From fb9d8a5083ec83c319db4543b56de457ac01280c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matthew Evans Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2024 17:11:06 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Noodling around with a borg/borgmatic role --- ansible/Makefile | 3 + ansible/inventory.yml | 43 +++-- ansible/playbook.yml | 6 +- ansible/requirements.yml | 5 + ansible/roles/borg/defaults/main.yml | 45 +++++ ansible/roles/borg/tasks/main.yml | 74 ++++++++ ansible/roles/borg/templates/config.yaml.j2 | 183 ++++++++++++++++++++ 7 files changed, 340 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) create mode 100644 ansible/roles/borg/defaults/main.yml create mode 100644 ansible/roles/borg/tasks/main.yml create mode 100644 ansible/roles/borg/templates/config.yaml.j2 diff --git a/ansible/Makefile b/ansible/Makefile index f9ad616..4dff259 100644 --- a/ansible/Makefile +++ b/ansible/Makefile @@ -9,3 +9,6 @@ setup: maintenance: ansible-playbook -v -i inventory.yml --ask-vault-pass playbook.yml --tags="maintenance" + +borg: + ansible-playbook -v -i inventory.yml --ask-vault-pass playbook.yml --tags="borg" diff --git a/ansible/inventory.yml b/ansible/inventory.yml index ccaf492..95f0f8f 100644 --- a/ansible/inventory.yml +++ b/ansible/inventory.yml @@ -1,18 +1,27 @@ $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 -34336239663063393937336138613833663531336632313232623866663935663362313833323664 -3130363533643430623433623763323335636364646161300a366564663834303664653761366638 -63343262306439303162333365316138613939353737613937373766313661643839393565333261 -3334376466653331360a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a663439653439383731343233633035 +63396532616136383466323633613039313937633431313466616337653366383163363763643737 +6532333834666435350a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diff --git a/ansible/playbook.yml b/ansible/playbook.yml index e5a06fa..c0a214a 100644 --- a/ansible/playbook.yml +++ b/ansible/playbook.yml @@ -10,11 +10,13 @@ tags: [setup] - role: datalab tags: [deploy] + - role: borg + tags: [borg, setup] - role: nginx - tags: [setup, maintenance] + tags: [nginx, deploy, setup] tasks: - name: Keep all packages up-to-date ansible.builtin.include_role: name: apt_upgrade - tags: [setup, maintenance] + tags: [maintenance] diff --git a/ansible/requirements.yml b/ansible/requirements.yml index bedc912..bea41e7 100644 --- a/ansible/requirements.yml +++ b/ansible/requirements.yml @@ -6,3 +6,8 @@ collections: version: 1.5.4 - name: community.general version: 8.2.0 + - name: community.crypto + version: 2.21.1 +roles: + - name: borgbase.ansible_role_borgbackup + version: 1.0.1 diff --git a/ansible/roles/borg/defaults/main.yml b/ansible/roles/borg/defaults/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5007ac3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ansible/roles/borg/defaults/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +borg_encryption_passphrase: '' +borg_exclude_patterns: [] +borg_one_file_system: true +borg_exclude_from: [] +borg_encryption_passcommand: false +borg_lock_wait_time: 5 +borg_ssh_key_type: "ed25519" +borg_ssh_key_name: "id_{{ borg_ssh_key_type }}" +borg_ssh_key_file_path: "{{ backup_user_info.home }}/.ssh/{{ borg_ssh_key_name }}" +borg_ssh_command: false +borg_remote_path: false +borg_remote_rate_limit: 0 +borg_retention_policy: + keep_hourly: 3 + keep_daily: 7 + keep_weekly: 4 + keep_monthly: 6 +borg_version: false +borgmatic_timer_cron_name: "borgmatic" +borgmatic_timer: cron +borgmatic_timer_hour: "{{ range(0, 5) | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}" +borgmatic_timer_minute: "{{ range(0, 59) | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}" +borg_install_method: "pip" +borg_require_epel: "{{ ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_distribution != 'Fedora' }}" + +borgmatic_hooks: + on_error: + - echo "`date` - Error while creating a backup." + before_backup: + - echo "`date` - Starting backup." + after_backup: + - echo "`date` - Finished backup." +borgmatic_checks: + - name: repository + frequency: "4 weeks" + - name: archives + frequency: "6 weeks" +borgmatic_check_last: 3 +borgmatic_store_atime: true +borgmatic_store_ctime: true +borgmatic_relocated_repo_access_is_ok: false +borgmatic_version: ">=1.7.11" + +borg_venv_path: "/opt/borgmatic" diff --git a/ansible/roles/borg/tasks/main.yml b/ansible/roles/borg/tasks/main.