This project tries to stay on the latest LTS version (v18 as of writing)
Download from here
Make sure that GnuMake is installed:
make -v
Or install it from apt
sudo apt install -y make
Either install Docker Desktop or install docker engine for efficiency.
Make sure that your current user has docker rights:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
then restart.
Make sure that Git is installed:
git -v
Or install it from apt
sudo apt install -y git
For new contributors it is best to first start with a fork, after their first PR, if they are interested in taking on more, they can be added to the project.
Go to the GitHub project link and Click the Fork button, disable actions in fork.
Open a terminal and cd to your projects directory.
After creating your own fork, copy the url and replace it in this command
git clone --depth 10<user>/website.git clothing-loop
Then this command adds the main repository as a remote.
cd clothing-loop
git remote add sfm
git fetch sfm main