Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | Participant id | [optional] |
userId | String | User id | [optional] |
conferenceId | String | Conference id | [optional] |
joinedAt | OffsetDateTime | Participant join time | [optional] |
leftAt | OffsetDateTime | Participant leave time | [optional] |
destinationNumber | String | Number called by the participant to join the conference | [optional] |
originatingNumber | String | Participant origin number used in the conference call | [optional] |
callLegId | String | Telnyx UUID that identifies the conference call leg | [optional] |
callSessionId | String | Telnyx UUID that identifies with conference call session | [optional] |
callSec | Integer | Duration of the conference call in seconds | [optional] |
billedSec | Integer | Duration of the conference call for billing purposes | [optional] |
isTelnyxBillable | Boolean | Indicates whether Telnyx billing charges might be applicable | [optional] |
rate | String | Currency amount per billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost | [optional] |
rateMeasuredIn | String | Billing unit used to calculate the Telnyx billing cost | [optional] |
cost | String | Currency amount for Telnyx billing cost | [optional] |
currency | String | Telnyx account currency used to describe monetary values, including billing cost | [optional] |
recordType | String |