See also theodorosploumis/art-of-presentation.
- With a story (about you or another person). Similar to a fairy tale.
- With a "shocking fact" or a "big idea" (you or other people may have).
- With a question everyone is interested to.
- With a joke, a surprise, an unexpected move or question etc.
- Use your hands (gestures) while talking to chop, show, give, prevent/stop.
- Use your eyes.
- Palms should be up (show the sky).
- Never point to the audience (using your finger).
- Walking on the room. Move around the center not too away from the center, not behind of the decks. Move between the seats.
- It's all about the audience (they should be the center of the speech, not the presenter).
- Tell real stories...
- Demonstrate using things or objects.
- Engage with the audience (eg ask direct questions).
- Change the tone or volume of your voice.
- Use speaking pauses when necessary.
- Use situational awareness (bold, tone, silence, audacity etc).
- Close your speech with the same topic (story, big idea, outcome, call to action etc) you started with.
- How to Start a Speech, YouTube - 2012
- How to Start a Speech: The Best (and Worst) Speech Openers, YouTube - 2021
- 4 Tips To IMPROVE Your Public Speaking - How to CAPTIVATE an Audience, YouTube - 2020
- Make Body Language Your Superpower, YouTube - 2015
- World Champion of Public Speaking, Manoj Vasudevan, YouTube - 2017
- Dananjaya Hettiarachchi - World Champion of Public Speaking, YouTube - 2014