diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5be766da4..bcd54d887 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ module "cluster_pattern" { | Name | Version | |------|---------| | [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | >= 1.3 | -| [ibm](#requirement\_ibm) | >= 1.66.0, < 2.0.0 | +| [ibm](#requirement\_ibm) | >= 1.67.0, < 2.0.0 | | [random](#requirement\_random) | >= 3.4.3, < 4.0.0 | | [time](#requirement\_time) | >= 0.9.1, < 1.0.0 | @@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ module "cluster_pattern" { | [appid](#input\_appid) | The App ID instance to be used for the teleport vsi deployments |
name = optional(string)
resource_group = optional(string)
use_data = optional(bool)
keys = optional(list(string))
use_appid = bool
"use_appid": false
| no | | [atracker](#input\_atracker) | atracker variables |
resource_group = string
receive_global_events = bool
collector_bucket_name = string
add_route = bool
| n/a | yes | | [clusters](#input\_clusters) | A list describing clusters workloads to create |
name = string # Name of Cluster
vpc_name = string # Name of VPC
subnet_names = list(string) # List of vpc subnets for cluster
workers_per_subnet = number # Worker nodes per subnet.
machine_type = string # Worker node flavor
kube_type = string # iks or openshift
kube_version = optional(string) # Can be a version from `ibmcloud ks versions` or `default`
entitlement = optional(string) # entitlement option for openshift
secondary_storage = optional(string) # Secondary storage type
pod_subnet = optional(string) # Portable subnet for pods
service_subnet = optional(string) # Portable subnet for services
resource_group = string # Resource Group used for cluster
cos_name = optional(string) # Name of COS instance Required only for OpenShift clusters
access_tags = optional(list(string), [])
boot_volume_crk_name = optional(string) # Boot volume encryption key name
disable_public_endpoint = optional(bool, true) # disable cluster public, leaving only private endpoint
disable_outbound_traffic_protection = optional(bool, false) # public outbound access from the cluster workers
cluster_force_delete_storage = optional(bool, false) # force the removal of persistent storage associated with the cluster during cluster deletion
operating_system = optional(string, null) #The operating system of the workers in the default worker pool. If no value is specified, the current default version OS will be used. See https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/openshift?topic=openshift-openshift_versions#openshift_versions_available .
kms_wait_for_apply = optional(bool, true) # make terraform wait until KMS is applied to master and it is ready and deployed
addons = optional(object({ # Map of OCP cluster add-on versions to install
debug-tool = optional(string)
image-key-synchronizer = optional(string)
openshift-data-foundation = optional(string)
vpc-file-csi-driver = optional(string)
static-route = optional(string)
cluster-autoscaler = optional(string)
vpc-block-csi-driver = optional(string)
ibm-storage-operator = optional(string)
}), {})
manage_all_addons = optional(bool, false) # Instructs Terraform to manage all cluster addons, even if addons were installed outside of the module. If set to 'true' this module will destroy any addons that were installed by other sources.
kms_config = optional(
crk_name = string # Name of key
private_endpoint = optional(bool) # Private endpoint

worker_pools = optional(
name = string # Worker pool name
vpc_name = string # VPC name
workers_per_subnet = number # Worker nodes per subnet
flavor = string # Worker node flavor
subnet_names = list(string) # List of vpc subnets for worker pool
entitlement = optional(string) # entitlement option for openshift
secondary_storage = optional(string) # Secondary storage type
boot_volume_crk_name = optional(string) # Boot volume encryption key name
operating_system = optional(string) # The operating system of the workers in the default worker pool. If no value is specified, the current default version OS will be used. See https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/openshift?topic=openshift-openshift_versions#openshift_versions_available .
| n/a | yes | -| [cos](#input\_cos) | Object describing the cloud object storage instance, buckets, and keys. Set `use_data` to false to create instance |
name = string
use_data = optional(bool)
resource_group = string
plan = optional(string)
random_suffix = optional(bool) # Use a random suffix for COS instance
access_tags = optional(list(string), [])
skip_kms_s2s_auth_policy = optional(bool, false) # skip auth policy between this instance and kms instance, useful if existing resources are used
skip_flowlogs_s2s_auth_policy = optional(bool, false) # skip auth policy between flow logs service and this instance, set to true if this policy is already in place on account
skip_atracker_s2s_auth_policy = optional(bool, false) # skip auth policyt between atracker service and this instance, set to true if this is existing recipient of atracker already
buckets = list(object({
name = string
storage_class = string
endpoint_type = string
force_delete = bool
single_site_location = optional(string)
region_location = optional(string)
cross_region_location = optional(string)
kms_key = optional(string)
access_tags = optional(list(string), [])
allowed_ip = optional(list(string), [])
hard_quota = optional(number)
archive_rule = optional(object({
days = number
enable = bool
rule_id = optional(string)
type = string
expire_rule = optional(object({
days = optional(number)
date = optional(string)
enable = bool
expired_object_delete_marker = optional(string)
prefix = optional(string)
rule_id = optional(string)
activity_tracking = optional(object({
activity_tracker_crn = string
read_data_events = bool
write_data_events = bool
metrics_monitoring = optional(object({
metrics_monitoring_crn = string
request_metrics_enabled = optional(bool)
usage_metrics_enabled = optional(bool)
keys = optional(
name = string
role = string
enable_HMAC = bool

