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Entity Framework Audit Extension for Audit.NET library.

Automatically generates Audit Logs for EntityFramework's operations. Supporting EntityFramework and EntityFramework Core

This library provides the infrastructure to log interactions with the EF DbContext. It can record detailed information about CRUD operations in your database.


NuGet Package

To install the package run the following command on the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Audit.EntityFramework

Or, if you use EntityFramework core:

PM> Install-Package Audit.EntityFramework.Core

Or, if you want to audit ASP.NET Identity entities, you must also install the Audit.EntityFramework.Identity library:

PM> Install-Package Audit.EntityFramework.Identity

NuGet Status NuGet Count

EF library version

The following table shows the entity framework package version used for each .NET framework and audit library:

Target \ Library Audit.EntityFramework / Audit.EntityFramework.Identity Audit.EntityFramework.Core / Audit.EntityFramework.Identity.Core
.NET 4.6.2 EntityFramework 6.5.0 N/C
.NET 4.7.2 EntityFramework 6.5.0 N/C
.NET Standard 2.1 EntityFramework 6.5.0 Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 5.0.17
.NET 6.0 EntityFramework 6.5.0 Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 6.0.36
.NET 7.0 EntityFramework 6.5.0 Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 7.0.20
.NET 8.0 EntityFramework 6.5.0 Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 8.0.11
.NET 9.0 EntityFramework 6.5.0 Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 9.0.0

N/C: Not Compatible


High-Level SaveChanges Interception

In order to audit Insert, Delete and Update operations, you can use any of the three SaveChanges interception mechanisms provided:

1. Inheriting from AuditDbContext

Change your EF context class to inherit from Audit.EntityFramework.AuditDbContext instead of DbContext.

For example, if you have a context like this:

public class MyContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Blog> Blogs { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Post> Posts { get; set; }

In order to enable the audit log, you should change it to inherit from AuditDbContext:

public class MyContext : AuditDbContext // <-- inherit from Audit.EntityFramework.AuditDbContext
    public DbSet<Blog> Blogs { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Post> Posts { get; set; }


If you're using IdentityDbContext instead of DbContext, you can install the package Audit.EntityFramework.Identity or Audit.EntityFramework.Identity.Core and inherit from the class AuditIdentityDbContext instead of AuditDbContext.

2. Without inheritance, overriding SaveChanges

You can use the library without changing the inheritance of your DbContext. In order to to that, you can define your DbContext in the following way, overriding SaveChanges and SaveChangesAsync:

public class MyContext : DbContext
    private readonly DbContextHelper _helper = new DbContextHelper();
    private readonly IAuditDbContext _auditContext;

    public MyContext(DbContextOptions<MyContext> options) : base(options)
        _auditContext = new DefaultAuditContext(this);

    public override int SaveChanges(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)
        return _helper.SaveChanges(_auditContext, () => base.SaveChanges(acceptAllChangesOnSuccess));

    public override async Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
        return await _helper.SaveChangesAsync(_auditContext, () => base.SaveChangesAsync(acceptAllChangesOnSuccess, cancellationToken));


No other SaveChanges override is needed, since all the other overloads will call one of these two.

3. With the provided save changes interceptor

Save Changes Interceptors were introduced in EF Core 5.0.

If you can't change the inheritance of your DbContext, and/or can't override the SaveChanges, you can attach an instance of AuditSaveChangesInterceptor to your DbContext configuration.

For example:

public class MyContext : DbContext
    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        optionsBuilder.AddInterceptors(new AuditSaveChangesInterceptor());
    // ...

Or alternatively, when creating your DbContext:

var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder()
    .AddInterceptors(new AuditSaveChangesInterceptor())
using (var ctx = new MyContext(options))
    // ...

Or using DI, such as with ASP.NET Core:

builder.Services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(c => c
    .AddInterceptors(new AuditSaveChangesInterceptor())


Notice that a new instance of the interceptor is registered for each DbContext instance. This is because the auditing interceptor contains state linked to the current context instance.


  • All the Save Changes interception methods produces the same output. You should use only one of these methods, otherwise you could get duplicated audit logs.

