Current grid owner: xmonader
All components are apache2 licensed unless mentioned differently
our base operating system + storage + db _ network components
- core
- Zero-OS: our low level operating system:
- 0-initramfs: All that is needed to build the Zero-OS-kernel and initramfs to start root filesystem images
- Zinit: init for Zero-OS
- core-X: Process manager for containers
- zbus: bus for interprocess communication
- rbus: interprocess communication written in rust
- cpu benchmark
- internal lib for workerpool
- ipxe is gpl licensed component, we forked, is to remote boot a zos
- cloud console
- cloud container
- future zos work: (rewrite certain components in rust)
- zos-update-worker updates zos images on the hub based on the DAO voting
- shim-logs to provide the enduser a way to get their container logs
- capacity-certifier proof of capacity implementation for threefold grid.
- webservices
- 0-bootstrap: This web service provides dynamic construction of iPXE scripts for booting and bootstrapping Zero-OS
- 0-hub: Everything needed to serve, upload, merge, and manage flists, as well as convert docker images to flists
- 0-hub-gw Allows to protect backend Zero-DB for Hub uploads with protection.
- storage components
- 0-fs: The storage layer of our container and vm technology.
- 0-db
- flist: dedupe, metadata format for our cacheable filesystem layer to boot vm & containers from
- 0-flist: Tool to create and manage flists. The flist file format creates a small file with enough information to make a complete filesystem available without the data payload itself
- flist-builder: autobuilder config template
- quantum safe storage system
- 0-stor: distributed storage layer
- 0-stor v2&3: 2e & 3e gen zero stor
- quantum-storage in V
- qss-ipfs-pinningserver: not actively worked on
- vstor 0-stor in vlang
- verasure This is a V implementation of Jerasure2, with a custom wrapper. In V, there is a wrapper to make call pure-v style.
- network
- rmb: reliable message bus for Zero-OS and other TFGrid components
- nnc NNC is network copy tool that copies traffic from source to destination across network namespaces.
- planetary network ui
- mycelium network: next get planetary network: now called mycelium
- tcprouter SNI based router
- webgw gateway between ipv4 and backend networks
- logagg log aggregator that receive log streams over web socket then handle it as configured
- tailstream streams the output based on command line config supports (console, redis, websockets)
- whereisip Small webservice using GeoLite2 database to give geographic information about IP address location
- supporting
- vbuilders: builders for components as used in stack
- zos-config global zos configurations for nodes on all networks
- rPGP rPGP bindings in rust
- tf-images list of supported flists
- coredns-redis coredns redis plugin for dynamic DNS records
Owner: azmy
- web3gw : gateway component part of 3bot, allows any consumer to talk to web3/2 and TFGrid over json/openrpc
- web3gw-deployer
Owner: Xmonader
- tfchain core : our blockchain for TFGrid 3.0, also javascript, rust, and go clients, stellar-tfchain bridge and the grid activation service
- tfchain_graphql : database layer on top of TFChain, query service
- tfchain_graphql_ts_types : database types
- Atomic Swaps: swap digital assets between blockchains
- Minting Code
- Simulator for reward for a farmer
- tfchain new version poc, not used
- libp2p-relay
- activation service
- tft-pricing-oracle price oracle retrieve TFT price remotely
Owner: Rob
- tfgrid-sdk-go : golang monorepo, libraries to develop on the grid, gridproxy, activation service, rmb clients, grid-cli, gridify
- tfgrid-sdk-ts : typescript monorepo, typescript libraries to develop on the grid, tfchain client, statistics website, dashboard, playground, rmb-http servers, rmb clients
- providers
- pulumi-provider-grid: pulumi automation layer
- terraform-provider-grid : terraform automation layer
- browser
- python (outdated, not officially supported by TF)
- python framework for automation
- python sdk
- jumpscale extension template extension template using cookiecutter
- vdc-kubernetes-cni initial code for CNI driver and architecture
- grid3_deployments_builder drag-drop web application to configure your projects and deploy
Owners: Azmy, Hanafy
Our mobile app, network overlay and identity management
- : our mobile tools, authentication, link to planetary network, news, wallet
- wizard framework as used in tfconnect
- news component in tfconnect
- : next generation wallet for multichain (part of TFConnect)
- flutter client for identity layer
- : Planetary Network Mobile Client
- tools for our planetary network
- : identity management layer for tfconnect
- db used behind
- : nodejs client for pkid
- : identity manager with KYC integration
- easily allow oauth in your application with number of oauth2 providers e.g github, facebook, .. etc
- js client for login to tfconnect
- python client to login to tfconnect
Owners: Xmonader
- acme2cert-exp a GPL fork, that works against zerossl for unlimited issuance of tls certificates.
- grid_deployment docker compose based deployment, still wip
- farmerbot: manage 3nodes on behalf of farmer, e.g. power management
- tf-images : set of images which can be used on top of TFGrid (docker builds, flists, ...)
- publish script for flist on github
- Zero CI (community effort, not actively maintained)
- Mastodon Deployer helps deploying mastodon on the grid
- Farming calculator used for farming related calculations
- tf-forms wizards technology based on HTMX and vlang
- mdbook-include include macro to simplify the inclusion of other texts in wiki pages
- tf-chatbot chatbot using vue and vlang
- tf-pdf pdf rendering webcomponent
- tf-tracker insights tracker webcomponent
- tf-map threefold nodes distribution webcomponent