab_mac=<L2 NIC> ip= vendor=Dell install_disk=/dev/disk/by-path/...

lab_interface=<lab_mac interface name>
dns2=<DNS ip_address>

worker-0 bmc_address= mac_address=<L3 NIC> lab_mac=<L2 NIC> ip= vendor=Dell install_disk=/dev/disk/by-path/...
worker-1 bmc_address= mac_address=<L3 NIC> lab_mac=<L2 NIC> ip= vendor=Dell install_disk=/dev/disk/by-path/...

lab_interface=<lab_mac interface name>
dns2=<DNS ip_address>


You can see the real example file for the above inventory here.

Next run the setup-bastion.yml playbook ...

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/byol.local ansible/setup-bastion.yml

Finally run the mno-deploy.yml playbook ...

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/byol.local ansible/mno-deploy.yml

Monitor install and interact with cluster

You should monitor the first deployment to see if anything hangs on boot, or if the virtual media is incorrect according to the BMC. You can monitor the deployment by opening the bastion's assisted-installer GUI (port 8080, ex http://<bastion>:8080/clusters), opening the consoles via the BMC, i.e., iDRAC for Dell, of each machine, and once the machines are booted, you can directly connect to them and tail log files.

If everything goes well, you should have a cluster in about 60-70 minutes. You can interact with the cluster from the bastion.

(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# export KUBECONFIG=/root/mno/kubeconfig
(.ansible) [root@<bastion> jetlag]# oc get no
NAME              STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
control-plane-0   Ready    control-plane,master   36m   v1.27.6+f67aeb3
control-plane-1   Ready    control-plane,master   61m   v1.27.6+f67aeb3
control-plane-2   Ready    control-plane,master   63m   v1.27.6+f67aeb3
worker-0          Ready    worker                 38m   v1.27.6+f67aeb3
worker-1          Ready    worker                 39m   v1.27.6+f67aeb3

Appendix - Troubleshooting, etc.:

There are a few peculiarities that need to be mentioned for a non-standard lab allocation and/or different versions of software, e.g., RHEL:

In Jetlag, the cluster installation process is divided into two phases: (1) Setup the bastion machine and (2) the actual OCP installation.

(1) Setup bastion:

  • Make sure that the base operating system (in the case of this guide it was RHEL 9.2) in the bastion machine has repositories added and an active subscription, since Jetlag requires some packages, such as: dnsmasq, frr, golang-bin, httpd and httpd-tools, ipmitool, python3-pip, podman, and skopeo.

  • Sometimes the setup bastion process may fail, because it is not able to have connectivity between the assisted-service API and the target cluster machines. Check for firewalld or iptables with rules in place that prevent traffic between these machines. A quick test that fixes the problem is to silence and/or disable firewalld and clean iptables rules.

  • For Jetlag to be able to copy, change the boot order, and boot the machines from the RHCOS image, the user needs to have writing access to the BMC, i.e., iDRAC in the case of Dell machines.

  • The installation disks on the machines could vary from SATA/SAS to NVME, and therefore the /dev/disk/by-path IDs will vary.

  • The task ''Stop and disable iptables'' can fail because dnf install iptables-services and systemctl start need to be done.

(2) MNO-Deploy:

  • The task "Dell - Insert Virtual Media" may fail. Silencing firewalld and iptables fixed it.

  • The task "Dell - Power down machine prior to booting iso" executes the ipmi command against the machines, where OCP will be installed. It may fail in some cases, where reseting idrac is not enough. As a workaround, one can set the machines to boot from the .iso, via the virtual console.

  • The task "Wait up to 40 min for nodes to be discovered" is the last most important step. Make sure that the boot order (via the boot type) is correct:

    • Check the virtual console in the BMC, i.e., iDRAC for Dell, if the machines are booting correctly from the .iso image.

    • Make sure to inspect the 'BIOS Settings' in the machine for both, the boot order and boot type. Jetlag will mount the .iso and instruct the machines for a one-time boot, where, later, they should be able to boot from the disk. Check if the string in the boot order field contains the hard disk. Once booted, in the virtual console, you will see the L3 NIC interface with an 198.10.18.x address and RHCOS, which is correct according to the byol.local above.

    • If the machines boot from the .iso image, but they cannot reach the bastion, it is most likely a networking issue, i.e. double check L2 and L3 NIC interfaces again.

      • badfish could be used for this purpose, however, it is limited to use only FQDN, and, by the time of writing, the configuration for Del R660 and R760 in the interface config file was missing.
  • In the assistant installer GUI, under cluster events, if you observe any permission denied error, it is related to the SELinux issue pointed out previously. If you however notice an issue related to wrong booted device, make sure to observe in the virtual console in the BMC, if the machines booted from the disk, and if the boot order contains the disk option. This is a classic boot order issue. The steps in the assistant installer are that the control-plane nodes will boot from the disk to be configured, and then join the control-plane "nominated" as the bootstrap node (this happens around 45-47% of the installation) to continue with the installation of the worker nodes.