Low-Level Command Interception

A low-level command interceptor is also provided for Entity Framework Core.

In order to audit low-level operations like reads, stored procedure calls and non-query commands, you can attach the provided AuditCommandInterceptor to your DbContext configuration.

For example:

var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder()
    .AddInterceptors(new AuditCommandInterceptor())
using (var ctx = new MyContext(options))
    // ...

Or inside DbContext configuration:

public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        optionsBuilder.AddInterceptors(new AuditCommandInterceptor());

    // ...

Or using DI, such as with ASP.NET Core:

builder.Services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(c => c
    .AddInterceptors(new AuditCommandInterceptor())


The Command Interceptor generates a different type of audit output than the Save Changes Interceptor. Nevertheless, you can combine the Command Interceptor with any of the Save Changes interception mechanisms.



EF audit events are stored via a Data Provider. You can either use one of the available data providers or implement your own.

The Audit Data Provider can be configured in several ways:

  • Per DbContext instance by explicitly setting the AuditDataProvider property. For example:

    public class MyContext : AuditDbContext
      public MyContext()
          AuditDataProvider = new SqlDataProvider(config => config...);
  • By registering an AuditDataProvider instance in the dependency injection container.

    For example:

    public class Program
      public static void Main(string[] args)
        var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
        builder.Services.AddSingleton<AuditDataProvider>(new SqlDataProvider(config => config...));
  • Globally, by setting the AuditDataProvider instance through the Audit.Core.Configuration.DataProvider static property or the Audit.Core.Configuration.Use() methods.

    For example:

    public class Program
      public static void Main(string[] args)
        Audit.Core.Configuration.Setup().UseSqlServer(config => config...);

If you intend to store audit logs with EF, consider using the Entity Framework Data Provider.

Settings (low-Level interceptor)

The low-level command interceptor can be configured by setting the AuditCommandInterceptor properties, for example:

optionsBuilder.AddInterceptors(new AuditCommandInterceptor()
    ExcludeNonQueryEvents = true,
    AuditEventType = "{database}",
    IncludeReaderResults = true
  • LogParameterValues: Boolean value to indicate whether to log the command parameter values. By default (when null) it will depend on EnableSensitiveDataLogging setting on the DbContext.
  • ExcludeReaderEvents: Boolean value to indicate whether to exclude the events handled by ReaderExecuting. Default is false to include the ReaderExecuting events.
  • IncludeReaderEventsPredicate: Predicate to include the ReaderExecuting events based on the event data. By default, all the ReaderExecuting events are included. This predicate is ignored if ExcludeReaderEvents is set to true.
  • ExcludeNonQueryEvents: Boolean value to indicate whether to exclude the events handled by NonQueryExecuting. Default is false to include the NonQueryExecuting events.
  • ExcludeScalarEvents: Boolean value to indicate whether to exclude the events handled by ScalarExecuting. Default is false to include the ScalarExecuting events.
  • AuditEventType: To indicate the event type to use on the audit event. (Default is the execute method name). Can contain the following placeholders:
    • {context}: replaced with the Db Context type name.
    • {database}: Replaced with the database name
    • {method}: Replaced with the execute method name (ExecuteReader, ExecuteNonQuery or ExecuteScalar)
  • IncludeReaderResults: Boolean value to indicate whether to include the query results to the audit output. Default is false.

Settings (High-Level interceptor)

The following settings for the high-level interceptor can be configured per DbContext or globally:

  • Mode: To indicate the audit operation mode
    • Opt-Out: All the entities are tracked by default, except those explicitly ignored. (Default)
    • Opt-In: No entity is tracked by default, except those explicitly included.
  • IncludeEntityObjects: To indicate if the output should contain the complete entity object graphs. (Default is false)
  • AuditEventType: To indicate the event type to use on the audit event. (Default is the context name). Can contain the following placeholders:
    • {context}: replaced with the Db Context type name.
    • {database}: replaced with the database name.
  • IncludeIndependantAssociations: Value to indicate if the Independant Associations should be included. Default is false. (Only for EF <= 6.2)


Note: EF Core <= 3 does not support many-to-many relations without a join entity, and for EF Core 5 the many-to-many relations are normally included on the audit event entries.

