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External Client Configuration

Notes for this proposal:

  • Everything is subject to change both during proposal time and afterwards during implementation.
  • For each place a decision is made, a "πŸ’­ Why X? ..." aside is present explaining why.
  • For each place an open question exists, a "❓ X?" exists to ask it.


There are many ways to access Temporal programmatically including CLI, SDK, and other components that leverage those such as samples and Terraform providers.

Temporal needs a way for users to provide client configuration without hardcoding in CLI arguments or SDK options. This will allow code to seamlessly switch between profiles such as between a dev-server and cloud. The same configuration must work across all SDKs/CLIs.


What are the reasons for building this?

  • Users want to switch environments without changing their code, but today they cannot.
  • Our samples should be able to be run on multiple environments including cloud, but today they are localhost only.


  • Common, well-specified/type-safe configuration format usable by Temporal tooling for client options and usable manually by advanced users
  • Implementation in all Temporal SDKs for reading and writing of this configuration
  • All Temporal CLI/SDKs updated to have easy client creation using this configuration
  • Common on-disk location in every platform for reading/writing this format
  • Ability to provide environment variables to represent values in the configuration
  • Well-specified hierarchy for on-disk overridable by environment variables overridable by in-CLI/SDK values
  • Must be an "extension" to SDKs so the core SDK does not have dependencies added.
  • Profile names within the configuration
    • πŸ’­ Why?
      • It is common in configurations like this to want to be able to share a single file with many configurations.

Future Goals

None identified at this time. The goals are simple enough for the MVP and the non-goals are ones we never want.


  • Common format for declarative workers, schedules, etc. This is only for client options.
  • File-based hierarchy. We don't need many levels of file merging for these options.
  • Use external configuration by default in SDKs (it is default in CLI and samples). Users need to opt-in to this for compatibility and clarity reasons (but it is of course easy).

High-level Usage Examples

Simple Switch from Local to Cloud

Similar to temporal env today, you can use the CLI to manage configurations with temporal config.

For example, say you had this Go code for starting a workflow:

options, err := envconfig.LoadClientOptionsFromConfig("default")
if err != nil {
  return err
cl, err := client.Dial(options)
run, err := cl.ExecuteWorkflow(
  client.StartWorkflowOptions{ID: "my-id", TaskQueue: "my-task-queue"},

By default this only works on localhost:7233 with namespace default when you run it. But if you were a cloud user, you could do this in environment variables for mTLS auth:

export TEMPORAL_NAMESPACE=my-ns.a1b2c
export TEMPORAL_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_PATH=path/to/my/client.pem
export TEMPORAL_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PATH=path/to/my/client.key

Now running the same code again unmodified will run against cloud. You can do the same thing with config file in TOML:

address = ""
namespace = "my-ns.a1b2c"
tls.client_cert_path = "path/to/my/client.pem"
tls.client_key_path = "path/to/my/client.pem"

And you can provide that config file or put it in the default place. You can also do this via CLI:

temporal config set --key address --value
temporal config set --key namespace --value my-ns.a1b2c
temporal config set --key tls.client_cert_path --value path/to/my/cert.pem
temporal config set --key tls.client_key_path --value path/to/my/cert.key

Or in a Temporal future with API keys you can use it instead.

Profile Switching

Similar to AWS tooling and other tools, you can have profiles. So you can have a config like:

address = ""
namespace = "my-dev-ns.a1b2c"
tls.client_cert_path = "path/to/my/dev-cert.pem"
tls.client_key_path = "path/to/my/dev-cert.pem"

address = ""
namespace = "my-prod-ns.a1b2c"
tls.client_cert_path = "path/to/my/prod-cert.pem"
tls.client_key_path = "path/to/my/prod-cert.pem"

Or in CLI, dev:

temporal config set --profile dev --key address --value
temporal config set --profile dev --key namespace --value my-dev-ns.a1b2c
temporal config set --profile dev --key tls.client_cert_path --value path/to/my/dev-cert.pem
temporal config set --profile dev --key tls.client_key_path --value path/to/my/dev-cert.key

And prod:

temporal config set --profile prod --key address --value
temporal config set --profile prod --key namespace --value my-prod-ns.a1b2c
temporal config set --profile prod --key tls.client_cert_path --value path/to/my/prod-cert.pem
temporal config set --profile prod --key tls.client_key_path --value path/to/my/prod-cert.key

Now a simple setting of TEMPORAL_PROFILE environment to dev or prod will switch connectivity (or --profile on CLI or the string in the SDK if you don't want to use environment variable).