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcf6e66 --- /dev/null +++ b/ansible/roles/borg/tasks/main.yml @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +--- + - name: Install borg + become: true + apt: + name: + - borgbackup + state: present + + - name: Install pipx + pip: + name: pipx + state: present + + - name: Install borgmatic with pipx + community.general.pipx: + name: borgmatic + state: present + + - name: Install MongoDB tools + become: true + apt: + deb: + + - name: Ensure /etc/borgmatic exists + become: true + ansible.builtin.file: + path: /etc/borgmatic + state: directory + mode: "0700" + owner: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}" + + - name: Add Borgmatic configuration + become: true + ansible.builtin.template: + src: config.yaml.j2 + dest: "/etc/borgmatic/config.yaml" + mode: "0600" + owner: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}" + + vars: + borg_exclude_patterns: [] + borg_exclude_from: [] + borg_install_method: "package" + borg_user: "{{ ansible_user }}" + borg_source_directories: + - /data + borgmatic_hooks: + before_backup: + - echo "`date` - Starting backup." + mongodb_databases: + - name: all + port: 27017 + options: "--ssl" + borgmatic_timer: cron + borg_retention_policy: + keep_daily: 30 + keep_weekly: 0 + keep_monthly: 12 + keep_yearly: 4 + borg_one_file_system: true + borgmatic_store_atime: true + borgmatic_store_ctime: true + borg_encryption_passcommand: false + borg_remote_rate_limit: 0 + borg_ssh_command: ssh + borg_lock_wait_time: 5 + + - name: Add Cron job for borgmatic + cron: + name: "borgmatic" + hour: "2" + minute: "{{ range(0, 59) | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}" + user: "{{ ansible_user }}" + job: "borgmatic -c /etc/borgmatic/config.yaml" diff --git a/ansible/roles/borg/templates/config.yaml.j2 b/ansible/roles/borg/templates/config.yaml.j2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61bd3f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ansible/roles/borg/templates/config.yaml.j2 @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: "True", trim_blocks: "True" +--- +# Managed by Ansible, please don't edit manually + +# Full config: +location: +{% if borg_source_directories is not defined or borg_source_directories | length == 0 %} + source_directories: + - /etc/hostname # prevent empty backupconfig +{% else %} + source_directories: + {% for dir in borg_source_directories %} + - {{ dir }} + {% endfor %} +{% endif %} + + # Stay in same file system (do not cross mount points). + one_file_system: {{ borg_one_file_system }} + repositories: +{% if borg_repository is iterable and (borg_repository is not string and borg_repository is not mapping) %} + {% for repo in borg_repository %} + - {{ repo }} + {% endfor %} +{% elif borg_repository is defined and borg_repository is string %} + - {{ borg_repository }} +{% endif %} + + # Store atime into archive. + atime: {{ borgmatic_store_atime }} + + # Store ctime into archive. + ctime: {{ borgmatic_store_ctime }} + +{% if borg_exclude_patterns %} + # Any paths matching these patterns are excluded from backups. Globs and tildes + # are expanded. See the output of "borg help patterns" for more details. + exclude_patterns: +{% for dir in borg_exclude_patterns %} + - '{{ dir }}' +{% endfor %} +{% endif %} +{% if borg_exclude_from %} + # Read exclude patterns from one or more separate named files, one pattern per + # line. See the output of "borg help patterns" for more details. + exclude_from: +{% for dir in borg_exclude_from %} + - {{ dir }} +{% endfor %} +{% endif %} + + # Exclude directories that contain a CACHEDIR.TAG file. See + # for details. + exclude_caches: true + + # Exclude directories that contain a file with the given filename. + exclude_if_present: .nobackup + + # Alternate Borg remote executable. Defaults to "borg". + # remote_path: borg1 +{% if borg_remote_path %} + remote_path: {{ borg_remote_path }} +{% endif %} + +# Repository storage options. See +# and +# for +# details. +storage: +{% if borg_encryption_passphrase %} + encryption_passphrase: {{ borg_encryption_passphrase }} + +{% endif %} + # The standard output of this command is used to unlock the encryption key. Only + # use on repositories that were initialized with