  • ExcludeTransactionId: Value to indicate if the Transaction IDs should be excluded from the output and not be retrieved (default is false to include the Transaction IDs).
  • ExcludeValidationResults: Value to indicate if the entity validations should be avoided and excluded from the audit output. (Default is false)
  • EarlySavingAudit: Value to indicate if the audit event should be saved before the entity saving operation takes place. (Default is false to save the audit event after the entity saving operation completes or fails)
  • ReloadDatabaseValues: Value to indicate if the original values of the audited entities should be queried from database before saving the audit event.

The ReloadDatabaseValues configuration is beneficial for making modifications without explicitly retrieving the entity first. It can be enabled when using DbSet.Update or DbSet.Remove with an object that wasn't retrieved from the database. When enabled, it queries the database prior to any entity modification to record the original values in the audit event.

The following settings can be configured per entity type:

  • IgnoredProperties: To indicate the entity's properties (columns) to be ignored on the audit logs.
  • OverrideProperties: To override property values on the audit logs.
  • FormatProperties: To indicate replacement functions for the property's values on the audit logs.

The Ignore, Override and Format settings are only applied to the Changes and ColumnValues collections on the EventEntry. The Entity object (if included) will not be affected by these settings.

Change the settings for a DbContext by decorating it with the AuditDbContext attribute, for example:

[AuditDbContext(Mode = AuditOptionMode.OptOut, IncludeEntityObjects = false, AuditEventType = "{database}_{context}" )]
public class MyEntitites : Audit.EntityFramework.AuditDbContext

You can also use the Fluent API to configure the high-level interceptor settings globally.

Include/Ignore entities (tables)

To ignore specific entities on the audit (when using OptOut Mode), you can decorate your entity classes with the AuditIgnore attribute, for example:

public class Blog
    public int Id { get; set; }

Instead, to include specific entities to the audit (when using OptIn Mode), you can use the AuditInclude attribute:

public class Post
    public int Id { get; set; }

Exclude properties (columns)

The AuditIgnore attribute can be used on the entity's properties to indicate that its value should not be included on the audit logs. For example to prevent storing passwords on the logs:

public class User
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Password { get; set; }

Override properties (columns)

The AuditOverride attribute can be used to override a column value with a constant value. For example to override the password values with a NULL value:

public class User
    public string Password { get; set; }

Note you can also provide a replacement function of the value, please see next section.

Fluent API

You can configure the settings via a convenient Fluent API provided by the method Audit.EntityFramework.Configuration.Setup(), this is the most straightforward way to configure the library.

For example, to configure a context called MyContext, that should include the objects on the output, using the OptOut mode, excluding from the audit the entities whose name ends with History:

    .ForContext<MyContext>(config => config
        .IgnoreAny(t => t.Name.EndsWith("History"));

Another example configuring ignored, overriden and formatted column values. In this example, the Photo column is ignored, the OldPassword will be always null and the Password will be set to a number of stars equal to the number of password characters.

    .ForContext<MyContext>(config => config
        .ForEntity<User>(_ => _
            .Ignore(user => user.Photo)
            .Override(user => user.OldPassword, null)
            .Format(user => user.Password, pass => new String('*', pass.Length))));

In summary, you have three ways to configure the audit for the contexts:

  • By accessing the properties on the AuditDbContext base class.
  • By decorating your context classes with AuditDbContext attribute and your entity classes with AuditIgnore/AuditInclude attributes.
  • By using the fluent API provided by the method Audit.EntityFramework.Configuration.Setup()

All three can be used at the same time, and the precedence order is the order exposed in the above list.

Event Output

To configure the output persistence mechanism please see Configuration and Data Providers sections.


The AuditDbContext has the following virtual methods that can be overriden to provide your custom logic:

  • OnScopeCreated: Called before the EF operation execution and after the AuditScope creation.
  • OnScopeSaving: Called after the EF operation execution and before the AuditScope saving.
  • OnScopeSaved: Called after the AuditScope saving.