Possible UI Creation Flow

When a user creates an API key, the completion screen can provide a download of the config file that will have the address, namespace, and API key set. So it can say something like:

API key is created, make sure you copy it here because it is not stored:

    <some long api key string>

Alternatively, you can download it as a configuration file:

    <some button or something that downloads a file name temporalio.toml>

You can place this configuration file in the default place used by CLIs/SDKs:

* macOS - `$HOME/Library/Application Support/temporalio/temporal.toml`
* Windows - `%AppData%/temporalio/temporal.toml` (often `C:\Users\<myuser>\AppData\Roaming\temporalio\temporal.toml`)
* Linux - `$HOME/.config/temporalio/temporal.toml`

This will be automatically consumed by the SDKs/CLI. This file can also be put anywhere else and `TEMPORAL_CONFIG_FILE`
environment variable can be set to point to it.

Possible CLI Creation Flow

Assuming cloud support is present in temporal CLI, you can have the normal certificate generation steps, e.g.

temporal cloud gen ca ...
temporal cloud gen leaf ...
temporal cloud namespace add-accepted-client-ca ...

And that last step can by default set a temporal-cloud profile in the configuration with the address, namespace, and mTLS certificates. So now all you have to do to use cloud in CLI is either --profile temporal-cloud or set TEMPORAL_PROFILE=temporal-cloud environment variable. Granted you may want better certificate management than that and whether this is done by default can be discussed, but the idea is the same.

Multi-Namespace Config Use

Some users may want the same configuration for multiple namespaces (or multiple addresses or multiple API keys or whatever). Users can supply partial configuration. For instance, you can have this config:

address = ""
tls.client_cert_path = "path/to/my/dev-cert.pem"
tls.client_key_path = "path/to/my/dev-cert.pem"

And then still use CLI like

temporal workflow list --namespace my-specific-namespace

This will use the config file information for all but the namespace. Similarly you could just set the TEMPORAL_NAMESPACE env var to my-specific-namespace and run:

temporal workflow list

Similarly, if you're using an SDK, you can load the config and just switch namespaces in code. So you can have:

config = envconfig.load_client_connect_config()
client = await Client.connect(namespace="my-specific-namespace", **config)


