Uniform the analyses required to extract features form samples, generate rescaled maps (considering all the samples), and compute metrics of interests (misbehaviors, density, etc.)
We assume to have access to the raw data about each experiment, which consists in a timestamped
folder that
contains all the individuals (e.g., npy
images) generated by the test generators and possibly the outcome of the
test (misclassified digit for MNIST).
The steps to generate the maps are:
Process the output of the tools and generate an
file for each sample. This file contains the features, and various metadata about the sample (timestamp, sample-id, file location, tool name, run id, etc.)Go to the root of the project (
) and run the following command to process a dataset folder (folders will be recursively checked):python report_generator/app.py generate-samples --force-attribute run 1 --force-attribute tool DeepHyperionBeamNG ./logs/run_XXX/simulations
NOTE: the set of features to be computed is predefined for each tool.
Process all the json files corresponding to the samples of all the runs for all the tools, to extract the maps
for each feature. Go to the root of the project (./DeepHyperion-BeamNG
) and run the following command:python report_generator/app.py extract-stats --parsable --feature <NAME> --feature <NAME> ./logs/run_XXX/simulations
For example:
python report_generator/app.py extract-stats --parsable --feature segment_count --feature mean_lateral_position ./logs/run_XXX/simulations
NOTE: you should select features based on your config in __(run_xxx/config.json)
You should get an output similar to:
2020-12-22 22:41:02,764 INFO Process Started name=segment_count,min=1,max=5,missing=0 ame=mean_lateral_position,min=166,max=178,missing=0
This output reports for each feature specified in input its name, its min/max values, and the count of samples found for which that feature was not present (useful for debug)
Removing the
option yields a structured (JSON-like) report:2020-12-22 22:42:54,168 INFO Process Started { "total": 13, "features": { "segment_count": { "min": 1, "max": 5, "missing": 0 }, "mean_lateral_position": { "min": 166, "max": 178, "missing": 0 } } }
Build the map and visualize it. Maps can contain two or more features, but their visualization is limited to two features at the time. To generate a map and generate a report run the following command (add
if you want to visualize the map):python report_generator/app.py generate-map --feature <NAME> <MIN> <MAX> <NUM_CELL> --feature <NAME> <MIN> <MAX> <NUM_CELL> ./logs/run_XXX/simulations
For example:
python report_generator/app.py generate-map --feature segment_count 1 5 4 --feature mean_lateral_position 166 178 25 ./logs/run_XXX/simulations
NOTE: You should set the values for each feature based on previous command's output, otherwise, you might loose some individuals which are out of your defined bind.
NOTE: You can add other features (assuming they are present in all the samples) by adding to the command entries like
--feature <NAME> <MIN> <MAX> <NUM_CELL>
(e.g.,--feature min_radius 0 30 25
).You should get something like this:
2020-12-22 22:47:25,853 INFO Process Started
This command produces report files in the