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87 lines (65 loc) · 3.21 KB

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87 lines (65 loc) · 3.21 KB

NOTE: currently we support interpreted mode and source code generation for Python and Julia.

It's EASY to compile compiled_unit into source code for C#, F# and others. See CodeGen.Python.fs for how to write a custom backend.


Thanks to the Fable.Python compiler, this project managed to modify code from the amazing OCaml sedlex, implementing an ultimate lexer generator for (currently) both Python and F#.

The most impressive feature of sedlex is that Sedlex statically analyses regular expressions built with lexer combinators, correctly ordering/merging/optimizing the lexical rules. In short, sedlex is correct and efficient.

For Python users: the generated Python code is located in fable_sedlex directory, and you can directly copy them to your Python package to access such lexer generator.

For .NET(C#, F#) users: copying Sedlex.fs will give you such lexer generator in .NET.

For users in other programming languages: you might access compiled_unit and write a code generator.

from fable_sedlex.sedlex import *
from fable_sedlex.code_gen_python import codegen_python
from fable_sedlex.code_gen_julia import codegen_julia
from fable_sedlex.code_gen import show_doc

digit = pinterval(ord('0'), ord('9'))

dquote = pchar('"')
backslash = pchar('\\')
dot = pchar('.')

exp = pseq([por(pchar('E'), pchar('e')), pplus(digit)])
flt = pseq([pstar(digit), dot, pplus(digit), popt(exp)])
integral = pseq([pplus(digit), popt(exp)])
string_lit = pseq([dquote, pstar(por(pcompl(dquote), pseq([backslash,  pany]))), dquote])
space = pchars(["\n", "\t", "\r", ' '])

EOF_ID = 0
cu = build(
        (space, Lexer_discard),
        (flt, Lexer_tokenize(1)),
        (integral, Lexer_tokenize(2)),
        (string_lit, Lexer_tokenize(3)),
        (pstring("+"), Lexer_tokenize(4)),
        (pstring("+="), Lexer_tokenize(4)),
        (peof, Lexer_tokenize(EOF_ID))
    ], "my error")

# julia_code = codegen_julia("using Sedlex", cu)

class MyToken:
  token_id: int
  lexeme : str
  line: int
  col: int
  span: int
  offset: int
  file: str

f = inline_thread(cu, lambda args: MyToken(*args))
# we can also generate Python source code for equivalent lexer via:
#    `code = show_doc(codegen_python(cu))`
# see ``, `` and `` 
# for more details

buf = from_ustring(r'123 2345 + += 2.34E5 "sada\"sa" ')

tokens = []
while True:
        x = f(buf)
    except Exception as e:
    if x is None:
    if x.token_id == EOF_ID:

> python

[MyToken(token_id=2, lexeme='123', line=0, col=3, span=3, offset=0, file=''), MyToken(token_id=2, lexeme='2345', line=0, col=8, span=4, offset=4, file=''), MyToken(token_id=4, lexeme='+', line=0, col=10, span=1, offset=9, file=''), MyToken(token_id=4, lexeme='+=', line=0, col=13, span=2, offset=11, file=''), MyToken(token_id=1, lexeme='2.34E5', line=0, col=20, span=6, offset=14, file=''), MyToken(token_id=3, lexeme='"sada\\"sa"', line=0, col=31, span=10, offset=21, file='')]