Values and File Format

  • The format is a TOML object with the following fields:
    • profile - Object with keys as profile names. The default profile should be named default.
      • <name> - Profile object with configuration values. Profile names are case-insensitive. πŸ’­ Why? They are needed for environment variables which are case insensitive. It is a validation error to have a config file with two separately-cased profile names that are equal case-insensitively.
        • address - Client address, aka gRPC "host:port". This cannot be a URL, it must be host:port.
        • namespace - Client namespace.
        • api_key - Client API key.
        • tls - A boolean (true is same as empty object) or an object. Note the default for this value is dependent upon other settings here. πŸ’­ Why? We regret not making TLS the default in the past, so we will make it default if api_key is present. If TLS is an object, it can have the following possible fields:
          • client_cert_path - File path to mTLS client cert. Mutually exclusive with client_cert_data.
          • client_cert_data - Cert data. Mutually exclusive with client_cert_path.
          • client_key_path - File path to mTLS client key. Mutually exclusive with client_key_data.
          • client_key_data - Key data. Mutually exclusive with client_key_path.
          • server_ca_cert_path - File path to server CA cert. Mutually exclusive with server_ca_cert_data.
          • server_ca_cert_data - CA cert data. Mutually exclusive with server_ca_cert_path.
          • server_name - Override SNI name when connecting to server.
          • disable_host_verification - Boolean to disable verifying TLS server host. May not be available in all Temporal clients. πŸ’­ Why? Not all SDKs offer this feature today.
        • codec - Remote codec information to use for all encoding/decoding of payloads. May not be available in all Temporal clients. πŸ’­ Why? Not all SDKs allow use of a remote codec today.
          • endpoint - Endpoint to the remote codec.
          • auth - Authorization header for the remote codec.
        • grpc_meta - Object representing HTTP headers. Values must be strings for now (can discuss arrays later). ❓ Should we call this headers? We do in some cases and not others.
    • πŸ’­ Why TOML?
      • Original document was JSON, but team discussion decided that the benefit to humans of TOML outweighed the concerns of making SDKs have extensions with TOML support.
  • For settings that accept files above, they are relative to the current working directory.
    • πŸ’­ Why not relative to the config file directory?
      • Because we also accept these config values as environment variables or programmatically, and it is confusing to have different rules for the same key in different ways. We want the environment variable to literally override the config file value, not also change the behavior.
  • Each language will have its own models for this under an envconfig/EnvConfig namespace/package/module/extension
    • πŸ’­ Why not define model in proto?
      • When JSON was the preferred format proto JSON made sense, but now that it is not, using proto only for SDK team's benefit of shared contract is not the easiest for users. So each language will have language-idiomatic models.
  • Do not validate that all keys are known in the file.
    • πŸ’­ Why?
      • Originally this section was strict validation, but it became clear that we should allow newer-CLI-created config files that may have newer keys to work with older SDKs.
      • Similarly, it became clear that we're not validating environment variables this way, why config file keys?
      • We want the tools that mutate this file to have strong validation on the keys being added, so hopefully this avoids the concern of key typos.
  • All keys are optional in the file. Ideally in the final merged form, we'd always require address and we always require namespace in namespace-specific clients (i.e. non cloud ops API), but it is unreasonable since we must fit within SDK defaults.
    • Originally this section did say address and namespace were required, but as SDK implementations came about, it became clear that can't be done easily, so CLI/SDK defaults need to remain.
  • The default config file location is <app-config-dir>/temporalio/temporal.toml for all platforms.
    • This is as defined by which, as of this writing, is the logic defined in docs and in code at;l=528.
    • Existing CLI used ~/.config/temporalio/temporal.yaml
      • ❓ Is this confusing for them? Are we concerned about them vs what is best moving forward?
    • πŸ’­ Why temporal.toml instead of temporal-client.toml?
      • After discussion, it was decided future non-client use of this config (which may never occur) can be sub keys of this file instead of having a separate file or separate config for every separate use. And client is the common enough initial (and maybe only) use case to get the top-level without burdening users.
  • Unlike all other ways to provide settings, all file paths inside configuration files must be absolute or loading should fail, no relative paths
    • πŸ’­ Why?
      • We don't want to make paths relative to the config file, because people load this config into a common structure and different meanings for different-sourced values (CLI vs env var vs config file vs programmatic) is confusing and can't be represented well
      • We're replacing env set with config set and the former supports relative to the calling user, so it'd be confusing to change that

