Work in progress.
There are two relevant paths: /api/public and /api/private. One requires user-login in, the other does not.
General: All end-points that output time-based data accept the "now=<time>" argument, where, <time> is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. E.g:
GET /api/public/switch-state?now=2015-04-02T15:00:00
There is no guarantee that the data is exact time-wise, thus each endpoint should also output relevant time stamps.
Currently error handling sucks.
This document is in no way complete, but it's a start. It will be updated as time permits and API's stabilize.
Methods: GET Update frequency: every second or so.
Used to report time since last dhcp lease.
Methods: GET Update frequency: every second or so.
Used to report dhcp lease stats. Both recent stats, and total stats.
Methods: GET Update frequency: every second or so.
Used to report linknet latency.
The switch latency is being integrated into and linknet latency will similarly be moved.
Methods: GET Update frequency: Infrequent (on topology/config changes)
List all switches and map positions.
Used to draw switches on a map and provide static information.
Methods: GET Update frequency: Every second
Provides state for each switch, including total port speed, uplink port speed, latency and temperature.
Methods: POST
Add a comment
Methods: POST
Note that comments are never really deleted, but the state can be set to deleted, making sure they are never shown.
Methods: GET
Update frequency: on user input
Lists comments.
Methods: GET
Update frequency: Every few seconds, based on SNMP data.
Returns full SNMP-data, split into two trees. 'misc' and 'ports'.
Methods: GET
Update frequency: Infrequent (on topology/config changes)
List management information for switches.
Methods: POST
Add or update switches, supports same format as tools/
Accepts an array of switches.
Magic: If you set placement to be "reset", it will re-calculate placement based on sysname. For new switches, this is redundant as an empty placement-field will trigger the same behavior.