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Polynomial Chaos Expansion

This notebook was created as an addition for a presentation in the seminar Uncertainty in Machine Learning WiSe23/24.

The purpose of this notebook is a very basic introduction on how to create Polynomial Chaos Expansion for a function with the use of the chaos library.

To see you you can construct a PCE by hand I can really recommend the this video and the corresponding notebook by Emily Gorcenski

import numpy as np
import chaospy as cp
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/scipy/ UserWarning: A NumPy version >=1.17.3 and <1.25.0 is required for this version of SciPy (detected version 1.26.1
  warnings.warn(f"A NumPy version >={np_minversion} and <{np_maxversion}"

Univariant Case

We start by defining a PCE for a function with only one uncertain parameter alpha and see how it performs.

# define some imaginary function
def f(x):
    return -x**4 + 1
X = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
Y = f(X)

plt.plot(X, Y)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f1b70be8fa0>]


ux = cp.Uniform(-1, 1)
# create a gaussian quadrature rule with 100 nodes and weights
nodes, weights = cp.generate_quadrature(5, ux, rule="G")

# sample the function at the nodes
samples_f = [f(node) for node in nodes.T]

# create a polynomial expansion of the samples
P = cp.expansion.stieltjes(5, ux)

# fit the polynomial to the samples
f_hat = cp.fit_quadrature(P, nodes, weights, samples_f)

mean = cp.E(f_hat ,ux)
var = cp.Var(f_hat, ux)
X = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
Y = f(X)
Y_nodes = f(nodes[0])

weights = weights / np.max(weights)

# plot the gaussian quadrature node and weights
plt.plot(X, Y)
for x, y, w in zip(nodes[0], Y_nodes, weights):
    plt.plot(x, y, 'o', c="red", markersize=w*3)


def create_pce(ux, num_nodes, order, function):
    # create a gaussian quadrature rule with 100 nodes and weights
    nodes, weights = cp.generate_quadrature(num_nodes, ux, rule="G")

    # sample the function at the nodes
    samples_f = [function(node) for node in nodes.T]

    # create a polynomial expansion of the samples
    P = cp.expansion.stieltjes(order, ux)

    # fit the polynomial to the samples
    f_hat = cp.fit_quadrature(P, nodes, weights, samples_f)

    return f_hat
def f_(x):
    return 3**x

ux = cp.Uniform(-1, 1)

X = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
Y = f_(X)

plt.plot(X, Y, label="f(x)", linewidth=3)

for num_samples in [10]:
    #X_samples = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, num_samples)

    f_hat = create_pce(ux, num_samples, 3, f_)
    Y_hat = f_hat(X).squeeze()
    plt.plot(X, Y_hat, label=f"pce: {num_samples} num_samples")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f1b66965b10>


ux = cp.Uniform(-1, 1)

X = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
Y = f(X)

plt.plot(X, Y, label="f(x)")

for order in range(1, 5):
    f_hat = create_pce(ux, 10, order, f)
    Y_hat = f_hat(X).squeeze()
    plt.plot(X, Y_hat, label=f"pce: {order}. order")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f1b66926e90>


Plot the PCE result

X = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)
Y_hat = f_hat(X).squeeze()
Y = f(X)

_ = plt.plot(X, Y, label="f")
_ = plt.plot(X, Y_hat, label="PCE of f")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f1b66897fa0>


Fitting a Gaussian Process to the same function

# define the gaussian kernel
def gaussian_kernel(x, y, sigma=1, l=1):
    return l * np.exp(-(x-y)**2 / (2*sigma**2))
# generate samples
X_samples = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 2)
Y_samples = f(X_samples)

plt.plot(X, Y)
plt.plot(X_samples, Y_samples, 'o')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f1b667399f0>]


X_eval = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)

\begin{align*} \Sigma &= k(X,X)+\sigma^2 I\ \Sigma_\star &= k(X,X_\star)\ \Sigma_{\star\star} &= k(X_\star,X_\star)+\sigma^2 I \end{align*}

corr_inv = np.linalg.inv(gaussian_kernel(X_samples[:, None], X_samples[None, :], l=0.1))
corr_star = gaussian_kernel(X_samples[:, None], X_eval[None, :], l=0.1)
corr_star_star = gaussian_kernel(X_eval[:, None], X_eval[None, :], l=0.1)

\begin{equation} \mathbf{f}\star | \mathbf{f} \sim \mathcal{N} ( \underbrace{\Sigma\star^\top \Sigma^{-1} \mathbf{f}}{\boldsymbol{\mu}\star} , \underbrace{\Sigma_{\star\star} - \Sigma_\star^\top \Sigma^{-1} \Sigma_\star}{C\star} ) \end{equation}

mean = corr_star.T @ corr_inv @ Y_samples
covar = corr_star_star - corr_star.T @ corr_inv @ corr_star
var = np.diag(covar)
plt.plot(X, Y)
plt.plot(X_samples, Y_samples, 'o')
plt.plot(X_eval, mean)
plt.fill_between(X_eval, mean - var, mean + var, alpha=0.5)
<matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection at 0x7f2d5fe90d90>


Uncertainty in paramters

We have seen how to approximate any univariate function with a PCE where the input x is uncertain. Now we look at how we can construct a PCE for a function who's parameters lie in uncertainty.