| n/a | yes | +| [cos](#input\_cos) | Object describing the cloud object storage instance, buckets, and keys. Set `use_data` to false to create instance |
name = string
use_data = optional(bool)
resource_group = string
plan = optional(string)
random_suffix = optional(bool) # Use a random suffix for COS instance
access_tags = optional(list(string), [])
skip_kms_s2s_auth_policy = optional(bool, false) # skip auth policy between this instance and kms instance, useful if existing resources are used
skip_flowlogs_s2s_auth_policy = optional(bool, false) # skip auth policy between flow logs service and this instance, set to true if this policy is already in place on account
skip_atracker_s2s_auth_policy = optional(bool, false) # skip auth policyt between atracker service and this instance, set to true if this is existing recipient of atracker already
buckets = list(object({
name = string
storage_class = string
endpoint_type = string
force_delete = bool
single_site_location = optional(string)
region_location = optional(string)
cross_region_location = optional(string)
kms_key = optional(string)
access_tags = optional(list(string), [])
allowed_ip = optional(list(string), [])
hard_quota = optional(number)
archive_rule = optional(object({
days = number
enable = bool
rule_id = optional(string)
type = string
expire_rule = optional(object({
days = optional(number)
date = optional(string)
enable = bool
expired_object_delete_marker = optional(string)
prefix = optional(string)
rule_id = optional(string)
activity_tracking = optional(object({
activity_tracker_crn = string
read_data_events = bool
write_data_events = bool
management_events = bool
metrics_monitoring = optional(object({
metrics_monitoring_crn = string
request_metrics_enabled = optional(bool)
usage_metrics_enabled = optional(bool)
keys = optional(
name = string
role = string
enable_HMAC = bool

| n/a | yes | | [enable\_transit\_gateway](#input\_enable\_transit\_gateway) | Create transit gateway | `bool` | `true` | no | | [f5\_template\_data](#input\_f5\_template\_data) | Data for all f5 templates |
tmos_admin_password = optional(string)
license_type = optional(string)
byol_license_basekey = optional(string)
license_host = optional(string)
license_username = optional(string)
license_password = optional(string)
license_pool = optional(string)
license_sku_keyword_1 = optional(string)
license_sku_keyword_2 = optional(string)
license_unit_of_measure = optional(string)
do_declaration_url = optional(string)
as3_declaration_url = optional(string)
ts_declaration_url = optional(string)
phone_home_url = optional(string)
template_source = optional(string)
template_version = optional(string)
app_id = optional(string)
tgactive_url = optional(string)
tgstandby_url = optional(string)
tgrefresh_url = optional(string)
"license_type": "none"
| no | | [f5\_vsi](#input\_f5\_vsi) | A list describing F5 VSI workloads to create |
name = string
vpc_name = string
primary_subnet_name = string
secondary_subnet_names = list(string)
secondary_subnet_security_group_names = list(
group_name = string
interface_name = string
ssh_keys = list(string)
f5_image_name = string
machine_type = string
resource_group = optional(string)
enable_management_floating_ip = optional(bool)
enable_external_floating_ip = optional(bool)
security_groups = optional(list(string))
boot_volume_encryption_key_name = optional(string)
hostname = string
domain = string
access_tags = optional(list(string), [])
security_group = optional(
name = string
rules = list(
name = string
direction = string
source = string
tcp = optional(
port_max = number
port_min = number
udp = optional(
port_max = number
port_min = number
icmp = optional(
type = number
code = number
block_storage_volumes = optional(list(
name = string
profile = string
capacity = optional(number)
iops = optional(number)
encryption_key = optional(string)
load_balancers = optional(list(
name = string
type = string
listener_port = number
listener_protocol = string
connection_limit = number
algorithm = string
protocol = string
health_delay = number
health_retries = number
health_timeout = number
health_type = string
pool_member_port = string
idle_connection_timeout = optional(number)
security_group = optional(
name = string
rules = list(
name = string
direction = string
source = string
tcp = optional(
port_max = number
port_min = number
udp = optional(
port_max = number
port_min = number
icmp = optional(
type = number
code = number
| `[]` | no | diff --git a/cos.tf b/cos.tf index f2c3e6ddb..cabd4dc0b 100644 --- a/cos.tf +++ b/cos.tf @@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ resource "ibm_cos_bucket" "buckets" { activity_tracker_crn = activity_tracking.value.activity_tracker_crn read_data_events = activity_tracking.value.read_data_events write_data_events = activity_tracking.value.write_data_events + management_events = activity_tracking.value.management_events } } diff --git a/variables.tf b/variables.tf index 543d9570f..0924c065a 100644 --- a/variables.tf +++ b/variables.tf @@ -544,6 +544,7 @@ variable "cos" { activity_tracker_crn = string read_data_events = bool write_data_events = bool + management_events = bool })) metrics_monitoring = optional(object({ metrics_monitoring_crn = string diff --git a/version.tf b/version.tf index 154c0a253..99de062a8 100644 --- a/version.tf +++ b/version.tf @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ terraform { required_providers { ibm = { source = "IBM-Cloud/ibm" - version = ">= 1.66.0, < 2.0.0" + version = ">= 1.67.0, < 2.0.0" } random = { source = "hashicorp/random"