This is useful to, for example, save the audit logs in the same transaction as the operation being audited, so when the audit logging fails the audited operation is rolled back.

public class MyDbContext : AuditDbContext
    public MyDbContext()
        // Set a NULL data provider, since log saving is done in this class 
        AuditDataProvider = new NullDataProvider();
    public override void OnScopeCreated(IAuditScope auditScope)

    public override void OnScopeSaving(IAuditScope auditScope)
            // ... custom log saving ...
            // Rollback call is not mandatory. If exception thrown, the transaction won't get commited


In this example we want the event saving to be done on the OnScopeSaving method, so we must bypass the Data Provider and this can be done by setting a NullDataProvider.


Audit.EntityFramework output includes:

  • Execution time and duration
  • Environment information such as user, machine, domain and locale.
  • Affected SQL database and table names
  • Affected column data including primary key, original and new values
  • Model validation results
  • Exception details
  • Transaction identifiers (to group logs that are part of the same SQL or ambient transaction)
  • Entity object graphs (optional with IncludeEntityObjects configuration)

With this information, you can measure performance, observe exceptions thrown or get statistics about usage of your database.

Output details

SaveChanges audit output

The following tables describes the output fields for the SaveChanges interception:

Field Name Type Description
Database string Name of the database affected
ConnectionId Guid A unique identifier for the database connection.
ContextId string A unique identifier for the context instance and pool lease.
TransactionId string Unique identifier for the DB transaction used on the audited operation (if any). To group events that are part of the same transaction.
AmbientTransactionId string Unique identifier for the ambient transaction used on the audited operation (if any). To group events that are part of the same ambient transaction.
Entries Array of EventEntry Array with information about the entities affected by the audited operation
Associations Array of AssociationEntry Independant associations changes, many-to-many relations without a join table with changes (only for EF <=6.2, not available on EF Core)
Result integer Result of the SaveChanges call. Is the number of objects affected by the operation.
Success boolean Boolean to indicate if the operation was successful
ErrorMessage string The exception thrown details (if any)
Field Name Type Description
Table string Name of the affected table
Name string The entity friendly name (only for EF Core ≥ 3)
Action string Action type (Insert, Update or Delete)
PrimaryKey Object Object with the affected entity's primary key value(s)
ColumnValues Object Object with the affected entity's column values
Changes Array of ChangeObject An array containing the modified columns with the original and new values (only available for Update operations)
Entity Object The object representation of the .NET entity affected (optional)
Valid boolean Boolean indicating if the entity passes the validations
ValidationResults Array of string The validation messages when the entity validation fails
Field Name Type Description
ColumnName string The column name that was updated
OriginalValue string The original value before the update
NewValue string The new value after the update

Command Interceptor audit output

The following table describes the output fields for the low-level command interception:

Field Name Type Description
Database string Name of the database affected
ConnectionId Guid A unique identifier for the database connection.
ContextId string A unique identifier for the context instance and pool lease.
Method string The command method executed (NonQuery, Scalar, Reader)
CommandType CommandType The command type (Text, StoredProcedure, etc)
CommandSource CommandSource The command source type (SaveChanges, LinqQuery, etc)
CommandText string The command text
Parameters Dictionary The parameter values, if any, when EnableSensitiveDataLogging is enabled
IsAsync boolean Indicates whether the call was asynchronous
Result object Result of the operation. Query results are only included when IncludeReaderResults is set to true.
Success boolean Boolean to indicate if the operation was successful
ErrorMessage string The exception thrown details (if any)


Custom fields

You can add extra information to the events by calling the method AddAuditCustomField on the DbContext. For example:

using(var context = new MyEntitites())
	context.AddAuditCustomField("UserName", userName);

Another way to customize the output is by using global custom actions, please see custom actions for more information.

Getting the entity framework event

The AuditDbContext provides an alternative Save Changes operation (SaveChangesGetAudit() method) to save the changes and get the generated EntityFrameworkEvent object. This is useful when you want to get the audit event information generated by a particular Save Changes operation.

