The TensorFlow Model Analysis (TFMA) pipeline is depicted as follows:
The pipeline is made up of four main components:
- Read Inputs
- Extraction
- Evaluation
- Write Results
These components make use of two primary types: tfma.Extracts
. The type tfma.Extracts
represents data that is
extracted during pipeline processing whereas the type
represents the output from evaluating the extracts
at various points during the process of extraction. In order to provide a
flexible API, these types are just dicts where the keys are defined (reserved
for use) by different implementations. The types are defined as follows:
# Extracts represent data extracted during pipeline processing.
# For example, the PredictExtractor stores the data for the
# features, labels, and predictions under the keys "features",
# "labels", and "predictions".
Extracts = Dict[Text, Any]
# Evaluation represents the output from evaluating extracts at
# particular point in the pipeline. The evaluation outputs are
# keyed by their associated output type. For example, the metric / plot
# dictionaries from evaluating metrics and plots will be stored under
# "metrics" and "plots" respectively.
Evaluation = Dict[Text, beam.pvalue.PCollection]
Note that tfma.Extracts
are never written out directly they must always go
through an evaluator to produce a tfma.evaluators.Evaluation
that is then
written out. Also note that tfma.Extracts
are dicts that are stored in a
(i.e. beam.PTransform
s take as input
) whereas a tfma.evaluators.Evaluation
is a dict whose values are beam.pvalue.PCollection
s (i.e. beam.PTransform
take the dict itself as the argument for the beam.value.PCollection
input). In
other words the tfma.evaluators.Evaluation
is used at pipeline construction
time, but the tfma.Extracts
are used at pipeline runtime.
The ReadInputs
stage is made up of a transform that takes raw inputs
(tf.train.Example, CSV, ...) and converts them into extracts. Today the extracts
are represented as raw input bytes stored under tfma.INPUT_KEY
, however the
extracts can be in any form that is compatible with the extraction pipeline --
meaning that it creates tfma.Extracts
as output, and that those extracts are
compatible with downstream extractors. It is up to the different extractors to
clearly document what they require.
The extraction process is a list of beam.PTransform
s that are run in series.
The extractors take tfma.Extracts
as input and return tfma.Extracts
output. The proto-typical extractor is the tfma.extractors.PredictExtractor
which uses the input extract produced by the read inputs transform and runs it
through a model to produce predictions extracts. Customized extractors can be
inserted at any point provided their transforms conform to the tfma.Extracts
in and tfma.Extracts
out API. An extractor is defined as follows:
# An Extractor is a PTransform that takes Extracts as input and returns
# Extracts as output. A typical example is a PredictExtractor that receives
# an 'input' placeholder for input and adds additional 'predictions' extracts.
Extractor = NamedTuple('Extractor', [
('stage_name', Text),
('ptransform', beam.PTransform)]) # Extracts -> Extracts
Note that outside of very special cases, it is almost always the case that one
in a beam.pvalue.PCollection
will correspond to one example
from the model.
The tfma.extractors.InputExtractor
is used to extract raw features, raw
labels, and raw example weights from tf.train.Example
records for using in
metrics slicing and computations. By default the values are stored under the
extract keys features
, labels
, and example_weights
Single-output model labels and example weights are stored directly as
values. Multi-output model labels and example weights are stored as
dicts of np.ndarray
values (keyed by output name). If multi-model evaluation
is performed the labels and example weights will be further embedded within
another dict (keyed by model name).
The tfma.extractors.PredictExtractor
runs model predictions and stores
them under the key predictions
in the tfma.Extracts
dict. Single-output
model predictions are stored directly as the predicted output values.
Multi-output model predictions are stored as a dict of output values (keyed by
output name). If multi-model evaluation is performed the prediction will be
further embedded within another dict (keyed by model name). The actual output
value used depends on the model (e.g. TF estimator's return outputs in the form
of a dict whereas keras returns np.ndarray
The tfma.extractors.SliceKeyExtractor
uses the slicing spec to determine which
slices apply to each example input based on the extracted features and adds the
coresponding slicing values to the extracts for later used by the evaluators.
Evaluation is the process of taking an extract and evaluating it. While it is common to perform evaluation at the end of the extraction pipeline, there are use-cases that require evaluation earlier in the extraction process. As such evaluators are associated with the extractors whose output they should be evaluated against. An evaluator is defined as follows:
# An evaluator is a PTransform that takes Extracts as input and
# produces an Evaluation as output. A typical example of an evaluator
# is the MetricsAndPlotsEvaluator that takes the 'features', 'labels',
# and 'predictions' extracts from the PredictExtractor and evaluates
# them using post export metrics to produce metrics and plots dictionaries.
Evaluator = NamedTuple('Evaluator', [
('stage_name', Text),
('run_after', Text), # Extractor.stage_name
('ptransform', beam.PTransform)]) # Extracts -> Evaluation
Notice that an evaluator is a beam.PTransform
that takes tfma.Extracts
inputs. There is nothing stopping an implementation from performing additional
transformations on the extracts as part of the evaluation process. Unlike
extractors that must return a tfma.Extracts
dict, there are no restrictions on
the types of outputs an evaluator can produce though most evaluators also return
a dict (e.g. of metric names and values).
