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+layout: "github"
+page_title: "GitHub: github_release"
+description: |-
+ Get information on a GitHub release.
+# github\_user
+Use this data source to retrieve information about a GitHub release in a specified repository.
+## Example Usage
+To retrieve the latest release that is present in a repository:
+data "github_release" "example" {
+ repository = "example-repository"
+ owner = "example-owner"
+ retrieve_by = "latest"
+To retrieve a specific release from a repository based on it's ID:
+data "github_release" "example" {
+ repository = "example-repository"
+ owner = "example-owner"
+ retrieve_by = "id"
+ id = 12345
+Finally, to retrieve a release based on it's tag:
+data "github_release" "example" {
+ repository = "example-repository"
+ owner = "example-owner"
+ retrieve_by = "tag"
+ release_tag = "v1.0.0"
+## Argument Reference
+ * `repository` - (Required) Name of the repository to retrieve the release from.
+ * `owner` - (Required) Owner of the repository.
+ * `retrieve_by` - (Required) Describes how to fetch the release. Valid values are `id`, `tag`, `latest`.
+ * `release_id` - (Optional) ID of the release to retrieve. Must be specified when `retrieve_by` = `id`.
+ * `release_tag` - (Optional) Tag of the release to retrieve. Must be specified when `retrieve_by` = `tag`.
+## Attributes Reference
+ * `release_tag` - Tag of release
+ * `release_id` - ID of release
+ * `target_commitish` - Commitish value that determines where the Git release is created from
+ * `name` - Name of release
+ * `body` - Contents of the description (body) of a release
+ * `draft` - (`Boolean`) indicates whether the release is a draft
+ * `prerelease` - (`Boolean`) indicates whether the release is a prerelease
+ * `created_at` - Date of release creation
+ * `published_at` - Date of release publishing
+ * `url` - Base URL of the release
+ * `html_url` - URL directing to detailed information on the release
+ * `asserts_url` - URL of any associated assets with the release
+ * `upload_url` - URL that can be used to upload Assets to the release
+ * `zipball_url` - Download URL of a specific release in `zip` format
+ * `tarball_url` - Download URL of a specific release in `tar.gz` format