Environment variables

  • Environment variables are in the form TEMPORAL_KEY_SUB_KEY_CAMEL_CASE. Profiles do not apply to environment variables. Environment variables always overwrite config if set regardless of config profile in use.
    • πŸ’­ Why TEMPORAL prefix?
      • Reasonable to differentiate.
    • So for example, the address key is TEMPORAL_ADDRESS, etc.
    • This means that dot parts are separated by underscores.
      • So a config value of tls.client_cert_path is TEMPORAL_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_PATH.
      • πŸ’­ Why?
        • This is clearer for users.
  • Case-sensitivity is a platform specific thing, but Temporal uses all-caps.
  • The CLI has existing environment variables. Some of these work and some should be still supported but deprecated in favor of the new forms. Below are the CLI env vars and how they apply:
    • TEMPORAL_ADDRESS - works just fine.
    • TEMPORAL_NAMESPACE - works just fine.
    • TEMPORAL_API_KEY - works just fine.
    • TEMPORAL_TLS - works just fine.
    • TEMPORAL_TLS_CERT, TEMPORAL_TLS_CERT_DATA, and other mTLS client values - need to be deprecated and replaced with newer forms (only slight changes here).
      • πŸ’­ Why not just have the tls config field be cert_data instead of client_cert_data so this doesn't have to change?
        • Not being clear this is for mTLS client use is confusing to users. And we'd have to change the path one anyways because the CLI is not suffixed with path.
    • TEMPORAL_TLS_X for all other values - ones that don't match need to be deprecated and replaced with newer forms.
    • TEMPORAL_CODEC_ENDPOINT - works just fine.
    • TEMPORAL_CODEC_AUTH - works just fine.
    • πŸ’­ Why deprecate some instead of making all our clients support these variables that exist in CLI?
      • It is more sane/reasonable to have a simple to understand config-field-to-env-var format than it is to have these special environment variables be inconsistent outliers.
      • For non-CLI uses (i.e. SDKs), it is unreasonable to burden them with past CLI choices.
  • For gRPC metadata (i.e. HTTP headers), the environment variable format is TEMPORAL_GRPC_META_<name>.
    • <name> is canonicalized into HTTP header format (gRPC libraries do this for you).
    • Like all HTTP headers, comma-delimited values are supported for multi-headers.
    • This does require that environment variable lists be scanned for prefixes. This is deemed an acceptable tradeoff.
    • πŸ’­ Why not TEMPORAL_GRPC_META as a single var that accepts some kind of structured format?
      • There isn't really a good structured format. Comma-delimited key=value would require users to escape commas in the value (common in HTTP values), there's not a good delimiter for other-delimited key=value, and requiring a JSON object as the env var value is a bit hard to use.
    • πŸ’­ Why not TEMPORAL_GRPC_META_<index> as key: value?
      • Scanning has to happen anyways.
      • TEMPORAL_GRPC_META_AUTHORIZATION as Bearer my-token is cleaner than TEMPORAL_GRPC_META_0 as Authorization: Bearer my-token.
      • Users shouldn't have to keep up with indexes.
    • πŸ’­ Why not TEMPORAL_GRPC_META as a multiline set of headers?
      • This can be added later if wanted.
      • People want to be able to set individual headers.
      • If we use traditional header format, requires HTTP header parsing which is not as trivial as it may seem (and parsers may not be present/accessible in every standard library). Granted we could accept our own multiline format or only support a simple subset of the header format.
  • There are some special environment variables respected by clients:
    • TEMPORAL_PROFILE - the name of the profile to load if one is not provided at load time. The default is default.
    • TEMPORAL_CONFIG_FILE - the path to the config file. The default is ~/.config/temporalio/temporal-client.toml.

Loading Configuration

Configuration is loaded in the following manner:

  • Try to load profile from configuration file
    • Only if file loading is enabled (which it is by default)
    • If user provides specific config file, use that, otherwise use the default location
    • If user specifies the profile, use that, otherwise use the default
  • Try to overwrite with specific configuration environment variables
    • Only if env loading is enabled (which it is by default)

That is it, nothing more complicated. When the configuration is provided to the SDKs/CLI, they apply their normal logic which includes defaults for things that can be defaulted, or errors if they expect something that is not provided (this is SDK specific).



  • CLI will accept --profile.
    • This deprecates --env/--env-file
      • πŸ’­ Why deprecate?
        • The env name is confusing with environment variables. Note we do not use the term "environment" anywhere in this document except for environment variables.
        • The env setting uses YAML files in ~/.config/temporalio/temporal.yaml.
      • Error if both options are present, or in the case of default, if there are default files for both.
        • πŸ’­ Why error in the case of both default env and profile being present instead of merge?
          • This is the new way and we should not try to support both at the same time, it can get confusing.
    • The default is default, and this can also be set via TEMPORAL_PROFILE env var.
  • CLI will accept --config-file.
    • Has default specified before, also can be set via TEMPORAL_CONFIG_FILE env var.
  • CLI will have a whole new set of config commands that operate similar to env commands today.
    • Will not go into detail in this proposal, but it's very similar.
    • We will strictly validate keys when setting whereas we did not with env.
  • Unlike env/--env, this does not blindly apply any field as any CLI argument.
    • πŸ’­ Why?
      • We want strict validation of config values. The idea that you can set a workflow-id as part of this profile does not make sense. These are client options only, declarative options for other things can be discussed separately.
  • CLI should defer to the Go SDK for loading/using the config/profile.


SDKs must support loading client configuration from optional profile name and optional config name. This needs to include a way to make sure that user-defaults can be set.

Possible language-specific ideas are below. Note, they are not exact and the naming is all subject to change, they are simply ideas for discussion. Many of the approaches below are based on several rewritings after seeing how they don't work in some SDKs. The overall approach is to just make client and connection options loadable from configuration without overthinking shortcuts or merging or hierarchies.

Go SDK Idea

Some decisions here are explained here even though they apply to later SDKs.

