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The Telnyx WebRTC SDK provides all the functionality you need to start making voice calls from a browser to phone numbers or other browsers.
You'll need node v11.15.0 or later.
You'll also need a Telnyx account in order to authenticate your application. Follow our WebRTC quickstart guide to setup your account.
- React Native
Install the package with:
npm install @telnyx/webrtc --save
As long as you can import npm packages with a bundler like Webpack, you're ready to import TelnyxRTC
and begin:
import { TelnyxRTC } from '@telnyx/webrtc';
To initialize the WebRTC client, you'll need to authenticate using a Telnyx SIP Connection. Follow our quickstart guide to learn how to use our APIs to create JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) to authenticate. You can also create a Credential Connection and authenticate with its username
and password
To use the ringbackFile
, make sure the "Generate Ringback Tone" option is disabled in your Telnyx Portal connection configuration (Inbound tab.)
// Initialize the client
const client = new TelnyxRTC({
Use a JWT to authenticate (recommended)
login_token: login_token,
or use your Connection credentials
login: username,
password: password,
ringtoneFile - This file can be a wav/mp3 in your local public folder or you can host it in a CDN and pass just the URL, such as
ringtoneFile: './sounds/incoming_call.mp3',
ringbackFile - Used when you disable Generate Ringback Tone to provide your own ringback sound.
ringbackFile: './sounds/ringback_tone.mp3',
// Create a variable to track the current call
let activeCall;
// Attach event listeners
.on('', () => console.log('socket open'))
.on('telnyx.socket.close', () => {
console.log('socket closed');
.on('telnyx.socket.error', (error) => {
console.log('telnyx.socket.error', error);
.on('telnyx.ready', () => console.log('ready to call'))
.on('telnyx.error', () => console.log('error'))
// Event fired on call updates, e.g. when there's an incoming call
.on('telnyx.notification', (notification) => {
activeCall =;
switch (notification.type) {
case 'callUpdate':
// Call is over and can be removed
if ( === 'hangup' || === 'destroy'
) {
activeCall = null;
// An established and active call
if ( === 'active') {
// New calls that haven't started connecting yet
if ( === 'new') {
// Receiving an inbound call
if ( === 'ringing') {
// Call is active but on hold
if ( === 'held') {
// Connect and login
// You can disconnect when you're done
// client.disconnect();
Important: You should treat Connection credentials as sensitive data and should not hardcode credentials into your frontend web application. Check out the examples for sample React code that handles username and password by prompting the user.
To initiate a call from your application:
// You can save this call or wait for `callUpdate` and use the returned `activeCall`
const call = client.newCall({
// Destination is required and can be a phone number or SIP URI
destinationNumber: '18004377950',
callerName: 'Caller ID Name',
// Caller ID number is optional.
// You can only specify a phone number that you own and have assigned
// to your Connection in the Telnyx Portal
callerNumber: '',
audio: true,
video: false, //Used to enable/disable video
A Call has methods that can be hooked up to your UI:
// End a call
// Call states that can be toggled
// Send digits and keypresses
// Answer an incoming call
// Hangup (reject) an incoming call
// Used to set remote stream
if (mediaRef.current && call && call.remoteStream) {
mediaRef.current.srcObject = call.remoteStream;
// Used to set local and remote stream
client.remoteElement = 'remoteVideo';
client.localElement = 'localVideo';
We've included a few examples in Javascript(ES6) to help you get started.
cd examples/vanilla
open index.html
We've included a few examples in React to help you get started. This library is not limited to React and can be used with any JavaScript framework of your choosing.
cd examples/react-audio
npm run setup
npm install
npm run storybook
Configuration options for your Telnyx account are available under the Storybook Knobs.
cd examples/react-video
npm run setup
npm install
npm start
This library is written in TypeScript to define a clear API with optional typechecking benefits.
To contribute, clone this repo and install locally:
npm install
Afterwards, you're ready to make changes to files in src
To run all tests:
npm test
To generate TypeScript documentation:
npm run docs
Releases are handled by the release-it package. This is available as an npm script:
# start a release with prompts
npm run release
# pass in specific arguments
npm run release -- <type|version>
npm run release -- minor
npm run release -- major
Open a new pull request with your changes to propose a new release.