For example:

// Save the changes and get the generated audit event
var efEvent = await _dbContext.SaveChangesGetAuditAsync();
// Log all the operations to the tables affected
foreach(var entry in efEvent.Entries)
	Console.WriteLine($"{entry.Action} {entry.Table}");

Entity Framework Data Providers

Summary Table

Provider Purpose Key Features
EntityFrameworkDataProvider Stores high-level audit logs in dedicated audit tables handled by EF. - Default: Uses same DbContext as audited operations.
- Configurable via fluent API or static setup.
DbContextDataProvider<T, TEntity> Generic provider for mapping any audit event to a specific EF Core entity. - Flexible mapping for any audit event to a single entity.
- Mapper function for customizing event-to-entity logic.
- Supports event replacement (updates).
DbContextDataProvider Non-generic provider for storing audit events across multiple entities or tables dynamically. - Designed for complex scenarios requiring diverse mapping.
- Works with multiple unrelated tables/entities.
- Does not support event replacement (updates).

Entity Framework Data Provider

The EntityFrameworkDataProvider is ideal when you want to store audit logs in dedicated audit tables managed by Entity Framework. It captures high-level audit events, such as those generated during SaveChanges operations, while ignoring low-level events.

Key Notes

  • This provider processes only high-level audit events. Low-level events generated by EF Core’s command interceptors are ignored.
  • Consider using the Generic DbContext Provider for storing any type of audit events using an EF Core DbContext.

For example, you want to audit Order and OrderItem tables into Audit_Order and Audit_OrderItem tables respectively, and the structure of the Audit_* tables mimic the audited table plus some fields like the event date, an action and the username:

Audit entities

Note By default, the library uses the same DbContext instance audited to store the audit logs. This is not mandatory and the recommendation is to provide a different DbContext instance per audit event by using the UseDbcontext() fluent API.

Best Practice
Use a separate DbContext instance for audit logging by utilizing the UseDbContext fluent API.

Entity Framework Data Provider - Configuration

Global Configuration

Set the Audit.Core.Configuration.DataProvider property to an EntityFrameworkDataProvider:

Audit.Core.Configuration.DataProvider = new EntityFrameworkDataProvider()
    DbContextBuilder = ev => new OrderDbContext(),
    AuditTypeMapper = (t, ee) => t == typeof(Order) ? typeof(OrderAudit) : t == typeof(Orderline) ? typeof(OrderlineAudit) : null,
    AuditEntityAction = (evt, entry, auditEntity) =>
        var a = (dynamic)auditEntity;
        a.AuditDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
        a.UserName = evt.Environment.UserName;
        a.AuditAction = entry.Action; // Insert, Update, Delete
        return Task.FromResult(true); // return false to ignore the audit

Fluent API (Recommended)

Use the fluent API for better readability and customization:

    .UseEntityFramework(ef => ef
        .AuditTypeExplicitMapper(m => m
            .Map<Order, OrderAudit>()
            .Map<Orderline, OrderlineAudit>()
            .AuditEntityAction<IAudit>((evt, entry, auditEntity) =>
                auditEntity.AuditDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                auditEntity.UserName = evt.Environment.UserName;
                auditEntity.AuditAction = entry.Action; // Insert, Update, Delete

Entity Framework Data Provider - Options

Option Description Default
UseDbContext Specifies the DbContext for storing audit events. Uses the same context as audited operations.
DisposeDbContext Indicates whether to dispose of the audit DbContext after use. false
AuditTypeMapper Maps entity types to their corresponding audit entity types (e.g., Order -> Audit_Order). Required when entities differ.
ExplicitMapper An alternative mapper function for explicit entry-to-audited type mapping, ideal for tables without entity types or complex mapping rules. Optional.
AuditEntityCreator Specifies a factory method for creating audit entities, useful for handling proxies or dynamic scenarios. Optional.
AuditEntityAction Allows custom logic (e.g., setting properties like username or filtering specific entries). Optional.
IgnoreMatchedProperties Disables automatic property matching between audited and original entities. false

Entity Framework Data Provider - Examples

The UseEntityFramework method provides several ways to indicate the Type Mapper and the Audit Action.

