Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | [optional] | |
recordType | String | Identifies the type of the resource. | [optional] [readonly] |
phoneNumbers | List<String> | Phone numbers associated with this portout | [optional] |
authorizedName | String | Name of person authorizing the porting order | [optional] |
carrierName | String | Carrier the number will be ported out to | [optional] |
currentCarrier | String | The current carrier | [optional] |
endUserName | String | Person name or company name requesting the port | [optional] |
city | String | City or municipality of billing address | [optional] |
state | String | State, province, or similar of billing address | [optional] |
zip | String | Postal Code of billing address | [optional] |
lsr | List<URI> | The Local Service Request | [optional] |
pon | String | Port order number assigned by the carrier the number will be ported out to | [optional] |
reason | String | The reason why the order is being rejected by the user. If the order is authorized, this field can be left null | [optional] |
rejectionCode | Integer | The rejection code for one of the valid rejections to reject a port out order | [optional] |
serviceAddress | String | First line of billing address (street address) | [optional] |
focDate | String | ISO 8601 formatted Date/Time of the FOC date | [optional] |
requestedFocDate | String | ISO 8601 formatted Date/Time of the user requested FOC date | [optional] |
spid | String | New service provider spid | [optional] |
supportKey | String | A key to reference this port out request when contacting Telnyx customer support | [optional] |
status | StatusEnum | Status of portout request | [optional] |
alreadyPorted | Boolean | Is true when the number is already ported | [optional] |
userId | UUID | Identifies the user (or organization) who requested the port out | [optional] |
vendor | UUID | Telnyx partner providing network coverage | [optional] |
createdAt | String | ISO 8601 formatted date of when the portout was created | [optional] |
insertedAt | String | ISO 8601 formatted date of when the portout was created | [optional] |
updatedAt | String | ISO 8601 formatted date of when the portout was last updated | [optional] |
Name | Value |
PENDING | "pending" |
AUTHORIZED | "authorized" |
PORTED | "ported" |
REJECTED | "rejected" |
REJECTED_PENDING | "rejected-pending" |
CANCELED | "canceled" |