passcommand/repokey encryption. + # Note that if both encryption_passcommand and encryption_passphrase are set, + # then encryption_passphrase takes precedence. + # encryption_passcommand: secret-tool lookup borg-repository repo-name +{% if borg_encryption_passcommand %} + encryption_passcommand: {{ borg_encryption_passcommand }} +{% endif %} + + # Type of compression to use when creating archives. See + # for details. + # Defaults to no compression. + compression: auto,zstd + + # Remote network upload rate limit in kiBytes/second. +{% if borg_remote_rate_limit %} + remote_rate_limit: {{ borg_remote_rate_limit }} +{% endif %} + + # Command to use instead of just "ssh". This can be used to specify ssh options. + # ssh_command: ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 +{% if borg_ssh_command %} + ssh_command: {{ borg_ssh_command }} +{% endif %} + + # Umask to be used for borg create. + umask: 0077 + + # Maximum seconds to wait for acquiring a repository/cache lock. + lock_wait: {{ borg_lock_wait_time }} + + # Name of the archive. Borg placeholders can be used. See the output of + # "borg help placeholders" for details. Default is + # "{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f}". If you specify this option, you must + # also specify a prefix in the retention section to avoid accidental pruning of + # archives with a different archive name format. And you should also specify a + # prefix in the consistency section as well. + archive_name_format: '{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}' + + # Bypass Borg error about a repository that has been moved. + relocated_repo_access_is_ok: {{ borgmatic_relocated_repo_access_is_ok }} + +# Retention policy for how many backups to keep in each category. See +# for details. +# At least one of the "keep" options is required for pruning to work. +retention: +{% if borg_retention_policy.keep_secondly is defined %} + # Number of secondly archives to keep. + keep_secondly: {{ borg_retention_policy.keep_secondly }} +{% endif %} + +{% if borg_retention_policy.keep_minutely is defined %} + # Number of minutely archives to keep. + keep_minutely: {{ borg_retention_policy.keep_minutely }} +{% endif %} + +{% if borg_retention_policy.keep_hourly is defined %} + # Number of hourly archives to keep. + keep_hourly: {{ borg_retention_policy.keep_hourly }} +{% endif %} + +{% if borg_retention_policy.keep_daily is defined %} + # Number of daily archives to keep. + keep_daily: {{ borg_retention_policy.keep_daily }} +{% endif %} + +{% if borg_retention_policy.keep_weekly is defined %} + # Number of weekly archives to keep. + keep_weekly: {{ borg_retention_policy.keep_weekly }} +{% endif %} + +{% if borg_retention_policy.keep_monthly is defined %} + # Number of monthly archives to keep. + keep_monthly: {{ borg_retention_policy.keep_monthly }} +{% endif %} + +{% if borg_retention_policy.keep_yearly is defined %} + # Number of yearly archives to keep. + keep_yearly: {{ borg_retention_policy.keep_yearly }} +{% endif %} + +# Consistency checks to run after backups. See +# and +# for details. +consistency: + # List of one or more consistency checks to run: "repository", + # "archives", "data", and/or "extract". Defaults to + # "repository" and "archives". Set to "disabled" to disable + # all consistency checks. "repository" checks the consistency + # of the repository, "archives" checks all of the archives, + # "data" verifies the integrity of the data within the + # archives, and "extract" does an extraction dry-run of the + # most recent archive. Note that "data" implies "archives". + checks: + {% for checks in borgmatic_checks %} + - {{ checks }} + {% endfor %} + + # Restrict the number of checked archives to the last n. Applies only to the "archives" check. + check_last: {{ borgmatic_check_last }} + +# Shell commands or scripts to execute before and after a backup or if an error has occurred. +# IMPORTANT: All provided commands and scripts are executed with user permissions of borgmatic. +# Do not forget to set secure permissions on this file as well as on any script listed (chmod 0700) to +# prevent potential shell injection or privilege escalation. +hooks: +{% for hook in borgmatic_hooks %} + {{ hook }}: + {{ borgmatic_hooks[hook] | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) | trim | indent(8) }} +{% endfor %} +