Univariate Case

Define the function to approximate

# define input samples domain
coordinates = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)

# define decay function with input and an alpha parameter
def f(alpha, x=coordinates):
    return -(x-2) * (x-alpha) + 10
# define alpha to be normally distributed with mean 5 and std 0.8
alpha = cp.Normal(5, .8)

Plot the samples

# sample 50 times from alpha and plot the resulting function over the domain
for _ in range(50):
    a = alpha.sample()
    plt.plot(coordinates, f(a), alpha=0.2)

# plot the mean of the function over the domain
plt.plot(coordinates, f(5), label="mean of alpha")



This is a heuristic approach to visualize the variance of the output distribution when the functions parameter have some uncertainty.

Create Polynomial Chaos Expansion

# create a gaussian quadrature rule with 3 nodes and weights
nodes, weights = cp.generate_quadrature(3, alpha, rule="G")

# sample the function at the nodes
samples_f = [f(node) for node in nodes.T]

# create a polynomial expansion of the samples
P = cp.expansion.stieltjes(2, alpha)

# fit the polynomial to the samples
f_hat = cp.fit_quadrature(P, nodes, weights, samples_f)

mean = cp.E(f_hat ,alpha)
var = cp.Var(f_hat, alpha)

Plot results

plt.plot(coordinates, f(5), label="mean of alpha")
plt.plot(coordinates, mean, label="mean of f_hat")
plt.plot(coordinates, mean+np.sqrt(var))
plt.plot(coordinates, mean-np.sqrt(var))



We see that the mean optained by PCE is exactly the real one. Also, the variance is very similar to the Monte Carlo simultaions previously.

Multivariate Case

This time, the function to approximate has two uncertain parameters and we seek to build a PCE for their joint distribtion.

Define a function

# define input samples domain
coordinates = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)

# define function, this time with a alpha and beta parameter
def f(params, x=coordinates):
    alpha, beta = params
    return -(x-2) * (x-alpha) + beta
# alpha is uniformly distributed between 4 and 5
alpha = cp.Uniform(4, 5)

# beta is normally distributed with mean 10 and std 2
beta = cp.Normal(10, 2)

# define the joint distribution of alpha and beta
joint = cp.J(alpha, beta)

Plot samples

# sample 50 times from the joint distribution and plot the resulting function over the domain
for _ in range(50):
    d = joint.sample()
    plt.plot(coordinates, f(d), alpha=0.2)

# plot the mean of the function over the domain
plt.plot(coordinates, f((4.5, 10)), label="mean of alpha")



# create a gaussian quadrature rule with 3 nodes and weights
nodes, weights = cp.generate_quadrature(3, joint, rule="G")

# sample the function at the nodes
samples_f = [f(node) for node in nodes.T]

# create a polynomial expansion of the samples
P = cp.expansion.stieltjes(2, joint)

# fit the polynomial to the samples
f_hat = cp.fit_quadrature(P, nodes, weights, samples_f)

mean = cp.E(f_hat , joint)
var = cp.Var(f_hat, joint)

Plot results

plt.plot(coordinates, f((4.5, 10)), label="mean of alpha")
plt.plot(coordinates, mean, label="mean of f_hat")
plt.plot(coordinates, mean+np.sqrt(var))
plt.plot(coordinates, mean-np.sqrt(var))



Print Hermite Polynomials

# function that plots the hermite polynomials from numpy
def plot_hermite_polynomials(n, x, thickness):
    prop_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']
    colors = prop_cycle.by_key()['color']

    ax = plt.gca()
    for i in range(n):
        plt.plot(x, np.polynomial.hermite.hermval(x, [0]*i+[1]), color=colors[i], linewidth=thickness)
    plt.savefig(f"hermite_polynomials.png", transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')

thickness = 8
#for i in range(5):
plot_hermite_polynomials(5, np.linspace(-1.8, 1.8, 1000), thickness)
# print out the hermite polynomial equations of order n
def print_hermite_polynomials(n):
    for i in range(n):

0.0 + 1.0·H₁(x)
0.0 + 0.0·H₁(x) + 1.0·H₂(x)
0.0 + 0.0·H₁(x) + 0.0·H₂(x) + 1.0·H₃(x)
0.0 + 0.0·H₁(x) + 0.0·H₂(x) + 0.0·H₃(x) + 1.0·H₄(x)