Map by type name:

You can map the audited entity to its audit log entity by the entity name using the AuditTypeNameMapper method, for example to prepend Audit_ to the entity name. This assumes both entity types are defined on the same assembly and namespace:

    .UseEntityFramework(x => x
        .AuditTypeNameMapper(typeName => "Audit_" + typeName)
        .AuditEntityAction((ev, ent, auditEntity) =>
            // auditEntity is object
	    ((dynamic)auditEntity).AuditDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

the AuditEvent (shown here as ev) in an instance of AuditEventEntityFramework. As such, it can be casted to that type or by using the helper method ev.GetEntityFrameworkEvent().

    .UseEntityFramework(x => x
        .AuditTypeNameMapper(typeName => "Audit_" + typeName)
        .AuditEntityAction<IAudit>((ev, ent, auditEntity) =>
	    var entityFrameworkEvent = ev.GetEntityFrameworkEvent();
	    auditEntity.TransactionId = entityFrameworkEvent.TransactionId;

Common action:

If your audit log entities implements a common interface or base class, you can use the generic version of the AuditEntityAction method to configure the action to be performed to each audit trail entity before saving. Also this action can be asynchronous, for example:

    .UseEntityFramework(x => x
        .AuditTypeNameMapper(typeName => "Audit_" + typeName)
        .AuditEntityAction<IAudit>(async (ev, ent, auditEntity) =>
            // auditEntity is of IAudit type
            auditEntity.AuditDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
            auditEntity.SomeValue = await GetValueAsync();

Use the explicit mapper to provide granular configuration per audit type:

    .UseEntityFramework(x => x
        .AuditTypeExplicitMapper(m => m
            .Map<Order, Audit_Order>((order, auditOrder) => 
                // This action is executed only for Audit_Order entities
                auditOrder.Status = "Order-" + order.Status; 
            .Map<OrderItem, Audit_OrderItem>()
            .AuditEntityAction<IAudit>((ev, ent, auditEntity) =>
                // This common action executes for every audited entity
                auditEntity.AuditDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

Ignore certain entities on the audit log:

    .UseEntityFramework(x => x
        .AuditTypeExplicitMapper(m => m
            .Map<Order, Audit_Order>((order, auditOrder) =>
                if (auditOrder.Status == "Expired")
                    return false; // don't want to audit orders in "expired" status
                auditOrder.AuditDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                return true;

Custom DbContext instance:

To set a custom DbContext instance for storing the audit events, for example when your Audit_* entities are defined in a different database and context (i.e. AuditDatabaseDbContext):

    .UseEntityFramework(x => x
        .AuditTypeExplicitMapper(m => m
            .Map<Order, Audit_Order>()
            .AuditEntityAction<IAudit>((ev, ent, auditEntity) =>
                auditEntity.AuditDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

Map multiple entity types to the same audit type with independent actions:

When you want to store the audit logs of different entities in the same audit table, for example:

Audit entities 2

    .UseEntityFramework(ef => ef
        .AuditTypeExplicitMapper(m => m
            .Map<Blog, AuditLog>((blog, audit) =>
                // Action for Blog -> AuditLog
                audit.TableName = "Blog";
                audit.TablePK = blog.Id;
                audit.Title = blog.Title;
            .Map<Post, AuditLog>((post, audit) =>
                // Action for Post -> AuditLog
                audit.TableName = "Post";
                audit.TablePK = post.Id;
                audit.Title = post.Title;
            .AuditEntityAction<AuditLog>((evt, entry, audit) =>
                // Common action on AuditLog
                audit.AuditDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                audit.AuditAction = entry.Action;
                audit.AuditUsername = Environment.UserName;

Another example for all entities mapping to a single audit log table that stores the changes in a JSON column:

    .UseEntityFramework(_ => _
        .AuditTypeMapper(t => typeof(AuditLog))  
        .AuditEntityAction<AuditLog>((ev, entry, entity) =>
            entity.AuditData = entry.ToJson();
            entity.EntityType = entry.EntityType.Name;
            entity.AuditDate = DateTime.Now;
            entity.AuditUser = Environment.UserName;
	    entity.TablePk = entry.PrimaryKey.First().Value.ToString();


Notice the use of .IgnoreMatchedProperties(true) to avoid the library trying to set properties automatically by matching names between the audited entities and the type AuditLog.

