# Jenkins X Docs Documentation site for [Jenkins X](http://jenkins-x.io/) **Please browse these docs** on the [http://jenkins-x.io/](http://jenkins-x.io/) site as the links don't all work when browsing the markdown files inside github ## Build the docs locally To edit the docs locally and try out what the [website](http://jenkins-x.io/) will look like then you need to clone this repository: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx-docs.git ``` Then to view the docs in your browser, [install Hugo](https://gohugo.io/). Navigate to the directory, run hugo server, and open up the link: ```bash $ cd jx-docs $ hugo server Started building sites ... . . Serving pages from memory Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address Press Ctrl+C to stop ``` # Contribution Here is something about Jenkins X documents contribution. ## Localization In order to let more people know Jenkins X better, localization is very important and meaningful. And we should keep some rules about this, please read related languages below: * [Chinese](Localization_Chinese.md)