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Flops counting tool for neural networks in pytorch framework

Pypi version Build Status

This script is designed to compute the theoretical amount of multiply-add operations in convolutional neural networks. It can also compute the number of parameters and print per-layer computational cost of a given network.

Supported layers:

  • Conv1d/2d/3d (including grouping)
  • ConvTranspose1d/2d/3d (including grouping)
  • BatchNorm1d/2d/3d, GroupNorm, InstanceNorm1d/2d/3d, LayerNorm
  • Activations (ReLU, PReLU, ELU, ReLU6, LeakyReLU, GELU)
  • Linear
  • Upsample
  • Poolings (AvgPool1d/2d/3d, MaxPool1d/2d/3d and adaptive ones)

Experimental support:

  • RNN, LSTM, GRU (NLH layout is assumed)
  • RNNCell, LSTMCell, GRUCell
  • torch.nn.MultiheadAttention
  • torchvision.ops.DeformConv2d
  • visual transformers from timm

Requirements: Pytorch >= 1.1, torchvision >= 0.3

Thanks to @warmspringwinds for the initial version of script.

Usage tips

  • This tool doesn't take into account some of the torch.nn.functional.* and tensor.* operations. Therefore unsupported operations are not contributing to the final complexity estimation. See ptflops/,TENSOR_OPS_MAPPING to check supported ops.
  • ptflops launches a given model on a random tensor and estimates amount of computations during inference. Complicated models can have several inputs, some of them could be optional. To construct non-trivial input one can use the input_constructor argument of the get_model_complexity_info. input_constructor is a function that takes the input spatial resolution as a tuple and returns a dict with named input arguments of the model. Next this dict would be passed to the model as a keyword arguments.
  • verbose parameter allows to get information about modules that don't contribute to the final numbers.
  • ignore_modules option forces ptflops to ignore the listed modules. This can be useful for research purposes. For instance, one can drop all convolutions from the counting process specifying ignore_modules=[torch.nn.Conv2d].

Install the latest version

From PyPI:

pip install ptflops

From this repository:

pip install --upgrade git+


import torchvision.models as models
import torch
from ptflops import get_model_complexity_info

with torch.cuda.device(0):
  net = models.densenet161()
  macs, params = get_model_complexity_info(net, (3, 224, 224), as_strings=True,
                                           print_per_layer_stat=True, verbose=True)
  print('{:<30}  {:<8}'.format('Computational complexity: ', macs))
  print('{:<30}  {:<8}'.format('Number of parameters: ', params))


If ptflops was useful for your paper or tech report, please cite me:

  author = {Vladislav Sovrasov},
  title = {ptflops: a flops counting tool for neural networks in pytorch framework},
  year = 2018-2023,
  url = {},


Model Input Resolution Params(M) MACs(G)
alexnet 224x224 61.10 0.72
convnext_base 224x224 88.59 15.43
densenet121 224x224 7.98 2.90
efficientnet_b0 224x224 5.29 0.41
efficientnet_v2_m 224x224 54.14 5.43
googlenet 224x224 13.00 1.51
inception_v3 224x224 27.16 2.86
maxvit_t 224x224 30.92 5.48
mnasnet1_0 224x224 4.38 0.33
mobilenet_v2 224x224 3.50 0.32
mobilenet_v3_large 224x224 5.48 0.23
regnet_y_1_6gf 224x224 11.20 1.65
resnet18 224x224 11.69 1.83
resnet50 224x224 25.56 4.13
resnext50_32x4d 224x224 25.03 4.29
shufflenet_v2_x1_0 224x224 2.28 0.15
squeezenet1_0 224x224 1.25 0.84
vgg16 224x224 138.36 15.52
vit_b_16 224x224 86.57 17.60
wide_resnet50_2 224x224 68.88 11.45