Map an entity type to multiple audit types, depending on the modified entry:

When you want to save audit logs to different tables for the same entity, for example, if you have different audit tables per operation:

    .UseEntityFramework(ef => ef.AuditTypeExplicitMapper(m => m
            mapper: entry => entry.Action == "Update" ? typeof(Audit_Updates_Blog) : typeof(Audit_Blog), 
            entityAction: (ev, entry, entity) =>
                if (entity is Audit_Updates_Blog upd)
                    // action for updates
                else if (entity is Audit_Blog etc)
                    // action for insert/delete
        .AuditEntityAction<IAuditLog>((evt, entry, auditEntity) =>
            // common action...
  • Updates to Blog table -> Audit to Audit_Updates_Blog table
  • Any other operation on Blog table -> Audit to Audit_Blog table

Map Many to Many relations without join entity:

When you want to audit many to many relations which are not mapped to an entity type, i.e. implicitly created join tables. You have to use the AuditTypeExplicitMapper and set up the mapping of the relation table by using MapTable or MapExplicit methods.

For example, consider the following model:

Audit entities Many To Many

There are two entities, Post and Tag with a Many to Many relation between them (note there is no relation entity). Also you want to audit the Post and Tag tables to the Audit_Post and Audit_Tag tables respectively, and you want to audit the PostTag relation table to an Audit_PostTag table.

    .UseEntityFramework(_ => _
        .AuditTypeExplicitMapper(map => map
            .Map<Post, Audit_Post>()
            .Map<Tag, Audit_Tag>()
            .MapTable<Audit_PostTag>("PostTag", (EventEntry ent, Audit_PostTag auditPostTag) =>
                auditPostTag.PostId = ent.ColumnValues["PostsId"];
                auditPostTag.TagId = ent.ColumnValues["TagsId"];
            .AuditEntityAction((ev, entry, auditEntity) =>
                ((dynamic)auditEntity).AuditAction = entry.Action;
                ((dynamic)auditEntity).AuditDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

The first parameter of MapTable is the table name to which the mapping will apply. The generic parameter is the target audit type. You can optionally pass an action to execute on the audit entity as the second parameter. If property matching is enabled for the target type, the framework will map the Column values to the entity Property values.

Map via Factory:

When you need to control the Audit Entity creation, for example when using change-tracking proxies, you can use the AuditEntityCreator to specify a factory that creates the Audit Entity for a given entry.

    .UseEntityFramework(ef => ef
        .AuditEntityCreator(auditDbContext => auditDbContext.CreateProxy<AuditLog>())
        .AuditEntityAction<AuditLog>((ev, ent, auditEntity) =>
            auditEntity.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
            auditEntity.Action = ent.Action;
            auditEntity.Table = ent.Table;

Another example of an audit Entity factory, but mapping to different entity types depending on the audited table:

    .UseEntityFramework(ef => ef
        .AuditEntityCreator((auditDbContext, entry) => entry.Table switch
            "Customer" => auditDbContext.CreateProxy<AuditCustomer>(),
            "User" => auditDbContext.CreateProxy<AuditUser>(),
            _ => auditDbContext.CreateProxy<AuditLog>()
        .AuditEntityAction<IAuditLog>((ev, ent, auditEntity) =>
            auditEntity.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
            auditEntity.Action = ent.Action;
            auditEntity.Table = ent.Table;


Generic DbContext Data Provider

The DbContextDataProvider<TDbContext, TEntity> enables flexible and customizable mapping of any audit event to specific entities within an EF Core DbContext.

Key Difference
Unlike the EntityFrameworkDataProvider, this provider is not limited to high-level audit events, allowing you to store any type of audit data.