The tfma.evaluators.MetricsAndPlotsEvaluator
takes features
, labels
, and
as input, runs them through tfma.slicer.FanoutSlices
to group
them by slices, and then performs metrics and plots computations. It produces
outputs in the form of dictionaries of metrics and plots keys and values (these
are later converted to serialized protos for output by
The WriteResults
stage is where the evaluation output gets written out to
disk. WriteResults uses writers to write out the data based on the output keys.
For example, an tfma.evaluators.Evaluation
may contain keys for metrics
. These would then be associated with the metrics and plots dictionaries
called 'metrics' and 'plots'. The writers specify how to write out each file:
# A writer is a PTransform that takes evaluation output as input and
# serializes the associated PCollections of data to a sink.
Writer = NamedTuple('Writer', [
('stage_name', Text),
('ptransform', beam.PTransform)]) # Evaluation -> PDone
We provide a tfma.writers.MetricsAndPlotsWriter
that converts the metrics and
plots dictionaries to serialized protos and writes them to disk.
If you wish to use a different serialization format, you can create a custom
writer and use that instead. Since the tfma.evaluators.Evaluation
passed to
the writers contains the output for all of the evaluators combined, a
helper transform is provided that writers can use in their
implementations to select the appropriate beam.PCollection
s based
on an output key (see below for an example).
The tfma.run_model_analysis
method takes extractors
, evaluators
, and
arguments for customing the extractors, evaluators, and writers used
by the pipeline. If no arguments are provided then tfma.default_extractors
, and tfma.default_writers
are used by default.
To create a custom extractor, create a tfma.extractors.Extractor
type that
wraps a beam.PTransform
taking tfma.Extracts
as input and returning
as output. Examples of extractors are available under
To create a custom evaluator, create a tfma.evaluators.Evaluator
type that
wraps a beam.PTransform
taking tfma.Extracts
as input and returning
as output. A very basic evaluator might just take
the incoming tfma.Extracts
and output them for storing in a table. This is
exactly what the tfma.evaluators.AnalysisTableEvaluator
does. A more
complicated evaluator might perform additional processing and data aggregation.
See the tfma.evaluators.MetricsAndPlotsEvaluator
as an example..
Note that the tfma.evaluators.MetricsAndPlotsEvaluator
itself can be
customized to support custom metrics (see metrics for more
To create a custom writer, create a tfma.writers.Writer
type that wraps a
taking tfma.evaluators.Evaluation
as input and returning
as output. The following is a basic example of a writer for
writing out TFRecords containing metrics:
stage_name='WriteTFRecord(%s)' % tfma.METRICS_KEY,
A writer's inputs depend on the output of the associated evaluator. For the
above example, the output is a serialized proto produced by the
. A writer for the
would be responsible for writing out a
of tfma.Extracts
Note that a writer is associated with the output of an evaluator via the output
key used (e.g. tfma.METRICS_KEY
, etc).
The following is an example of the steps involved in the extraction and
evaluation pipeline when both the tfma.evaulators.MetricsAndPlotsEvaluator
are used:
# Out
Extracts {
'input': bytes # CSV, Proto, ...
# In: ReadInputs Extracts
# Out:
Extracts {
'input': bytes # CSV, Proto, ...
'features': tensor_like # Raw features
'labels': tensor_like # Labels
'example_weights': tensor_like # Example weights
# In: InputExtractor Extracts
# Out:
Extracts {
'input': bytes # CSV, Proto, ...
'features': tensor_like # Raw features
'labels': tensor_like # Labels
'example_weights': tensor_like # Example weights
'predictions': tensor_like # Predictions
# In: PredictExtractor Extracts
# Out:
Extracts {
'features': tensor_like # Raw features
'labels': tensor_like # Labels
'example_weights': tensor_like # Example weights
'predictions': tensor_like # Predictions
'slice_key': Tuple[bytes...] # Slice
# In: SliceKeyExtractor Extracts
# Out:
Evaluation {
'metrics': PCollection[Tuple[slicer.SliceKeyType, Dict[Text, Any]]] # Tuples of (slice key, dictionary from metric key to metric values)
'plots': PCollection[Tuple[slicer.SliceKeyType, Dict[Text, Any]]] # Tuples of (slice key, dictionary from plot key to plot values)
# In: SliceKeyExtractor Extracts
# Out:
Evaluation {
'analysis': PCollection[Extracts] # Final Extracts
# In:
Evaluation {
'metrics': PCollection[Tuple[slicer.SliceKeyType, Dict[Text, Any]]] # Tuples of (slice key, dictionary from metric key to metric values)
'plots': PCollection[Tuple[slicer.SliceKeyType, Dict[Text, Any]]] # Tuples of (slice key, dictionary from plot key to plot values)
'analysis': PCollection[Extracts] # Final Extracts
# Out: metrics, plots, and analysis files