Contentify is a realtime collaborative content manager on top of Github and Github Pages.
Manage documents in Markdown
Editor with preview / fullscreen / syntax coloration etc...
Realtime editing with Github collaborators
History of all your drafts / releases with diff
Unlimited colaborators
Easy integration with SDKs: Javascript, Node.js
Simple interface
The full management system is a Github Pages site that you can host on any Github repository. Just fork the repo thyb/contentify, push something to generate the Github page, and you are done.
Read more about the installation process
1- Now your content can be edited easily by your non-technical team in a realtime collaboration. The edition can be in Markdown as well as in HTML directly (personally, i recommend Markdown).
2- You have an editor with a preview of what you and your collaborators are writing in realtime, as you would do on Google Drive.
3- You can save your changes as a Draft or as a Release. The production only sees the releases, while your development team can hook on the draft saves.
4- You can go in the history to review old versions (with their changes) and rollback to a specific version if necessary.
5- You can cut your document in fragments for a smoother integration.
With Javascript
contentify.initialize('thyb', 'contentify')
Learn more about the Javascript SDK
With Node.js
contentify = require('contentify')
contentify.initialize('thyb', 'contentify')
contentify.getContent('', function(err, content) {
//content is a string containing the parsed HTML of ``