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93 lines (66 loc) · 3.55 KB

Serverless Doom

Proving that for AWS Serverless:

Sure - You Can Play Doom On It.


Local Configuration

Create a tmp folder in the root of the project.

Include the following files:


You can copy this directly from the resources folder, or you can build it yourself:


This should be the json response from AWS STS' assume-role api.

For example:

aws --profile [profile name] sts assume-role --role-session-name=doom --role-arn=[local role arn] > ./tmp/credentials.json


  "awsIotEndpoint": "",
  "doomBucketName": "serverlessdoomstack-doombucketabcdefgh1234",
  "doomBucketStateKey": "doom-state-key",
  "doomKeyDbTableName": "ServerlessDoomStack-DoomKeyDbabcdefgh123",
  "iotTopic": "doom/keys",
  "kinesisChannelArn": "arn:aws:kinesisvideo:eu-central-1:1234567890:channel/doom-call/1234567890",
  "kinesisChannelName": "doom-call",
  "kvIotDoomLambdaArn": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:1234567890:function:ServerlessDoomStack-kvIotDoomHandlerABCDEFGH123",
  "region": "eu-central-1"


  • awsIotEndpoint is the endpoint for your AWS IoT Core instance, you can find this using
  • doomBucketName is the name of the S3 bucket created using CDK (see infrastructure)
  • doomBucketStateKey can be any S3 Key suitable name for the state (e.g. doom-state-key)
  • doomKeyDbTableName is the name of the DynamoDB table created using CDK (see infrastructure)
  • iotTopic is the topic that the doom key will be published to (e.g. doom/keys)
  • kinesisChannelArn is the ARN of the Kinesis Video channel you manually created (see infrastructure)
  • kinesisChannelName is the name of the Kinesis Video channel you manually created (see infrastructure)
  • kvIotDoomLambdaArn is the ARN of the Lambda function created using CDK (see infrastructure)
  • region is the region you are using (e.g. eu-central-1)


Unfortunately the infrastructure is not yet fully automated, so you will need to create some resources manually.

You will need to create the following resources:

Once you have done that, you can use:

  • (ensure you have context.json, using the dummy values for unknown resources)
  • npm run cdk bootstrap
  • npm run cdk deploy
  • (update the context.json file with the ARNs of the resources created by CDK)
  • npm run cdk deploy again
  • upload the doom.wasm file to the S3 bucket created by CDK



npm run start starts a local server on http://localhost:8000/

  • Open s3-dynamo.html to view the S3/DynamoDB implementation
  • Open kv-iot.html to view the Kinesis Video Streams/IoT Core implementation


From the Lambda console you will have two functions named like:

  • ServerlessDoomStack-s3DynamoDoomHandlerABCDEFGH123 - this is the S3/DynamoDB implementation
  • ServerlessDoomStack-kvIotDoomHandlerABCDEFGH123 - this is the Kinesis Video Streams/IoT Core implementation

In both cases they can be invoked using the test button with an empty payload.