  • New separately-versioned module at
    • πŸ’­ Why not just in the SDK?
      • We have to take a TOML dependency which is not fair to put on users that don't need this functionality.
  • ClientConfig model (and sub-models like ClientConfigTLS) are the typed form of the config.
    • πŸ’­ Why ClientConfig instead of Config?
      • We may have another form of config in the future. And if we get there and need an overarching Config to hold the separate ones we can have it.
  • Function LoadClientConfig(LoadClientConfigOptions) (ClientConfig, error).
    • This is an advanced helper, most would use LoadClientOptionsFromConfig below.
  • LoadClientConfigOptions has the following:
    • ConfigFile string - Override the file to use.
    • DisableFile bool - Disable reading from file.
    • DisableEnv bool - Disable reading from env vars.
  • Function LoadClientOptionsFromConfig(string profile, LoadClientConfigOptions) (client.Options, error)
    • Create Go SDK client options from config.
    • πŸ’­ Why require profile, isn't there a default of default?
      • Yes, and maybe that's what empty string is too, but in general Go doesn't have good parameter defaults and we don't want a differently named overload just for this.
  • Function NewClientOptionsFromConfig(ClientConfig) (client.Options, error)
    • πŸ’­ Why is this needed if LoadClientOptionsFromConfig exists?
      • People need a way to provide the config to load from instead of always assuming it can be loaded.
    • πŸ’­ Why not have the config struct to use in the LoadClientConfigOptions instead?
      • It gets to be a bit of a merge game if you have a BaseConfig there, and it's a bit confusing if you have PreloadedConfig there which implies all other options don't matter.
  • πŸ’­ Why not just have the load config options on the client options and let dialing load?
    • People need to adjust options after loaded (overwrite defaults, etc).
  • πŸ’­ Why not have (*ClientConfig).LoadFromConfig helper method on the options instead?
    • The merging logic gets far too complicated to know what to overwrite and what not to. It's better to force the user to start from config and handle merging themselves if they need that.
  • Go SDK does support codec settings because it supports remote codecs.
    • If the remote codec setting is set, the data converter option will be set.
    • πŸ’­ Why not have a PayloadCodecFromConfig type of thing?
      • This is easy enough for users to do with the LoadClientOptionsFromConfig helper and the remote codec objects.
      • Most won't need it because regular LoadClientOptionsFromConfig creates it with default payload conversion. Only those that need customized payload conversion will need to create the remote codec themselves.
  • Options like grpc-meta sets header provider, API key sets credentials, etc.
    • πŸ’­ Why make a user that just wants to add a header on top of config have to use LoadConfig and do it the hard way?
      • There's no clean way to support single header adding on top of existing ones in the Go SDK today.

Simplest example:

options, err := envconfig.LoadClientOptionsFromConfig("default", LoadClientConfigOptions{})
if err != nil {
  return err
cl, err := client.Dial(options)

Java SDK Idea

  • New JAR project temporal-envconfig with package at io.temporal.envconfig.
    • πŸ’­ Why not just in the SDK?
      • We have to take a TOML dependency which is not fair to put on users that don't need this functionality.
  • New models for ClientConfig (and other things as needed).
  • New static ClientConfig.load() and ClientConfig.load(@Nullable String configFile, boolean disableFile, boolean disableEnv) that return ClientConfig.
    • ❓Any better place to put this? It's a config utility, not a service stub utility.
  • New instance ClientConfig#toWorkflowServiceStubsOptions() and static helpers like ClientConfig.loadWorkflowServiceStubsOptions() and the overload like load has.
  • Need the same for operator and cloud service stubs options.
  • Need same methods for WorkflowClientOptions.
    • Unfortunately with how Java works, there are separate client options, and they too can be in config.
    • ❓ Any alternative suggestions here? We could have some kind of shortcut to do multiple steps here.
  • ❓ Does Java have a concept of a remote codec?

