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Tim Cuthbertson edited this page Feb 5, 2015 · 11 revisions


List the total size of all root directories (ignoring mounts)

ls -1 / | piep 'root=set(pp) | pp = sh("mount").splitlines() \
  | p.split() | p[2] | p[1:] | "/" not in p | bool \
  | root.difference(set(pp)) | "/"+p \
  | sh("du","-hs", *pp, stderr=open(os.devnull), stdout=sys.stdout)'


  • root=set(pp) : convert input (ls -1 /) into into a set, for later
  • | pp = sh("mount").splitlines() : run mount, and save its lines as the new pp
  • | p.split() | p[2] | p[1:] | "/" not in p : grab the path component, trim off the leading slash and remove any paths that have more than one slash
  • | bool : filter out the empty result
  • | root.difference(set(pp)) : set pp to the difference of the stored root variable and the current pp value
  • | "/"+p : add back leading slash
  • | sh("du","-hs", *pp, stderr=open(os.devnull), stdout=sys.stdout) : run du -hs on all paths. Print directly to stdout, and ignore stderr

live memory usage graph (for a single process)

Requires xmgrace program

env PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 piep -m itertools -m time -e PID=$(pgrep 'process-name') \
  -e 'START=time.time()' -e 'def delay(n,x): time.sleep(n); return x' -n \
  'pp = itertools.repeat(None) | delay(1,time.time()) | x = int(p - START) \
    | y = sh("ps","-o","rss=","-p", str(PID)) | y = int(str(y)) / 1000 \
    | ["g0.s0 point {}, {}".format(x,y), "autoscale", "redraw"] | pp.merge() \
    | itertools.chain(["yaxis label \"RSS (mb)\"", "xaxis label \"time (s)\""], pp)' \
  | xmgrace -barebones -dpipe -


  • Command line:
  • env PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1: write each output line immediately
  • piep -m itertools -m time: import itertools and time modules
  • -e PID=$(pgrep 'process-name'): lookup PID for the given process name (you can also just use a raw number if you know it)
  • -e 'START=time.time()': set START time (seconds)
  • -e 'def delay(n,x): time.sleep(n); return x': create a small helper function which sleeps before returning the given value
  • -n: no-input (this is a self-constructing pipe)
  • Pipeline:
  • pp = itertools.repeat(None): create an infinite stream of None elements
  • | delay(1,time.time()): Sleep for 1 second and then return the current time
  • | x = int(p - START): Set x to the seconds since monitoring started
  • | y = sh("ps","-o","rss=","-p", str(PID)): Set y to the current memory usage (rss) of the target pid
  • | y = int(str(y)) / 1000: convert ps output into a number, and divide it by 1000 to get mb
  • | ["g0.s0 point {}, {}".format(x,y), "autoscale", "redraw"]: format each x & y value for the xmgrace program, including instructions to rescale & redraw the graph after each point
  • | pp.merge(): Merge each array value into one long sequence
  • | itertools.chain(["yaxis label \"RSS (mb)\"", "xaxis label \"time (s)\""], pp)': prefix the output with a header to set axis labels
  • Graphing:
  • | xmgrace -barebones -dpipe -: pipe everything into xmgrace, which will do the actual graphing
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