Note: This document extends and overrides the GSRI Standard Contribution Guide.
There are two ways of contributing to this repository source code :
- Contribute to the mission engine (called DW) by adding features or fixing bugs
- Improve the gameplay by adding or modifying missions
The engine mainly depends on files located in the functions/
Adding new missions is easy in the DW engine. All missions are stored in missions/
. A given mission is represented by a folder containing all relevants elements for the mission to run properly. In order to be taken into account, a mission must be associated with proper metadata in DwMissions.hpp
Orion is hosted by two Arma 3 server instances : test and production. Details are avilable on our Discord server.
The test server has continuous deployment. This means that any commit merged on master
branch will provoke a mission build and deploy on the test server. The deployment operation will make the server do a full restart, using the new version of the mission file. Any previous version of the mission will be overwritten.
The production server has continuous delivery. This means our infrastructure is able to push any version to the production server automatically, but this will not happen until a human being does a manual operation. In this context, the test server behaves as a staging environment, allowing users to test the latest version before pushing changes to the production server.
In order to push changes to the production server, simply create a new Github release.
Note: prerelease versions are ignored by the action trigger.
Shortly after you created the release, a publication will run. The tag name is added to the mission briefing name. A new pbo is packed, and added to the release as binary asset. That pbo is also pushed to the production server, overwriting previous versions, and a server restart will happen.
If you need advice on contributing, you can reach for [-GSRI-] Cheitan on our Discord server.