Simplest example:

var stubsOptions = ClientConfig.loadWorkflowServiceStubsOptions();
var stubs = WorkflowServiceStubs.newServiceStubs(stubsOptions);
var clientOptions = ClientConfig.loadWorkflowClientOptions();
var client = WorkflowClient.newInstance(stubs, clientOptions);

TypeScript SDK Idea

  • New package and module for envconfig.
    • πŸ’­ Why not just in the SDK?
      • We have to take a TOML dependency which is not fair to put on users that don't need this functionality.
    • ❓ What about "native connection"?
      • Python and .NET and Ruby will use Rust Core to load this, so TypeScript may have to have two forms too, up to implementer.
  • Needs ClientConfig interface (and other interfaces as needed).
  • Needs loadClientConfig(options?) where the options type is { configFile?: string, disableFile?: bool, disableEnv?: bool } and it returns a ClientConfig.
  • Needs loadClientOptionsFromConfig(options?) where the optional options are either ClientConfig or { profile?: string, configFile?: string, disableFile?: bool, disableEnv?: bool } and it returns a ConnectionOptions & ClientOptions.
    • Could also have it return { connectionOptions: ConnectionOptions, clientOptions: ClientOptions } if that makes more sense than a union.
  • TypeScript SDK does not support codec settings and will error if seen in config.
    • πŸ’­ Why error?
      • Because a user with a profile configured with a codec should expect that codec to be used, not silently ignored.

Simplest example:

const options = loadClientOptionsFromConfig();
const connection = Connection.connect(options);
const client = new Client({ connection, ...options });

// Or maybe:

const { connectionOptions, clientOptions } = loadClientOptionsFromConfig();
const connection = Connection.connect(connectionOptions);
const client = new Client({ connection, ...clientOptions });

Python SDK Idea

  • temporalio.envconfig module that uses Rust Core.
    • πŸ’­ Why not pure Python TOML? At this time it was decided that the loading of the config is involved enough that we can use the Rust core (and not have a dependency). We acknowledge that pure in-language TOML could have value for saving at some later date, but this is good for now.
    • πŸ’­ Why a separate module? Every other SDK is doing it.
    • ❓ Would we rather temporalio.runtime.envconfig? Other non-Core SDKs are just putting top-level.
  • New ClientConfig dataclass (and others as needed).
  • Static method ClientConfig.load with kwarg parameters of config_file: Optional[str] = None, disable_file: bool = False, disable_env: bool = False and it returns a ClientConfig.
  • New TypedDict in client for ConnectConfig that matches all params in connect.
  • Static method ClientConfig.load_client_connect_config with positional parameter of profile: str = 'default' and kwarg parameters of config_file: Optional[str] = None, disable_file: bool = False, and disable_env: bool = False and it returns a client.ConnectConfig
    • πŸ’­ Why not call it load_client_config?
      • Because this class is a connect config and that is confusing.
  • Instance method to_client_connect_config on the ClientConfig.
  • Like TypeScript, Python SDK does not support codec settings and will error if seen in config.

Simplest example:

config = envconfig.ClientConfig.load_client_connect_config()
client = await Client.connect(**config)


  • Temporalio.EnvConfig namespace that uses Rust Core.
    • πŸ’­ Why not pure .NET TOML? At this time it was decided that the loading of the config is involved enough that we can use the Rust core (and not have a dependency). We acknowledge that pure in-language TOML could have value for saving at some later date, but this is good for now.
    • πŸ’­ Why a separate namespace? Every other SDK is doing it.
    • ❓ Would we rather Temporalio.Runtime.Envconfig namespace? Other non-Core SDKs are just putting top-level.
  • New ClientConfig record (and others as needed).
  • Static method ClientConfig.Load(string? configFile = null, bool disableFile = false, bool disableEnv = false) that returns ClientConfig.
  • Static method ClientConfig.LoadClientConnectOptions with same params.
  • Instance method on ClientConfig for ToClientConnectOptions.
  • Like TypeScript, .NET SDK does not support codec settings and will error if seen in config.

Simplest example:

var options = ClientConfig.LoadClientConnectOptions();
var client = await TemporalClient.ConnectAsync(options);


  • All samples will be updated to load from config and default to local dev server w/ default namespace.
    • In samples we try to avoid shared code. In .NET and Python, there is no default target host, and in Ruby there will not even be a default namespace. So every sample in these languages is going to have to not only have the load-from-config code, but also conditionally apply the target host as localhost:7233 if not set in external config.


  • The UI could offer, say on API key creation, the ability to download a config file for use.
    • Since we require all profiles in a single file in the default place, the downloaded file would be just including the default profile and the instructions would tell them where to place it or they could provide this config file in any client at connection option time.