Name | Type | Description | Notes |
aniNumberFormat | AniNumberFormatEnum | This setting allows you to set the format with which the caller's number (ANI) is sent for inbound phone calls. | [optional] |
dnisNumberFormat | DnisNumberFormatEnum | [optional] | |
codecs | List<String> | Defines the list of codecs that Telnyx will send for inbound calls to a specific number on your portal account, in priority order. This only works when the Connection the number is assigned to uses Media Handling mode: default. OPUS and H.264 codecs are available only when using TCP or TLS transport for SIP. | [optional] |
channelLimit | Integer | When set, this will limit the total number of inbound calls to phone numbers associated with this connection. | [optional] |
generateRingbackTone | Boolean | Generate ringback tone through 183 session progress message with early media. | [optional] |
isupHeadersEnabled | Boolean | When set, inbound phone calls will receive ISUP parameters via SIP headers. (Only when available and only when using TCP or TLS transport.) | [optional] |
prackEnabled | Boolean | Enable PRACK messages as defined in RFC3262. | [optional] |
privacyZoneEnabled | Boolean | By default, Telnyx does not send caller-id information when the caller has chosen to hide this information. When this option is enabled, Telnyx will send the SIP header Privacy:id plus the caller-id information so that the receiver side can choose when to hide it. | [optional] |
sipCompactHeadersEnabled | Boolean | Defaults to true. | [optional] |
timeout1xxSecs | Integer | Time(sec) before aborting if connection is not made. | [optional] |
timeout2xxSecs | String | Time(sec) before aborting if call is unanswered (min: 1, max: 600). | [optional] |
Name | Value |
_E_164 | "+E.164" |
E_164 | "E.164" |
_E_164_NATIONAL | "+E.164-national" |
E_164_NATIONAL | "E.164-national" |
Name | Value |
_E164 | "+e164" |
E164 | "e164" |
NATIONAL | "national" |
SIP_USERNAME | "sip_username" |