Generic DbContext Data Provider - Options

Property Description
DbContextBuilder / UseDbContext() A function that returns the DbContext to store the audit events. If unspecified, the parameterless constructor is used to create the DbContext instance.
DbContextOptions / UseDbContextOptions() The DbContextOptions used to create the DbContext instance, serving as an alternative to the DbContextBuilder.
Mapper A function mapping the audit event to the entity. It receives the audit event and the audit entity instance (existing or new) and hydrates the instance.
DisposeDbContext A boolean indicating if the audit DbContext should be disposed of after saving the audit. Default is false.

Generic DbContext Data Provider - Example

The following example shows how to configure the DbContextDataProvider to store the audit events in a custom DbContext:

    .UseDbContext<MyDbContext, AuditLog>(config => config
        .DbContextBuilder(_ => new MyDbContext())
        .Mapper((auditEvent, auditEntity) =>
            auditEntity.AuditDate = auditEvent.StartDate;
            auditEntity.UserName = auditEvent.Environment.UserName;
            auditEntity.JsonData = auditEvent.ToJson();

public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<AuditLog> AuditLogs { get; set; }

Non-Generic DbContext Data Provider

The DbContextDataProvider class uses Entity Framework Core to manage the writing of audit events. It enables the mapping of each audit event to a specific entity (or multiple entities) within a DbContext.

Unlike the generic version, DbContextDataProvider<TDbContext, TEntity>, the non-generic DbContextDataProvider is suited for scenarios where audit events are distributed across various entities or tables, or when a single audit event spans multiple unrelated tables. This behavior makes the non-generic version ideal for cases requiring more dynamic or diverse mappings.

Generic DbContext Data Provider - Options

Property Description
DbContextBuilder / UseDbContext() A function that returns the DbContext for storing audit events. If not specified, the parameterless constructor is used to create the DbContext instance.
DbContextOptions / UseDbContextOptions() The DbContextOptions used to create the DbContext instance, as an alternative to the DbContextBuilder.
EntityBuilder A function that maps an AuditEvent to the entity/entities for insertion into the database. It takes the audit event as input and returns the corresponding entity/entities. Returns NULL to ignore the event.
DisposeDbContext A boolean indicating whether the audit DbContext should be disposed after saving the audit. Default is false.

Generic DbContext Data Provider - Examples

Basic configuration

The following example shows how to configure the DbContextDataProvider to store the audit events in a custom DbContext.

In this case, MyDbContext is a custom DbContext that contains the AuditLog entity.

    .UseDbContext(config => config
        .DbContextBuilder(_ => new MyDbContext())
        .EntityBuilder(auditEvent => new AuditLog
            JsonData = auditEvent.ToJson(),
            CreatedDate = DateTime.Now

Different audit entities

The following example shows how to configure the DbContextDataProvider to store the audit events in a custom DbContext.

In this case, MyDbContext is a custom DbContext that contains the AuditLog and AuditLogSpecial entities. Depending on the EventType property of the audit event, the EntityBuilder function will return the corresponding entity to insert:

    .UseDbContext(config => config
        .UseDbContextOptions(new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MyDbContext>().UseSqlServer("Connection string...").Options))
        .EntityBuilder(auditEvent =>
            if (auditEvent.EventType == "A")
                return new AuditLogSpecial { JsonData = auditEvent.ToJson(), CreatedDate = DateTime.Now };
            return new AuditLog { JsonData = auditEvent.ToJson(), CreatedDate = DateTime.Now };

Multiple audit entities

The following example shows how to configure the DbContextDataProvider to store the audit events as multiple entities in a custom DbContext.

In this case, the entity builder function return a list of unrelated entities to insert:

    .UseDbContext(config => config
        .DbContextBuilder(_ => new MyDbContext())
        .EntityBuilder(auditEvent =>
            var entities = new List<AuditLog>();

            foreach (var entry in auditEvent.GetEntityFrameworkEvent().Entries)
                entities.Add(new AuditLog { JsonData = auditEvent.ToJson(), CreatedDate = DateTime.Now });

            return entities;


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